The science of group work
Have you ever noticed that when you get together with a group of people, interesting ideas can come through that no one would have thought of when alone?
Why not swearing is good medicine
Have you ever considered that swearing could be bad for you? In our Audio of the Month for November 2021 Serge Benhayon presents how there is good medicine in lots of things including not swearing.
Free love and war
Men are conditioned to accept pornography at a young age, but does it have to be that way?
Money, responsibility and wealth
What is our relationship with money? Are we responsible in our daily living choices for money and wealth? What if our greatest wealth is not money?
From feeling anxious and stressed to going with the flow
I have never really thought of myself as an anxious person, but I was certainly stressed for a lot of my life, so much so that I ended up with a hyperactive thyroid in 2002, which affected my major muscles including my heart, giving me atrial fibrillation for the rest of my life.
Web history - can not delete - file saved to karma folder
We tend to go about our lives ‘online’ using computers and other electronic devices in a flippant manner, wandering from site to site as if we were some kind of digital nomad looking for a long-lost home that never was.
The loveliness was there at the birth of the day
What happens to us as young girls that we don’t feel that loveliness, in every moment of every day, and learn to think we need to be eternally doing things to prove our worth, to ourselves and to everyone around us?
A lost boy from the country discovers the man he truly is
Life as a kid seemed so simple. I grew up in small towns in rural Australia, where with friends I could roam the countryside until it was nearly dark, making fun out of the simplest things…
Keeping off COVID kilos
Are COVID kilos getting you down? Tips for dealing with those COVID kilos.
Pornography and the ‘theft’ of our true essence
What is the energy behind the addiction to pornography… and other addictions for that matter?
How to care for yourself during the Coronavirus pandemic
We are living in unprecedented times during the Coronavirus pandemic. Fear of catching Coronavirus COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2, has changed the world, the way it is run and how we live in it.
The Joy of Ageing, Esoterically – is there something special here?
What is it that people feel when they are drawn to this book? Is it possible that it speaks volumes before you even open and read it?
The elder branches of wisdom
While on a lovely evening walk in our neighbourhood with my daughter recently, we heard an owl hooting from a nearby tree…
The pressures society puts on men
Seven men share their experiences of the pressure they felt to conform. Even when they knew it was false, men put the same pressure on each other and passed it on to younger boys.
Chris James – ‘The Chalice’ album review
How can one describe the magnificence and expansiveness of sound that comes from the soundless? Through the musical mastery of ‘The Chalice’, Chris James offers the listener a voyage deep into a tangible experience of Sacredness and the ‘beingness’ of the human being.
The Cathars
The Cathars – who were they? Far from being an errant branch of Christianity, the Cathars represented the true, Universal, one religion, which has been represented by every world teacher and true master throughout the ages.
Re-incarnation and Karma – punishment or ultimate love?
What if all that we do, say and think in this life, leaves a trail which, if not true or if harmful to others in any way, and or is disharmonious to the universe in general, needs to be re-balanced via the Law of Karma and Reincarnation?
The reductionism of evidence-based science, and its restoration through prophecy
Science has never before faced such an intense barrage of criticism from within its own ranks, but still defenders of the faith of science cannot see problems as anything more than minor glitches that will be solved by the process of science itself.
The sea of struggle
Is living within a lifestyle bubble inevitable – or can we live with true ease?
The Sacred Esoteric Healing modality
Sacred Esoteric Healing is a non-intrusive, non-invasive technique that supports and allows the client to deeply rest with themselves.