The Way It Is … a truly educational book
A testimonial by Rachel Andras on The Way It Is by Serge Benhayon
A Neater Way of Cooking
A Neater Way of Cooking, as presented by the author.
Have we crucified the butterfly? The war between science and religion
What happens to the light of truth when religion and science declare war on each other?
What do you mean, do I have a relationship with my breasts?
What does it mean for a woman to have a relationship with her own breasts, and why would she want one? In a world where Breast Cancer rates continue to increase, is it time to consider a new way of breast care?
The unveiling of the true woman within
Desiree shares her development from complete desolation and disconnection back to the beautiful unfolding reflection of her true tender self.
Too beautiful for ice-cream
We often reach for food when tired, hungry or looking for a reward. Do we ever stop and wonder what we are nourishing? What if we are too beautiful for ice-cream?
Learning to lose weight by making more loving choices
Denise describes how she dieted most of her life and her weight went up and down constantly. It was not until she started to make more loving choices by listening to her body that she stopped dieting and her weight stabilised
The cervix – so much more than biology!
Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers for women, overshadowing at times the profound role of the cervix in a woman’s body beyond disease. The cervix plays a pivotal part in a woman’s awareness and wellbeing.
Pain during sex – what might this be telling you?
This article discusses painful sex – being a common but not openly discussed problem for many women. There is information available on ‘coping mechanisms’, but what might be the root cause of pain during sex? Is pain during sex something to deny, or ‘cope’ with or instead a call to stop, review and develop a more honest and trusting way of being with our partners, shedding light on how we ‘make love’.
What’s all the fuss about self-care?
In this article we reveal the true meaning of self-care, and how it is the missing ingredient in the search for health and wellbeing.
Menopause: recognising our inner beauty as women
Menopause and post menopause is a time of psychological and physical change but it doesn’t have to be all downhill from there – recognising our inner beauty can be transformative.
Frequently asked questions
Here you will find answers and interesting points to many common questions asked about Sacred Esoteric Healing.
How much do you truly know about your cycles?
An overview on how women’s natural cycle can be supportive in strengthening their connection and awareness with their self and environment.
I’m a practitioner – am I a fraud if I cry?
This article exposes the way mental health professionals are supposed to be perfect in their role as a therapist, so much so, that there is a belief that if they feel their emotions, cry, have a break down, then they are a fraud.
Justified and Ancient: unearthing the roots of human insecurity
We live in a highly manipulated, insecure world, where justification of who and what we are is mandatory and normalised.
International Women’s Day 2022 – What bias is there to break?
This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #BreakTheBias. But what does this truly mean and what bias is there to break?
Why do we eat what we eat?
What we eat, and why and when we eat, has another dimension than what is presented in the cooking shows and enticing packaging in the supermarket aisle.
Sex, love and married life
I was a shy child and never really felt like I connected to anyone growing up, so it was a surprise, or maybe I should call it a relief, that a man would take an interest in me at the age of 19.
Is it really self-care?
Self-care is usually viewed as an opportunity to pamper or console ourselves every now and then, but why aren’t the effects lasting?
Do we really need 57 varieties?
Why are there so many varieties of the same food available in our stores, and what does that mean about why we eat what we eat?