Meditation demystified
Can’t meditate? Unable to ‘empty’ your mind? Try the Gentle Breath Meditation® for a simple and practical meditation that puts your quality first.
Game changer – how to overcome the fear of rejection
In the game of rejection, who are the players, what are their objectives, what is the ultimate outcome and what if there was nothing to fear? Here we explore the rules of engagement, why the game is played and how we might overcome our fear.
Singing from my connection to Stillness
Andrea Leonhardi, singer, songwriter and musician, shares how connecting to her body and her quality of stillness is fundamental to her songwriting and singing.
Evolution – a revolution in the way we see it
We have been raised to think of evolution as a straight line... we are born, we grow up, we live and die... but is this the truth? Or is it a process in which growth and development is unfolded out, from within, in a gradual way.
Accessing Multidimensionality: A walk in the park
Is it possible that accessing our multidimensionality is as simple as a walk in the park?
A woman’s worth at work
Job interviews, salary negotiations, pay, promotion, women taking up leadership positions – when it comes to all this, how come so many women in the workplace suffer external disadvantage hinged by internal lack of self-worth?
A love of the books by Serge Benhayon
The books by Serge Benhayon invite us to go beyond the limitations of the thinking mind. Truth and wisdom are revealed through the energetic quality that comes with every single word.
A living inspiration
What does inspiration look and feel like? Peggy Verheijen explores this question, and how knowing Serge Benhayon has inspired and transformed her life.
Choosing a relationship with alcohol or me
My relationship with alcohol started when I was very young…
Alcohol abuse – what’s normal?
How many drinks are a ‘normal’ or safe amount to drink? When we decide what is a normal and acceptable amount of alcohol to drink, what exactly are we saying yes to?
Before and after giving up alcohol - Introduction
Everyone loves a drink, right? Drinking alcohol is fun, social, normal, even good for you… or so we have been told. But studies in recent years have shown what our bodies have always known… that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption.
From alcohol and marijuana to embracing our sensitivity
We may turn to alcohol or marijuana as a way to medicate or to escape from the world, but we do not escape at all nor are we offered any healing. Is there an alternative to help ease our emotional pain?
Before and After alcohol: all around me to none
I grew up with alcohol around me all the time, it was normal for it to be wine o’clock instead of afternoon tea and I didn’t even know that it was not healthy to wake up and have your flagon of wine on the bedside table.
Pregnancy glow & postnatal depression
What is it about pregnancy that makes a woman feel fabulous and glow? What is postnatal depression really about?
Serge Benhayon and the vexed question of food and alcohol
On the subject of food and alcohol, when will we learn? Socrates taught us and now Serge Benhayon is presenting about the energetic responsibility of food.
From smoking marijuana to breathing life
The 70’s was the era of sex, drugs and rock‘n’roll, and there was plenty of it to go around. Getting stoned, going dancing and having sex with a stranger became the norm.
The Way of Initiation The Development of Energetic Awareness
Numerous influential, old and modern day philosophers and scientists have been seeking to find answers to evolution of the human kind…It took One man to meticulously lay it ALL out for us in this stellar read.
Desperately Seeking Dorothy – from the New Age to Sai Baba to Serge Benhayon
Every day I celebrate the day I found my way to Jeanette Macdonald and the book that opened the doorway that I had been endlessly searching for, a doorway that led me to the amazing Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine . . . and to finally finding Dorothy . . .
Serge Benhayon and Religion – Who is this guy?
Who is this Serge Benhayon guy and what's all this stuff about religion? Is this man simply someone who's committed themselves 100% to not holding back in delivering the truth? A back-row sceptic speaks.
Breaking up with food
Forget the diet plan! Breaking up with food asks us to look at the pain under the comfort-seeking eating patterns we desperately cling to and see what happens.