Serge Benhayon – Man of Medicine
There is more to medicine than pills and potions – it is fundamentally about the ‘art of healing.’ Find out why a surgeon considers Serge Benhayon to be a true Man of Medicine.
The Universal Medicine New Year's Message for 2013
This New Year’s message begins under the auguries of Esoteric Numerology to help further unfold the fact and importance of the new era we have commenced. Read on ...
Why we love to walk
This article explores the many possibilities of why we love to walk and what is at the very heart of it.
What is exercising in connection?
Exercising in connection and in tune with ourself, our feelings and our body can result in a completely different experience of exercise. What is exercising in connection and how do you get started?
Self-loathing is intense hatred directed at ourselves, often focused on how we look, or how we think we should look. When we stop believing all the things that are wrong with us, we may find a way to connect to the beautiful preciousness we innately are.
The magic of practicality
Have you ever known what’s best for you and then done the opposite? Is there a way of living that honours the intelligence of the human body?
Sticks & stones…words will never hurt me
Bullying, verbal banter and verbal abuse is something that as men we experience frequently from young and yet it is rarely spoken about. In fact it is considered a rite of passage and normal male behaviour.
Self-care – does it support us when we are sick?
Are we missing the point of illness when we try to get well? Are we missing a golden opportunity through the wisdom of our body?
Esoteric Yoga – an invitation to Stillness
What if coming home to oneself and the inner stillness connected to through Esoteric Yoga has supportive consequences for how we feel on all levels; physical, mental and emotional?
The demand for food is in our hands.
Food might be one of the most common topics of conversation, but we are the ones calling the shots – food supply is based on our demands.
The quality of movement and its ripple effect
What is in our quality of movement, and how does it have an effect on our own bodies, the space and the people around us? Discover what happens when we bring connection back to our body.
Sacred movement
Are we willing to consider that how we live and move can pollute our body in a way equally as huge as the impact of fossil fuels, chemicals or urban build up?
Dining with the stars
How aware are we of the energy that runs us when we eat and how it then impacts on our wellbeing? What does it mean to eat in connection with Soul?
A stop light moment
How often do you stop to feel how much tension you are holding in your body? Could these stop moments support us to let go of worrying thoughts?
Self-care: The bridge back to Universal Love
We think of self-care as something we need to do, so that our human body can function better. There is a basic truth to this, but what if self-care is just not an end in itself but a doorway, a bridge back to the magnificence of who we truly are, to Universal Love?
The Serge Benhayon prophecy of sleep and repose
We spend a third or more of our human life in sleep. Our true depth of productivity can never be fulfilled because we have not understood the truth of waking and sleeping as a cycle of motion and repose.
The childbirth journey: From poor mental health to enjoying fatherhood
Mental health problems are becoming increasingly common amongst men in the perinatal period. What are some of the factors that add pressure on new fathers, and how can things be turned around?
Women’s health: let’s talk more about our monthly period and endometriosis! – part 2
Women’s monthly period and any associated period and other reproductive problems are accepted as part of the menstrual cycle with little consideration given to why so many women struggle with this aspect of their health and wellbeing.
Sleep – our daily medicine
Sleep is something that many of us struggle with, and this struggle can affect our whole day, indeed our whole life. But which comes first – the struggle, or the way we treat our sleep?
Men and abuse – let’s have the conversation
Men have had a long history of being associated with abuse, but can we have a mature conversation about why this might be and how we might be able to change it?