Natalie Benhayon Biography

Natalie Benhayon Biography
Natalie Benhayon is a young woman who embodies the knowing that all people can accomplish anything they put their heart and body to. Unlike most people, Natalie is not bound by or restricted to what her to-date qualifications, credentials or experience may be before undertaking a project. She relates to all life and people to sense what would be of true good for all, considers how to achieve it, gathers needed resources and makes it happen. Natalie’s strength and confidence that she is renowned for comes from the way she lives – her established rhythms in life. Building a close connection with herself, she has learned to meticulously discern her needs and lives in a way that supports them.
Natalie knows and presents internationally on the fact that, everyone who chooses to live by a true rhythm in their life that is based on self-care, love and connection to who they truly are with an openness to all, can have access to dimensions beyond the self that can support us in all aspects of life. Through her own dedication to such a living way Natalie has been prolific in her endeavours which to-date include:
- Chief Editor of The Women In Livingness Magazine (published in English and German)
- Complementary Healing Practitioner
- International Presenter of ‘The Livingness’
- Founder of The Our Cycles App and Full Moon Diary
- Narrowcast TV presenter
- Founder and Director of Esoteric Women’s Health
- Founder and Choreographer of Sacred Movement
- Director of The College of Universal Medicine ‘A Charitable Institute’
- Set up of The Esoteric Developers Group
- Establishment of Universal Kids and Universal Teenagers.
Director of Esoteric Practitioners Association (EPA) [*]
- A specialist in interpreting dreams running a global eDreams advisory business
Natalie was born in Sydney, Australia in 1989 and throughout her early childhood endured a heart murmur condition and acute asthma that was life threatening. Through medical intervention and a deep love and support by her family, she later healed these conditions and they have not had any impeding effect on her health or commitment to life. Natalie is the younger sister to Simone and an older sister to brothers Michael and Curtis; relationships which she cherishes dearly, supporting her character and open nature with all who she meets.
At school she was somewhat a typical student, excelling at sport, namely in soccer and achieved excellent academic results with a natural confidence in whatever she applied herself to. Whilst she went through the so-called 'normal' rebellious and mischievous stages following her parents separation, she never succumbed to peer experimentation with substance abuse. "Running away from my true potential" is how Natalie simply summarises this period: "Clearly I have a lot to offer and a part of me always knew that, but wasn't quite ready to bring it". Natalie's sense to steer clear from substance abuse that is usually a prolific if not an accepted norm in this phase of life, arose from a deeper sense of not wanting to lose connection with herself, which was supported by her upbringing and the values instilled within her family.
As she matured through her teenage years, she was often found to be counselling her friends. Her evolution from the norm began when she was 15 and was offered the choice to attend her first of many Livingness Workshops and through those Teachings, she chose to become a student of the Ageless Wisdom and the associated healing modalities.
Natalie left school at the end of Year 11 to pursue her passion for architecture and became a junior drafts person in an engineering firm. Whilst working full time, Natalie attended and began presenting at Universal Medicine Workshops. In 2010 after five years service, she left the Engineering business and commenced as a qualified practitioner at the Universal Medicine Clinic in Goonellabah and soon after had a long waiting list of clients.
In the years following, Natalie launched in quick succession the impressive array of projects listed above. She works an average eighteen-hour day on all of these projects, moving bi-annually between Europe and Australia with a dedication and work ethic unparalleled. In addition to this Natalie is playful, cheeky and lives life joyfully and lovingly. She expresses all that it is to be fully a woman in today’s society. The love she shares for herself and others, combined with her authority and wisdom, has resulted in people of all ages seeking her counsel.
Listen to Women Unedited's Cassie Clouser interviewing Natalie about her endeavours and much more.