Reading Serge Benhayon’s books
Reading Serge Benhayon’s books is an experience like no other; it is a surrender into what we already are. Moreover, it does not end on closing them, but continues in a different form.
Flow, cycles and rituals at work
The symptoms of exhaustion, lethargy or the simple and very common feeling of discontentment are a normalised phenomenon in our work-places. But does it really have to be this way?
Breaking the cycle of workplace bullying and harassment
No one likes to be bullied or harassed, yet this is exactly what most of us will experience or witness at some stage of our working lives. What difference can we make?
Targets at work – crushing, cruising or not relevant?
At work, targets have become the standard that business and its people work to. Have targets reduced us to nothing more than numbers in the workplace?
Jenny James – ‘She’ album review
She is an album that connects us to our beingness – it is richly endowed with truth and deeply evolving for the listener, delivered with the lightness of one who has walked the path to her own innermost.
Shakespeare and The Ageless Wisdom
Shakespeare’s works have been examined and re-examined ad infinitum but never have they been placed within the context of the Ageless Wisdom, where they belong, until now.
How do we know if our choice around food is a true one?
Do we choose food based on what our body says, or based on what we have been told is good for us?
Teaching is a marathon and not a sprint… are you ready to get fit?
Tips on how to get to the end of term without the usual teacher burnout.
The merry-go-round of a perfect life
If only I had this, looked that way, got a new car, had a bigger home and better job – then my life would be perfect...
FOOD, but is it glorious?
The many myths and customs surrounding food and what apparently is and is not good for us amount to quite an impressive list.
Turning poor student behaviour around may be easier than you think
There is a way overturning “bad behaviour” in the classroom… read more to find out how.
The science of group work
Have you ever noticed that when you get together with a group of people, interesting ideas can come through that no one would have thought of when alone?
Why not swearing is good medicine
Have you ever considered that swearing could be bad for you? In our Audio of the Month for November 2021 Serge Benhayon presents how there is good medicine in lots of things including not swearing.
Free love and war
Men are conditioned to accept pornography at a young age, but does it have to be that way?
Money, responsibility and wealth
What is our relationship with money? Are we responsible in our daily living choices for money and wealth? What if our greatest wealth is not money?
From feeling anxious and stressed to going with the flow
I have never really thought of myself as an anxious person, but I was certainly stressed for a lot of my life, so much so that I ended up with a hyperactive thyroid in 2002, which affected my major muscles including my heart, giving me atrial fibrillation for the rest of my life.
Web history - can not delete - file saved to karma folder
We tend to go about our lives ‘online’ using computers and other electronic devices in a flippant manner, wandering from site to site as if we were some kind of digital nomad looking for a long-lost home that never was.
The loveliness was there at the birth of the day
What happens to us as young girls that we don’t feel that loveliness, in every moment of every day, and learn to think we need to be eternally doing things to prove our worth, to ourselves and to everyone around us?
A lost boy from the country discovers the man he truly is
Life as a kid seemed so simple. I grew up in small towns in rural Australia, where with friends I could roam the countryside until it was nearly dark, making fun out of the simplest things…
Keeping off COVID kilos
Are COVID kilos getting you down? Tips for dealing with those COVID kilos.