Sleep is absolutely crucial to the quality of our lives. However 50 to 70 million people in the United States experience chronic sleep issues, and one in every three adults report insufficient sleep or rest every day.* It should be the simplest thing, to fall into deep and restful sleep every night. . . yet the statistics quoted above reveal what so many of us know, that a deep and restful eludes a significant and increasing number of us.
This sphere explores sleep deficiency and poor quality, interrupted sleep from the perspective of how we live our full and complete day. It introduces (more correctly said, re-acquaints) us with the cycles of life, and the natural rhythm of night and day that is innate to the planet and our bodies, yet has somehow been forgotten or neglected in chaotic stream of modern existence.
It reveals that we have been robbed of our natural way in life, and that this way can be restored with the application of simple, nurturing principles that are deeply harmonious to our body and our being. Should we start to apply them, we may discover truths far deeper than current science has allowed us to perceive, about what sleep is and its purpose in our life:
"‘It would be very wise to consider sleep as part of the body’s nourishment with regard to its role in our evolutionary process rather than just assign to the act of sleep a must do in order to have enough get-up-and-go for the next day.’"
Serge Benhayon Teachings & Revelations for The Livingness, Volume III. 1st edition 2019. Page 65
Allow yourself to be inspired to explore, through your own experience, the richness that is on offer when we do not just sleep to get through to the next day, but lay ourselves down in the possibility of receiving deep nourishment of a quality in life we have been denied for too long.
*What are sleep deprivation and deficiency? (2022) National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. Available at: (Accessed: 20 February 2025).