The teachings and tools for a true relationship
I understood that the massive falling in love I experienced at the start of a relationship was not love at all, but what we call attraction.
The Yoga of Stillness and the factor of time
The Yoga of Stillness offers space way beyond the daily experienced constraints of man-made time. It is a space that offers us to explore and be at ease with that which is greater than us but is also us.
Our essence – sugar laced or Soulful?
How do we really feel when we eat a delicious dessert? Read on to explore the not so healthy ill-effects that eating sugar can have on our body, being and soul.
Beauty – do you fit the image?
The fashion of body shape is taking the world by storm, but is this really the measure of our beauty?
What if we lived every day as Mother’s Day?
We as mothers may wait for Mother’s Day and the acknowledgement from others of all that we do for everyone else, every day of the year, but what are we waiting for?
The bully
If a bully wins a fight and controls people by fear, what kind of world is it we live in? From school yard bullying to global corruption, what happens when we let ill-energy run our lives?
Putting the ‘Super’ in Superwoman…
What is the point of being ‘superwoman’ if at the end of the day you feel isolated and lacking connection? Viktoria shares how the beauty of inspiration can truly transform lives.
Food glorious food
Awash with food outlets, TV cooking shows, TV chefs and their latest recipe books, should we be healthier and eating better than ever?
Fitness and fat
We can develop a different kind of fitness that has nothing to do with going to the gym.
The multi-symptomatic man
We live in a world where human ills are increasingly complex, where multiple chronic diseases, symptoms and disorders are the norm. How have we created the multi-symptomatic man, and what is the ‘antidote’?
Why do we love Yoga? – The nature of stillness
A deeper delve into yoga, the quality of Stillness and true wellbeing – be prepared to be amazed at the simplicity of where it all starts…
Time, Space and all of us, Book 3 – all of us
Humanity is not getting anywhere on its current trajectory. What is needed is the pull-up and reminder that we are more than human and that we can, as we have been for eons, be united in what divides us or truly and once for all unite in the one and only truth.
An Introduction to Esoteric Yoga – simple everyday movements
Explore Esoteric Yoga with this experiential video. Discover how to bring focus to our body and our movements – and with that, bring ourselves to a deeper inward focus and sense of ease.
Reflecting on alcohol consumption
When you have friends who don’t drink when you do, what feelings arise? Read one man’s experience of what makes us uncomfortable when another makes a healthy choice.
Love, the greatest medicine of all
Could love be the missing piece at the heart of all the pain and suffering and illness in the world? And could reconnecting to that love be the greatest medicine of all?
Childhood obesity: what are we doing to our children?
With the alarming increase in childhood obesity and overweight children in the world, are we looking at the deeper causes? What can parents do differently?
What is the difference between care and cure?
What is the difference between care and cure? Both words originally came from the same word – isn’t that curious?
A look at evidence and energy
What would happen if we were to accept the basic scientific truth that energy is the supreme causal influence upon every aspect of our lives?
Sensitivity – are men risking their health by dismissing their greatest strength?
A man living his true nature, what does that mean, and within this, is there room for the word sensitive. Time for a change in our approach to men’s health that embraces the underrated S word.
The inner beauty of women: The legacy of Leonardo
Are the women of today living the legacy of Leonardo, the grace and stillness of a woman in her power? At the time of the Renaissance, Leonardo portrayed women in their power, sacredness and stillness – their inner beauty. This is his legacy to women thereafter.