Discover the joy of Harmony, the harm of disharmony and more!
The prophecy of Universal Medicine
The future of Medicine is all encompassing the Science of Responsibility at a scale far greater than we care to contemplate, hence we take for granted what is implied by the word ‘Medicine’. Reluctance to ‘see outside the box’ is another delay to keep us away from true Medicine – the one which restores our collective responsibility to a divine, ‘universal’ way of living.
Yeshua, by the Christians known as Jesus
Read this revelatory article about Jesus, who was known in his time as Yeshua, and discover what his true purpose was – a far cry from the story the Christian Church made us believe to fit their version of Christianity.
Psychology Audio
Is there more to life than meets the eye? Yes there is! This collection of audios offers us a deeper understanding of everyday life and how to be with and live in it.
What does it mean to live a comfortable life and how could that possibly be deeply harmful?
Anxiety in relationships
Are we living with increased anxiety and being oblivious to how this is affecting our relationships?
The age of persecution – inquisition, witch hunts and crusades
Inquisitions had existed before but had never been taken to the magnitude of the medieval inquisition sanctioned by the Popes against the Cathars. This compelling article reveals the outplay of a torturous crusade against humanity and the Ageless Wisdom.
Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy
In this healing therapy, very light, gentle and rhythmic movements are applied by the practitioner, to the client’s body and connective tissue. It is deeply relaxing, supporting the client to release any area of tension in their body, allowing them to feel more still with a spaciousness and flow in their body.
Without the science of energy, philosophy is a mere charade
What makes philosophy real, practical, deeply wise and in harmony with universal intelligence? Serge Benhayon presents the key to applying true philosophy in life.
Living who we truly are in everyday life is the Livingness ~ but what does that actually mean?
Eating when we are anxious: is anxiety making me fat?
Read how one person stopped overeating and eating unhealthy foods when she was feeling anxious
The price of being the berry on the blancmange
A personal and insightful article about healing from the anxiety of being controlled by the smothering demands of a needy mother.
Desperately Seeking Dorothy – from the New Age to Sai Baba to Serge Benhayon
Every day I celebrate the day I found my way to Jeanette Macdonald and the book that opened the doorway that I had been endlessly searching for, a doorway that led me to the amazing Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine . . . and to finally finding Dorothy . . .
On karma and re-incarnation
“Karma is not by Divine nature bad. It is in fact about love. And, even when it feels it is not love, it still is, for that is what karma is bringing you back to.” ~Serge Benhayon
The great teacher Patanjali offered us a universally accessed codex for living, founded in the fact that we are all equal Sons of God, and continuing in exposition of the disciplines required in order to remove that which hinders our living The Livingness of who we truly are.
The unveiling of the true woman within
Desiree shares her development from complete desolation and disconnection back to the beautiful unfolding reflection of her true tender self.
This book has become part of my daily rhythm and this is a huge support
Bianca Barban describes how Esoteric and Exoteric Philosophy, the Sayings has become a part of her daily rhythm and a huge support in her life.
Ageless Wisdom Teachings
An educational, illuminating and fun forum hosted by the College of Universal Medicine – presenting on a multitude of topics.
Perimenopausal symptoms – what is my body saying?
By understanding the symptoms of perimenopause can we heal ourselves and our body, in preparation for the next phase of life?
Finding my way out of mental illness
I saw the world as a harsh scary place where you had to be tough in order to survive, and I didn’t see how gentleness could help me survive it.