What is gluten sensitivity?
Did you know that it is possible to have an intolerance or sensitivity to gluten that hampers your vitality and well-being, without it showing up in your digestive system?
Exhausted and depressed at work: how falsely do we live life?
What makes us stressed, depressed or exhausted at work? This article considers the impact of not working as the ‘real-us’ and how this adversely affects our success, health and wellness.
Burnout ... is this an epidemic?
This article discusses the epidemic that our mental health system currently faces with stress burnout in our mental health professionals
How hard is it to change?
Everyone wants to change, this article looks at the impulse and motivation to change and how to engage with change.
Low self-esteem is a product of having a picture as to how we should be, and believing that we do not meet those requirements. What if you can build a new relationship with self-esteem?
Is making love more than just sex?
We seem to have always equated the term ‘making love’ to actually having sex. What if there is way more to this term than just the physical act – what would this look like in day-to-day life?
How To Lose Weight
What if how to lose weight stopped being the goal and it was replaced with a focus on the quality of energy that you are living every day? Is it possible there is a way to lose weight that is very different to what you think?
What is living medicine?
We often consider that medicine is something that is outside of us, that we take or do to make ourselves feel better. Did you know that the way that you live is your greatest form of medicine?
Diets don’t work ... but there is another way!
Diets don’t work because they focus on food, not on the person choosing the food. We need to look at ourselves and why we eat and why we might choose to be overweight.
Could words be used in a different way?
Language has become our primary system of communication. Yet we rarely consider what the true energetic meaning of a word is or if it reflects what we truly feel in that moment.
Stress at work
Stress at work – here we consider: what is stress and is it possible to be stress-free at work? What does self-care at work actually mean? What really constitutes work-life balance?
Work is medicine
We often describe the benefits of work as money, or staff perks, but what if work itself was a beneficial part of our well-being?
My relationship with music: it’s about connection not perfection
“Musical expression has a playful quality to it once again.” How Michelle freed herself to enjoy singing and playing music.
Taking a moment with the Gentle Breath Meditation®
Have you ever felt like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Discover how a few minutes with the Gentle Breath Meditation® created space and stillness in the busy lives of these people.
Debunking the myths about meditation
Let’s debunk the myths and restore meditation to its truth as a simple, practical and effective tool for re-connecting back to our innate inner-presence and thus to our natural vitality and ability to deal with life.
The Arab Golden Age
Before the Renaissance blossomed into its full expression, the Ageless Wisdom flourished in the Arab World.
Sacredness and the deliciousness of your living way
In our Audio of the Month for July 2024 Serge Benhayon offers the true meaning of sacredness and how there is a simple and delicious way we can live that benefits all.
The world I live in
Can you live in this crazy world but not be a product of the world?
Discover the joy of being a student of yourself
Our Audio of the Month for December 2023 presents why The Livingness is the greatest gift you can give to yourself, what this means and why it is so important.
Living with a teenager
How do we support our teenagers in a world that is overwhelming and constantly ‘parenting’ them from social media and outside influences?