Men share on their first experience with porn
Five men share their first experience with pornography, and how it affected their lives
The Essenes
Long believed to be a breakaway Jewish sect, there was a deeper purpose to the Essenes’ gathering and formation into community, impulsed by Divinity.
The difference between feelings and emotions
Did you know that there is a vast difference energetically between Feelings and Emotions?
Renunciation is part of healing
What is the relationship between renunciation and healing? And how do we do it?
Krishna and the Bhagavad Gita
The eternal message of Krishna is one of true love; there is a truth to love that is far greater than the ideal we have been conditioned by the institution of family to think it is. Would the way we live life be totally transformed if we were to apply this living truth to our own daily lives?
The interplay of physicality and energy in violence – understanding the strings that are moved
What is the root cause of the forever growing violence and the normalisation of it? What if there is a bigger picture to violence that we as humanity have been unwilling to embrace?
The prophecy of Universal Medicine
The future of Medicine is all encompassing the Science of Responsibility at a scale far greater than we care to contemplate, hence we take for granted what is implied by the word ‘Medicine’. Reluctance to ‘see outside the box’ is another delay to keep us away from true Medicine – the one which restores our collective responsibility to a divine, ‘universal’ way of living.
All of us – What we always wanted, but never cared to seek
The décor might have changed, but true evolution lays not in the material but how we treat ourselves, each other and from there, all we share this planet with and Earth itself.
The Universal Medicine New Year's Message for 2019
The science of cycles or cyclic living helps us understand the quality and offering of existence. Cyclic living has a language and it is found in periodic recurring quantity. ...
Why do we work with the eyes in Esoteric Yoga?
The truism ‘we see what we want to see – and we don’t see what we don’t want to see’, is brought to light, explored and evidenced in a part of the Esoteric Yoga session with a delicately detailed focus on the eyes.
Hamlet – ‘To be or not to be?’ That is not the question – outing the plot of ‘thinking’
In Hamlet, Shakespeare exposes the true nature of the Hamlet’s dilemma, and yet this has never been written about before. Discover the nature of the appalling lie that has been trapping humanity for aeons.
Obesity – what is truly going on?
We cannot blame our worldwide obesity problem simply on our environment and marketing.
Reincarnation and responsibility; Why this is our dinner table conversation
Why is reincarnation such a taboo subject for dinner table conversation? Could it be that its true purpose holds an uncomfortable responsibility for us all?
A fast train into a ‘normal’ second half of my life
My life is vastly different now, it seems easier to write about what I no longer do. No longer am I searching for love. What is it that I have found, and what does my life actually look like?
Who is the true Henry David Thoreau?
Henry David Thoreau – rarely has there been a writer who can convey such deep philosophy with so few poignantly chosen words. Philosopher, inventor, writer, abolitionist… a polarising figure both during and after his life, he was more a servant to truth than he was to society.
Space – our responsibility
Space is more than we might think – if we have thought about it at all. And have we ever thought to take responsibility for how we use space, our space and all space?
Defining the extent of disengagement in education and its many forms
Disengagement among students is presenting in many different ways, in a variety of behaviours and symptoms. Are we truly seeing how widespread this is or only noting the most disruptive examples?
Space – where we all equally come from
Space is not emptiness; it is where we all come from, what is around and right through us. Is it then possible that space can come from deep within us and not just from without?
Time, Space and all of us – Space
What if space is not what we think it is? What if it is an all-embracing divine quality that is all around and equally accessible to all of us?
Joining the dots between maternal and infant mental health
Motherhood is a time of great change. How can women best manage their mental health for the sake of themselves and their infant?