For most of my life I have never thought I was good enough. I am pretty sure I didn’t feel this as a really young child, but as I grew I can see now how the idea ballooned one breath at a time . . .
Men and alcohol
Read how 5 men view alcohol in today’s society and what impact it has had on them as men and the people around them. Whilst their expressions are all different, there appears to be a common thread amongst them.
When truth comes along…
Truth comes with a livingness, with a lived way. If it is just talk and not lived it only holds a potential of truth that has to yet prove if it can persevere.
Weight loss shakes: diet or dessert?
Constantly seeking the holy grail of weight loss? Exploring the shocking truth of weight loss shakes.
'An Open Letter to Humanity' and the path of honesty
Honesty – it may just be the best thing you could do, the best medicine for our ills and our issues with life and other people. Only with honesty do we create space to change what is not working in everyday life.
What does it mean to be a man?
One man on a journey and his jarring experience of manhood and the poison laid down in what it is being a man.
Does a lack of self-worth in women result in the abuse of men?
We’ve heard a lot about men abusing women, but ladies – how does our lack of self-worth abuse men?
Quantum Mechanics – the science of absolute connection
Quantum Mechanics states that the Universe is made up of space filled with fields of vibration, interconnected, unified and in constant communication, where distance and time are of no consequence.
Young men give their experiences on how they have overcome some of the pressures in today’s society
Hear how some young men are dealing with the pressures placed on them by society around male body image, alcohol consumption and other lifestyle choices.
Young men give their experiences on the challenges they face in today’s society
Young men are constantly presented with stereotypical images of men and their behaviours around such issues as the male body image, alcohol consumption and other lifestyle choices. What pressure does this put on them?
The time bomb has been delivered
Time is not what we have been led to believe it is; time is a measure of human evolution and not a lineal movement from the past to the future via the present.
How do we become a less violent society?
Violence is an accepted part of our everyday – we expect it. So how do we become a non-violent society, or said another way, how do we come back to being a loving race of people?
An understanding of the effects of Toxic Masculinity
Toxic masculinity is a phrase that is being more commonly used in recent times. What does it mean and how are men responding to these models of masculinity that are negatively affecting their lives in so many ways.
Embracing the hug
When it comes to hugging, do you embrace it or does it scare you to your inner core? A hug can tell us more in three seconds than half an hour of dialogue could ever accomplish.
A tender man – before and after competitive sport
I started to play competitive sport when I was very young. I played rugby union from when I was a thin, tender and delicate 9-year-old boy and in my second year my team lost every game.
Being a good mother – comfort or responsibility?
For a mother, mothering and providing comfort for our children seems a normal responsibility of life, however are we doing too much for our children and preventing them from experiencing life in full?
Introduction to chronic pain management
Chronic pain is in epidemic proportions – in Australia 1 in 5 Australians live with chronic pain. Kate Greenaway, a physiotherapist, describes a fresh approach to pain management.
The power of movement
Is space just space with no difference? Why does a pub feel different than being in nature? The key lies in movement.
A Serge Benhayon quote – life-changing and ever-lasting
The Way of The Livingness, while being the true religion for mankind, is superbly practical, down to earth and immediately applicable in everyday life.
Does age equal Wisdom?
Where does wisdom come from? Is it related to age or is it available to all of us when we know where it comes from?