OCD or the real me
When I was eleven a lot was going on in my life including serious illness in my family, and I also started senior school. Soon after I started compulsively washing my hands in every break, for the whole break.
Women’s health: let’s talk more about our monthly period and endometriosis! – part 1
Women worldwide are struggling with period problems, endometriosis and other chronic persistent pelvic pain conditions. Yet these conditions have proven elusive when it comes to treatment which suggests we are not truly understanding the underlying nature of what is going on.
The healing in being sick
When we’re sick, do we take advantage of the greater and true opportunity that being sick provides; or do we see it as a total nuisance, annoyingly becoming an unwanted disturbance to the normal day-to-day activities of our life?
Looking for love in all the wrong places: before and after casual sex
From a very young age all I wanted when I grew up was to find love, be married and have six sons. But through a series of events, that dream was shattered and I started looking for love in all the wrong places.
Drinking alcohol & my lack of self-worth
I can remember my last hangover like it was yesterday… My last hangover felt exactly the same as my first hangover, yet I drank consistently for 19 years.
My weight loss plan: nothing to do with dieting!
My weight loss plan: nothing to do with dieting … losing weight is not just about food and diets, addressing our hurts can impact our weight!
Do wild animals have an obesity problem?
How is it that wild animals have no weight issues, yet human beings are suffering? Have we lost our connection to the true role food plays in our lives?
Stuck in the entertainment loop? How can we start to change the quality of our thoughts?
Do you have a constant array of thoughts in your head like a TV you can’t switch off? How can we start to change the quality of our thoughts and as such, change our lives.
Arthritis – more than physio, painkillers and joint replacements?
There is much that we can do to help treat and heal our arthritis …
Goodbye hardness – Hello spaciousness
How Esoteric Massage has supported this professional acrobat and fitness professional, letting go of the hardness and tightness in her body, returning to a spacious, graceful body as the delicate woman she is today.
10 things the diet industry don’t want you to know
The diet industry knows its products fail, yet sells an image of a thinner happier life. It is a false sell. The way we look at our bodies as fat is a body image issue, not a fat issue. We have a giving-up crisis, not an obesity crisis.
The 6 best ways to lose weight authentically (hint: it doesn’t involve fad diets or gym memberships)
I recently lost nearly 15 kilos. Although really I didn’t lose anything at all – I gained my shape back. It wasn’t with a celebrity diet or with a punishing gym schedule.
Is the answer to our health right under our nose?
Could the way we live be our medicine? This article explores the possibility that this could be true, and shows us a way forward, a way to live.
Using the Gentle Breath Meditation® to develop conscious presence
With the Gentle Breath Meditation® it is possible to develop a deeper connection to and understanding of our body and how we live, whilst asking our mind and body to be together in the process.
Quick solutions and instant weight loss: looking for the magic pill?
We are looking for quick solutions, the instant weight loss, instant belly-fat removal without surgery, an instant solution – but does this really work?
Who said it was the normal to retire?
What is the impact of retirement on our body? And on society?
No baby is born abusive!
The beginning is a very good place to start when we have a problem or an issue that needs attention, and the rise of the many abhorrent forms of abuse in the world is definitely one such issue that needs urgent attention.
Exercise – it’s all in the movement
How much do we enjoy our exercise? Do we see it as a chore or is it something we actually look forward to every day?
Despite the billions spent in pharmaceuticals, technology and healthcare, illness and disease continues to rise – so what is going on and what does that mean for all of us?
The suicide rate in older women: a real women’s health issue
What if the rate of suicide in older women was not a symptom of the ‘ageing’ process per se, but rather was far more multifaceted in terms of contributing factors?