Goodbye hardness – Hello spaciousness
How Esoteric Massage has supported this professional acrobat and fitness professional, letting go of the hardness and tightness in her body, returning to a spacious, graceful body as the delicate woman she is today.
Gluten me
When we are hungry, we get ourselves that yummy thing to eat – but is there something more going on underneath? Read one person’s experience with giving up gluten and what was revealed to them.
Sex, love and married life
I was a shy child and never really felt like I connected to anyone growing up, so it was a surprise, or maybe I should call it a relief, that a man would take an interest in me at the age of 19.
Drinking alcohol & my lack of self-worth
I can remember my last hangover like it was yesterday… My last hangover felt exactly the same as my first hangover, yet I drank consistently for 19 years.
Empathy – sophisticated sympathy
A practitioner shares her revelation on the true harm of empathy.
Arthritis – more than physio, painkillers and joint replacements?
There is much that we can do to help treat and heal our arthritis …
What do our quick fixes actually do to us?
A discussion on what are quick fixes, the concept of symptom matching and the possibility of finding true healing.
Discovering self-care and bringing it into my life
“The way I had lived seemed quite normal to me. I had no concept that in fact I was living in a way that was disregarding to me and everyone else.”
The Universal Medicine New Year's Message for 2011
‘For those who have read our messages of past to present, the 2011 Message will be seen as a continuation of a long line of unfolding information that bears witness to twelve (12) years of accuracy on many subjects along with clear and precise esoteric forums from which to better understand personal unfoldments with and within the scope of life’s presenting dilemmas.
The science behind The Way of The Livingness – a relationship with sensitivity and God
Theosophy, faith, reason… so begins the conversation whenever religion is mentioned. But True religion starts with the awakening of our sensitivity…
Grand Designs Part 2 – From the stars
Is our body shape and life experience pure chance and coincidence? Read one man’s experience of returning to see the grand design that we are all a part of.
Claiming back body image in musical theatre
Can you reclaim love for your body working in musical theatre – an industry that is all about perfect body image?
Holding my breath
Looking back over my life I am convinced that I was in anxiousness the moment I was born, but in truth it probably began before the day I arrived in this world.
Serge Benhayon – Inspiration for Life
Having met Serge Benhayon about twelve years ago, my life and that of my immediate family has changed beyond anything we could have imagined. I have been introduced to having a relationship with the truth of myself in a way that has deepened everything.
Journey back to myself
I look back at my life of numbing myself with drugs as a time of being so lost in the world, wanting and seeking for that deep connection with myself, only to find it was there within me all along.
The Truth revealed
My whole life I had a strong knowing that there was something incredibly important missing. Understanding the truth of energetic integrity and responsibility completely turned my life around from living in a state of emotional highs and lows that had become my norm, to living with true vitality.
There is nothing more sexy than making love
I used to think I was pretty sexy… but I have come to learn that there is nothing more sexy than making love…
A Serge Benhayon quote – life-changing and ever-lasting
The Way of The Livingness, while being the true religion for mankind, is superbly practical, down to earth and immediately applicable in everyday life.
Coffee: Do I love it, or do I need it?
I used to love coffee. Drinking coffee was the only way I thought I could get through each day, as I was working too hard, on not enough sleep.
Exercising to lose weight – a personal story
Anne discovered that she could keep her weight down with excessive exercise, but at what cost to her body?