Connection to self through conscious presence
For our May 2015 audio of the month we are treating you to two audios on Conscious Presence because connecting to ourselves and our body is so essential for our health and well-being.
Sugar – A quick fix for exhaustion. Or is it?
When we need a quick pick up, feel exhausted at the end (or the start) of a day, we reach for sugar in its many guises. Sugar sets us on a pattern of exhaustion and craving for more sugar.
Pregnancy checklist – help or hindrance?
Exploring the the most important ingredient on pregnancy ‘To Do’ lists a childbirth educator and mother of 7 offers a new perspective.
Did you know? ...
Did You Know is a section providing interesting points relating to healing and the human body.
Sound and living cells – the science of sound
Have you ever been near a forest fire? The roar goes right through your body! Have you heard of glass breaking when singers hit the highest notes? Biologist Dianne Trusssell de-mystifies the facts about science and sound
Universal Medicine
Since 1999, Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon lead the way in complementary health care – providing healing and wellbeing services globally.
The man is not a machine – Changing the building industry one brick at a time
An interview with a bricklayer on the effect that the building culture of being tough and hard has had on his health, and the changes he has made to turn that around.
One of the most fundamental teachings one can ever be exposed to is the difference between spirit and Soul… so what is the difference?
The Practitioner
An overview of Complementary Esoteric Therapies offered by Natalie Benhayon.
Heart disease – is it all about love?
Facts and causes of heart disease and what you can do to help yourself.
Corporate Social Responsibility - part 2: How our working world could be
This article considers the ways in which we can ALL play a vital and essential part towards developing a new state of our working world, well-being and humanity’s future.
Universal Medicine, the EPA* and the Esoteric Modalities
A doctor’s perspective on how Sacred Esoteric Healing changed her life and can work hand in hand with mainstream medicine.
The race to the bottom
Modern human life is not working. Many people are suffering, but too few are questioning the callousness that has entered our societies.
Mental health and the medicine of love
Mental ill health continues to be a global issue despite all the resources invested in prevention and treatment. What else is going on when good intentions and so much effort is directed to this area, but still the problems continue?
The tender man – a woman’s observations
Women claim to want a sensitive and tender man, but do we?
Dreams of Pad Thai
Are you fantasising about lunch at 10am? There might be more to it than you realise!
Being with what is – as is
Are the pictures and expectations we have in life robbing us of all we are and can naturally be?
Understanding our food choices (part 2)
Interesting article explaining how the quality of our movements when we are preparing food, can change how the food affects us.
I still feel like I am fat sometimes
15 years ago I was a lot heavier than I am now – 25 kgs heavier, to be precise – and I still feel like I am fat sometimes.
The fallacy of right
We have all delighted in being right, but what does it really feel like in our body and what is the prize we pay for being right? Is there more to being right than meets the eye?