Learning to express our feelings - part 2
Part 2 of this article presents simple steps to reconnect to our ability to feel. Being in touch with what we feel lays a foundation for communicating confidently, openly and respectfully.
How Sacred Esoteric Healing helped support me through breast cancer
How Sacred Esoteric Healing supported Lee-Ann through her medical treatment of breast cancer.
Self-care at work makes sense, why is it not common practice?
No one at work ever tells us NOT to take care of ourselves at work, and, we all know that it is needed. Why then is self-care not consistently practiced in workplaces?
Discover the joy of Harmony, the harm of disharmony and more!
Our Living Way: The Cycle of Life and Death and Reincarnation
Our existence is commonly narrowed down to being only about the human life cycle. What if that represents only a small fraction of what is going on within a much larger context?
The perfectionism monster
The common depiction of a woman is someone who can meet the wants and needs of everyone around her with perfection. But do such superwomen actually exist – or are we missing a key part of what makes up the whole woman?
Just the way I am
Have you ever considered that your personality traits and behaviours may not be who you actually are? Is all that we have accepted as us ‘normal’ or is there a whole other fullness and richness to life.
Consciousness; breaking the human paradigm
Ever wondered what consciousness is, how we interact with it and its purpose? Could we be seeking an explanation of consciousness in all the wrong places and if so, why? And what if human consciousness is not human at all?
Understanding our food choices
This is a personal account of how our food choices can deliberately sabotage our joy and wellbeing.
Breath – breathing a rhythm that is true
Our breath is intrinsically connected to the way we experience life. What is it to breathe in a rhythm that is true?
Recording music… Letting go of recognition, perfection and stepping into the YES
We have made the production of idealised sounds more important than the voice of our inner-most beingness. What does it mean to be honest, raw and say YES to the true essence of our voice?
The self-neglect in self-care
Self-care is NOT just personal care or the pampering you see as the ‘fluff’ promoted in many women’s magazines.
Shopping in the humble backyard
Vast tracts of land grow drugs or spew contaminants into the atmosphere, yet the humble backyard lies dormant, at the ready to feed us the kind of quality food no big business can.
A mirror’s reflection
I realised that sitting for up to an hour in front of myself while at the hairdresser created a feeling of unease and real discomfort. I simply could not face my own reflection.
How many of us truly know and live the sacredness we all innately are? Find out more about sacredness and how to reconnect to and live it in our everyday lives.
The face of Sacredness
There is nothing more beautiful, divinely authoritative, and rich as a woman in her Sacredness, she is a leading light in every way. And every woman holds this essence in spades.
Finding my way out of mental illness
I saw the world as a harsh scary place where you had to be tough in order to survive, and I didn’t see how gentleness could help me survive it.
A move away from distraction
Have you ever had the experience of setting out from home to go to work only to arrive and realise that you aren’t even sure how you got there?
Anxiety and a ‘good’ life
I used to be very anxious. As a young woman I tried to be a ‘good’ person and live a ‘good’ life, taking on certain behaviours that I now see were my attempts to cope with anxious thoughts and feelings.
The new genetics and Science of Divine Religion
Why is one person so uniquely different from another? Whatever has originated the extra-human that separates one person from another, it is cunningly intelligent.