Music – much more than meets the ear

Music – much more than meets the ear
"It’s time we understood that we eat music in very similar fashion as we eat food or drink water. Hence, do not be fooled by what tastes good in your ears, for it may have a very different effect on your inside."
Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume II, ed 1, p 317
We are releasing this revelatory audio on International Music Day which was established to “promote global harmony through music” which prompts us to ask:
- could some music contain more harm than harmony?
- and, can there be harm in music that sound harmonious to your ears?
You will find some fascinating and important answers to these questions and more in the audio below.
Music – much more than meets the ear
When we listen to music from our heart it tells us far more than our ears are able to hear.
"We absorb into our bodies far more through our ears and eyes than we do from our mouth. Put simply – when you listen to music, you do not just get the music you are hearing, but the entire lifestyle of each of the artists along with the real sentiments and or unresolved issues that energetically carry into their music or lyrics as this energy carries into all that we do. All of this then enters your body and, it has an influential effect."
Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume II, ed 1, p 21
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