Readings by Serge Benhayon
Serge Benhayon

Serge Benhayon
Readings for Individuals
Making love our fortress with the support of Serge Benhayon
In this testimonial Annette and Gabe share how a profound reading from Serge Benhayon radically changed the future path of their lives, and ignited the true meaning of their relationship together.
Knowing when to let go and rest
The readings of Serge Benhayon are multidimensional, timely and timeless. Nicola Lessing shares the reading she received during a heart incident that led to surgery, and how the support and wisdom of this reading is still relevant and valuable many years later.
Alan Johnston reading re Serge Benhayon
Reading re a difficult court case
Learning to observe and not absorb life
From suffering Supra Ventricular Tachycardia to a life full of vitality and free of illness, Nicola Lessing shares how she has reclaimed herself after the root cause of her problems were revealed in a Reading by Serge Benhayon.
Exhaustion and chronic fatigue
Exhaustion was Lucy’s day-to-day routine, her definition of normal, she was heading towards chronic fatigue. Then a simple reading from Serge Benhayon gave Lucy an opportunity to see her normal was definitely not normal, that there was another way.
Infertility and appreciating the true woman
Mariette Reineke shares her experience with infertility and coming to appreciate the loveliness of the woman she truly is, as inspired by a Reading from Serge Benhayon
Discovering true relationship
How many of us truly know how a loving relationship works? Honeymoon, romance and passion don´t seem to do it. So why not try tenderness, honesty and being real?
Back pain and teenage torment
Discovering the pain and trauma of torment that underlays the back pain
How Serge Benhayon supported me to develop my business
Listening to what Serge shared with me over all the critical decisions and at all the critical stages of the development of my insurance business
Finding the truth in accountancy
On Boxing Day 2002 I was presented with a reading by Serge Benhayon, and the depth of it is still unfolding for me today.