Everything in moderation – how we fake being alright
Everything in moderation, what is that? A ‘truth’ we live by or a cunning deception to shut down our awareness?
Finding out I am a sensitive guy through Sacred Esoteric Healing
Men compromise their true qualities in order to fit in with what society expects them to be. Can Esoteric Healing support them to reveal and let go of the beliefs about themselves that are not true?
Shakespeare’s Richard III and The Winter of Our Discontent – a new take
Glorious summer or an insatiable winter of discontent – what will we choose? What made Shakespeare’s King Richard III a best seller of its time and still the most performed play in the 21st century?
Retroverted uterus – living life backwards
With retroverted uterus, ovarian cysts and endometriosis on the rise, can such issues with our female parts reflect which direction we are ‘living life’ as women?
Food Porn
Food Porn manipulates consumers on levels we’d be shocked at.
Foods, cells, insulin and sugar
Do you really understand sugar and insulin? If you did, would you truly call sugar food?
The fall of ‘quality’, the rise of a Quality
Quality as a sense is disappearing all around us. The diminishment of excellence or distinctiveness is just a starting point. Serge Benhayon never needs a capital ‘Q’ to announce quality and equality – he lives it.
Active Ageing – your health in your hands
Healthy ageing is Active Ageing, exploring what it means to age well. As an older adult if you are concerned about falling and want to stay well as you get older, read on to hear what you can do to support yourself to live a healthy, fulfilling later life.
My experience of the Esoteric Breast Massage
Beverley shares her experience with the Esoteric Breast Massage modality, moving though any judgment and questioning of the modality to experiencing a treatment that has deeply supported her return to a truer expression of the woman that she is.
Coffee, cake and charities?
This article exposes the wilful blindness of some charities that seek to raise money, whilst living a life of neglect and lack of self-care.
Hermes Trismegistus
Hermes Trismegistus’ – known as father of the greatest philosophies and religions on earth and the ‘master of masters’ – sole purpose was to accelerate the re-awakening of humanity to the truth of their divinity – ‘If then you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is known by like.’ Hermes.
Knowing when to let go and rest
The readings of Serge Benhayon are multidimensional, timely and timeless. Nicola Lessing shares the reading she received during a heart incident that led to surgery, and how the support and wisdom of this reading is still relevant and valuable many years later.
Esoteric Yoga – yoga for our world today
For many in our world today, stress and anxiety are commonplace. We have lost the ability to be still and know what this is. Esoteric Yoga is a modality that returns us to the divine quality of stillness within.
What if stillness is actually our natural state of being? A quality we can remain in touch with, through the activity of our lives, enriching our experience of life, of joy and … simply being ourselves.
What is Medicine?
Is there more to Medicine than how we currently perceive it?
A skin rash tells its story
What if a skin rash could tell its story of what it’s like being a rash all over its host – that is, a human body? Joan Calder offers us this tantalising article and insight into how she overcame a painful skin rash and what she learnt along the way about herself.
The ‘Self-Care ABC’
The ‘self-care ABC’s can be used anytime, anywhere to bring awareness and focus back to your body, making it a great tool for self-care.
Modelling sex in the fashion industry to being truly sexy
This personal story of an experienced model in the haute couture fashion industry tells how the sexualisation of women of all ages by the media affected her own body image. Coaxed to portray a sexualized image from an early age she finally discovers her true sexiness.
Going sugar free and why we crave sugar
Discover how Jacqueline used sugar as an ‘artificial sweetener’ in her life and found her way back to her own natural sweetness. Are you using sugar as life’s artificial sweetener?
We use medicine but don’t live it
We rely on the medical system to fix us, but what is our role in our own health? Are there ways to take more care for ourselves to support our own healing?