Self-care to self-love – another platform?
Pain offered me a deeper platform and showed me how to move from self-care to self-love.
To exercise with love
Choosing to exercise regularly in a very connected, gentle and honouring way to not only support the body physically, but also support our being and the way we are with our body every day.
Self care – the key to coping with shift work
This article by an International Flight Attendant, who understands the demands shift work can place on your body, talks of introducing self-care into her daily life, and the difference it made.
What if self-care was the foundation of sex education?
Responding or reacting? Sex and relationship education within the bigger picture of true wellbeing in life.
The great teacher Patanjali offered us a universally accessed codex for living, founded in the fact that we are all equal Sons of God, and continuing in exposition of the disciplines required in order to remove that which hinders our living The Livingness of who we truly are.
Dieting? Why willpower fails us
Dieting by willpower alone does not work. We need to address how our body informs our thinking – our state of physical well-being affects the way we think – a body that is tended and cared for, supports us to make better choices.
Work – Do we consider it a burden or a joy?
Many of us have a precarious relationship with work where we want the financial rewards and accolades, but still can’t wait to escape and seek relief in whatever way we can. What are we missing?
Gluten me
When we are hungry, we get ourselves that yummy thing to eat – but is there something more going on underneath? Read one person’s experience with giving up gluten and what was revealed to them.
The Gentle Breath Meditation® – How it has supported me to feel again
Karen shares how her experience with the Gentle Breath Meditation® has allowed her to feel at ease within herself and in life.
How stimulants keep us away from feeling amazing all of the time
Do stimulants give us energy? Find out what stimulants, like sugar, coffee, alcohol, etc. really do to our body.
How the mood we move and exercise in affects our health
Ever considered how the mood you’re in during exercise effects your health? Here’s some great reasons to check in with how you’re feeling before you hit the gym or your daily workout.
Stephanie Stevenson – what a glorious transformation!
Stephanie became overweight and a yo-yo dieter because she was always comparing herself to others and not feeling good about her body. Things changed when she came across Universal Medicine ...
The Truth about Truth and how it applies to all equally.
I hate my thighs
What is really going on when we ‘hate’ a part of our body?
The lie and the truth of the One Life
We are living a collective lie – that we have only one life, that we are born, we live in a linear way as we age and then we die, leaving it all behind and never coming back, so we had better make the most of it while we are here.
Every movement matters
How do our movements affect the quality of energy flowing through our bodies?
You are more than a muscle
The need for the perfect body can be a relentless and intimidating push to exercise just for looks, but what about health?
Exercise and Newton’s 3rd Law
Newton’s third law of motion, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” considers the measure of force that returns to our body in movement. What does this actually mean?
Breakfast lunch and dinner: uncovering beliefs around food
Breakfast Lunch and Dinner: a naturopath challenges her beliefs around food and how her relationship with eating has changed.
Learning and living true physiotherapy – Part one
Kate Greenaway shares her experiences on learning what True Physiotherapy is all about in considering each patient as a physical, emotional and energetic being.