From denying smoking to giving up smoking without trying
As an adult, I came to learn the truth about smoking cigarettes and ended up giving up smoking without trying.
The systemic abuse of men
The systemic abuse of men is common and more prevalent than we may realise. It is time for this abuse to be exposed and revealed for what it is so we can begin to live another way, a true way, that supports men and boys to live free of this abuse.
The identification of dealing drugs
Growing up, drugs were never really spoken about; they were considered bad and for those who did not achieve much in life. Yet among my extended family, drug use was commonplace.
The Universal Medicine New Year's Message for 2018
As is customary here the 2018 New Year's Message by Serge Benhayon.
WARNING – Words could be damaging your health!
What if good is not good and better was bad? Suppose normal is harmful? What is truly good and what is truly healthy?
Suicide in Healthcare – a personal problem or systemic failure?
One look at the suicide statistics for doctors reveals that something is seriously amiss in the state of being of our healthcare providers.
Clairsentience – our ancient birthright for everyday life
Move over energy drinks and get the real deal – clairsentience
Losing ourselves in the effects of music
“Mourning over tragedies that are not our own.” Oscar Wilde’s ages-old insight into our relationship with music. How can we know the effect music is actually having on us? Do we ever stop to question it?
Self-Care: the key to success in University
There is much more to academic success than top marks.
Learning to breathe again – thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine
Zoe suffered for years with asthma, chronic sinusitis and hay fever. All that began to change when she began attending presentations by Serge Benhayon.
Championing the myth of living longer
People are living longer. Do we consider how they are living and what quality of life they have in their final decades? Is it truly living if we are medicated, drugged and artificially sustaining life in a body that is carrying so much illness and disease?
The Way of Initiation The Development of Energetic Awareness
Numerous influential, old and modern day philosophers and scientists have been seeking to find answers to evolution of the human kind…It took One man to meticulously lay it ALL out for us in this stellar read.
Flaws in the system are killing young doctors
The media has reported a high incidence of stress and burnout amongst our young doctors, resulting in some taking their own lives. Could the demands of the current medical system be contributing to this tragedy?
The spirit and the Soul – what's their relevance to health?
Plato said, “This is the great error of our day that in the treatment of the human being, the physicians separate the soul from the body.” Is this as relevant today as it was then?
Gender based violence – where does it begin? Do we really want to know?
What is a man of true quality? If violence has no true value then there cannot be any truth in making violence a core characteristic of predominant masculine identities.
Brainwashing, supply and demand
Our Audio of the Month for November 2017 presents how through scientific evidence it has been proven there is no such thing as brainwashing – so what is really going on when we use that term?
How to listen to your body
Our body is constantly communicating with you, but are you listening or do you have your fingers in your ears? Listening to your body is really very simple . . .
The sexualisation of the young – learning a Social Script through pornography and the rise of new sexual and reproductive health issues
Do you think porn is ‘in’ and a modern way to learn about sex? Just have a look at the new sexual and reproductive health issues and you will see a subscription to abuse and violence.
Parenting and Self-Care – Crashing the ‘Helicopter Parenting’ myth
Falling for the ‘helicopter parenting’ ideal. Have you become a slave to your children?
Zoochosis – a very human condition
Zoochosis doesn’t just affect captive animals. What if this man-made disease stemmed from our own captive distress?