6 things all men need to know about exhaustion and fatigue
Exhaustion and fatigue can deeply affect the way men live – here are 6 tips to combat it. It is okay to seek help and/or professional medical advice when you are feeling excessively tired or fatigued.
Is disease just physical?
Have you ever wondered whether there was more to disease than just your physical body? Read on to find out.
Is your yoga practice leaving you empty?
How is it that we can keep our body active in a yoga practice yet find our focus drawn to ‘what is wrong’ rather than enjoy a nurturing enrichment from our movements?
Being a woman and our cycles
As women we’re naturally attuned to cycles. But do we live this naturalness?
Full circle to the truth
The first time I was introduced to anything spiritual was when we visited my great aunt’s place when I was nine years old. She was renowned in the town where they lived for reading the cards and being very accurate in her foretelling.
Your source of energy as a key to diet and weight loss
Do we choose the source of energy we are choosing to run our body? What if this energy source was the key to weight loss?
Healing sound and music therapy – What makes sound healing?
If healing sound is not confined to musical styles, from where does the ‘healing quality’ in music originate? In every moment we have the potential to offer healing with sound and music: this is great in theory but what principles apply and how can we put this into practice?
Apparently I have cancer
I have been diagnosed with cancer, but most days I forget I have such a diagnosis because I feel so much vitality in my body, and life for me just goes on as if I do not have a terminal disease.
Hangovers from food – is that even possible?
Just like alcohol, can we get a hangover from food?
Being a super hero in the war zone we call relationships
Is being a Super Hero a wishful dream or could we be the heroes of our everyday lives through living true relationship? And what is our real foe?
Serge Benhayon: The truth of who we are
We are born from truth – so why do we as humans resist it so much?
Living yoga rather than doing yoga
From India to inside, it is possible to connect to the quality of stillness within. A personal account of coming to Union/Yoga without any difficult yoga postures
An Esoteric Yoga session: simplicity and union
With no strenuous postures, asanas or movements, an Esoteric Yoga class or session presents the simplicity of union – body and being as one – for the living of our everyday lives.
The new era in public health
We have come to rely on our health system to help fix, even cure our ailments, but will the system be able to keep up with the demands we are placing on it?
Self-love vs self-loathing
Reconnecting to self-love is how to break the cycle of hating your body.
Mindfulness: the good and the bad
Mindfulness is the new buzzword and technique for health and wellbeing but is it really as good as the reports say? Is there more to our quality of life than being able to control and focus our mind?
Before and after: Sandra Schneider, on uncovering her true beauty
Sandra Schneider’s inspiring story of how she went from feeling unhappy and overweight, to being slim and feeling great.
Loving work til the end
Is retirement actually good for our body? What if work was the best medicine for our body til the end?
Grand Designs Part 1 – The shape I am
When your body’s shape looks strange, it’s easy to feel like there is something wrong with you. Read how one man’s life was transformed by reconnecting to The Ageless Wisdom.
Walking with conscious presence
When we are present with our movements, we are developing a connection with ourselves that supports our state of being such that mental and emotional states such as anxiousness, stress or depression cannot so easily take hold.