The childbirth journey: From poor mental health to enjoying fatherhood
Mental health problems are becoming increasingly common amongst men in the perinatal period. What are some of the factors that add pressure on new fathers, and how can things be turned around?
My experience with Serge Benhayon
‘What kind of role model was I really following?’ Read Inma Lorente’s experience of finding the most inspiring role model of her life.
The loss of women’s voices in the abortion debate
Women have struggled for years to have meaningful participation in discussions regarding the provision of accessible, safe contraception and abortion services. So, what are we missing here and what will support change?
Men and abuse – let’s have the conversation
Men have had a long history of being associated with abuse, but can we have a mature conversation about why this might be and how we might be able to change it?
Recalibrating women’s rights and female empowerment through love
Imagine if we regularly produced a health and wellbeing report on society. Would we see progress in terms of achieving greater gender balance and improvement in women’s rights and empowerment – or do we need to broaden the way we look at these subjects before we experience true change?
Who are the true female role models?
Are we swept along by our role models, or have we stopped to consider what makes a role model in the first place?
Restaurants, spiked food and food industry manipulation
What mankind is eating is a disaster; we are doped up on dopamine and controlled by an errant food and restaurant industry.
Apparently I have cancer
I have been diagnosed with cancer, but most days I forget I have such a diagnosis because I feel so much vitality in my body, and life for me just goes on as if I do not have a terminal disease.
Giving up – The why behind it all
Why do we often feel given up on life? This article explores some reasons why many of us want to give up.
Exercising to lose weight – a personal story
Anne discovered that she could keep her weight down with excessive exercise, but at what cost to her body?
Millions of dollars and still no cure for cancer
Millions of dollars and many decades of research have gone into finding a cure for cancer and yet we still have no answers, no solutions and no way of preventing this dreadful disease.
Coffee snob no more
From drinking 15 cups of coffee a day to understanding that the issue was not the coffee but my lifestyle.
Evolution – a revolution in the way we see it
We have been raised to think of evolution as a straight line... we are born, we grow up, we live and die... but is this the truth? Or is it a process in which growth and development is unfolded out, from within, in a gradual way.
Smoking… hot? Not!
Smoking cigarettes is not smoking hot. Well it is in the sense that the end that is on fire will burn you if you touch it, but it is so not hot in the sense of it being sexy, or glamorous, or desirable.
How stimulants keep us away from feeling amazing all of the time
Do stimulants give us energy? Find out what stimulants, like sugar, coffee, alcohol, etc. really do to our body.
‘Wasted’ is a term we would use when we got stoned. We could sit around for hours smoking pot and doing nothing. ‘Wasted’ couldn’t be a better word to use.
Good real estate… It’s hard to find
Our human real estate – our body – is depreciating, with no end in sight to this cycle. When and how will this cycle turn around?
So, you want to be a man?
Growing up as men we have many choices to make about what sort of ‘man’ we want to be. Who will be our role models and what sort of effect will they have on our lives?
Leave the stuffing for the Christmas turkey
Do our overindulgent ways of celebrating really bring us closer together with family and friends, or keep us separated from each other under a cloud of foods and material objects?
Fat Attack: shaming obesity does not work
When we attack fat by shaming obesity, we call it ‘bad’ instead of seeing it as the result of the emptiness, sadness and disconnection that it truly is. No diet or willpower can fix obesity – reconnection to the beauty within is the key.