Girls mistake budding breasts for cancerous lumps… what is going on?
Research shows that 30% of girls are worrying that the normal development and budding of their breasts could be cancerous lumps. Why?
Carers need self-care too
The first person that you need to take the time to care for . . . is you. One woman shares her experience of how important it is for carers to self-care first.
Alcohol abuse – a 360° turnaround
How do we go from being repulsed by alcohol as a child, then addicted in our late teens, to then having no attraction to alcohol later in life?
Let food be thy medicine – outdated quote or ageless wisdom?
How powerful are our food choices in influencing the health of our bodies?
The reaction diet (and how to change it)
Does altering our diet in reaction to the food practices of the food industry or to the world around us truly support and nourish a vital body and mind?
It is low fat so I can eat twice as much – the slippery low fat slope
Are you caught in the trap of overeating because it’s low fat?
Having a breast scan – what is it like?
Clinically, having a breast scan is a straightforward exercise but all those breasts are attached to women and the many lives they are part of, so what it is really like?
The importance of breathing
The way we breathe affects our health and even the way we feel. Read more to find out about the benefits of breathing and how to breathe to feel relaxed and reduce stress
Losing weight on my self-love program
A personal story of losing weight almost as a side product of the deep healing and self-acceptance from a self-love program.
Is it only food that we are eating?
Read more on the food bomb revelation of what is truly going on in the body when you choose to eat the foods you do.
The simplicity of my day to day life
From domestic violence and partying and playing sport to now living simply from day to day and committing to life.
What’s in a tune?
For professional musician Catherine Wood the concept of energetic truth in music was just too fascinating. ‘There was a whole lot more to music than I had realised’ she shares.
The Way It Is … a truly educational book
A testimonial by Rachel Andras on The Way It Is by Serge Benhayon
A Neater Way of Cooking
A Neater Way of Cooking, as presented by the author.
Have we crucified the butterfly? The war between science and religion
What happens to the light of truth when religion and science declare war on each other?
What do you mean, do I have a relationship with my breasts?
What does it mean for a woman to have a relationship with her own breasts, and why would she want one? In a world where Breast Cancer rates continue to increase, is it time to consider a new way of breast care?
The unveiling of the true woman within
Desiree shares her development from complete desolation and disconnection back to the beautiful unfolding reflection of her true tender self.
Too beautiful for ice-cream
We often reach for food when tired, hungry or looking for a reward. Do we ever stop and wonder what we are nourishing? What if we are too beautiful for ice-cream?
Learning to lose weight by making more loving choices
Denise describes how she dieted most of her life and her weight went up and down constantly. It was not until she started to make more loving choices by listening to her body that she stopped dieting and her weight stabilised
The cervix – so much more than biology!
Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers for women, overshadowing at times the profound role of the cervix in a woman’s body beyond disease. The cervix plays a pivotal part in a woman’s awareness and wellbeing.