The Lineage of the Ageless Wisdom: “Leonardo Da Vinci’s Greatest Gift”
Leonardo da Vinci seeded forth the new era in Science, Religion and Philosophy.
Mental Illness and Mental Wellness … should we differentiate?
Is our marker for mental illness limiting humanity as a whole? This article explores the much needed differentiation between mental illness and mental wellness.
Religious tolerance
By allowing tolerance in our lives we accept less than the love that we all are in our essence.
Opening the doors to intimacy
Our Audio of the Month for September 2017 presents the energetic truth of what intimacy is and what it communicates.
Being sexy … It’s not about sex!
Being Sexy … It’s Not About Sex! Karin Becker shares how Being Sexy is so much more than the shape of our body or the clothes that we wear … The discussion unlocks the Key to True Beauty and the understanding that it is available to us all !
What if reincarnation is true?
How can we know what we know without prior experience or knowledge? Or do we…?
Cherry ripes, jelly snakes and music – same, same
Going sugar free? Ever thought about the similarities between the effects of sugar and that of music on your body? They may be more alike than you think.
Exposing the brutality of rugby
This game is so rough and its statistical rate of injury so high, that health experts are now looking at regulating it in schools.
Jenny James
Jenny James writes music that asks us to look deeper, beyond life that we accept or ‘know it to be’. Her songs are Universal, her voice has a purity that brings clarity, beauty and depth to any style and supports the sacredness that is within us all.
The settlement of true success
Our June Audio of the Month investigates what true success is and how it relates to truth and trust and brings us the settlement we have been looking for.
Dieting. Are you a weekday angel and weekend devil?
When it comes to dieting and eating for wellbeing, find out why you are stuck oscillating from being an Angel Monday to Friday and a Devil on the weekend.
What do Albert Einstein & Serge Benhayon have in common?
“Every so often comes a man who is able to see the universe in a totally ‘new’ way, whose visions upset the very foundation of the world, as we know it.” In 2007 I met one such man.
Religion: What it means to me
Do we know religion innately? What is God to a child, before we are sold society’s various images of Him? One woman on God and Religion.
Motherless mothers – finding our way back to wholeness and love
Explores the deep grief women carry when they don’t have a mother and how mothering from within can heal this.
Depression, exhaustion and adrenal fatigue
Depression and exhaustion could be a result of adrenal fatigue, meaning a depletion in kidney energy. Self-care is a great tool to have up one’s sleeve to help heal.
I’m a dad ... How do I show affection to my teenage daughter?
Puberty can be a difficult time for both fathers and daughters. This article offers support for fathers in understanding why they can often feel uncomfortable and how they can be with their daughters through puberty, with the continued flowing affection their ‘little girls’ may have grown up with.
We are sinking
The coalface of illness and disease. We are spending billions of dollars keeping people alive, yet investing nothing in the thing that we must invest in.
What’s for Brexit?
We sit on the edge of a dark abyss – are we reading the signs? Here is the signpost out of the darkness….
How to have fun while preparing to pass over
Ingrid on how to have fun while preparing to die . . . with information on medical directives, wills, and deciding who gets your Facebook password.
Teenage aggressive bullying, breaking the cycle of abuse.
There are many parents who are living with aggressive, angry and abusive teenagers. However, this is not who they actually are. Many teenage boys don’t know how to be themselves as they try to fit in with everything around them.