The corruption of true female empowerment
Women work so hard to live up to all the expectations placed on them, yet it isn’t working. What are we all missing here when it comes to the true empowerment of women?
Men and alcohol
Read how 5 men view alcohol in today’s society and what impact it has had on them as men and the people around them. Whilst their expressions are all different, there appears to be a common thread amongst them.
From worrying about the doing to caring about the being
Too often we focus on getting the job done no matter what the consequences. However, if we were to take time to care for ourselves first, how would everything turn out?
Journey back to myself
I look back at my life of numbing myself with drugs as a time of being so lost in the world, wanting and seeking for that deep connection with myself, only to find it was there within me all along.
When work hurts
Emotional hurts at work happen every day, but what harm are they really doing to everyone in the workplace, and how can that sometimes hidden protagonist be uncovered and healed?
Comparison: the unspoken side of being pregnant, giving birth and mothering
Being pregnant, giving birth and mothering are usually much anticipated and regarded as special parts of many women’s lives. But rather than enjoying this period, women are often left feeling unsettled and unfulfilled, yet find it hard to work out why.
Back pain – what can I do?
Have you ever suffered from back pain? It is one of the commonest conditions experienced by people and is a major cause of suffering and sick leave.
Are weight-loss pills or bariatric surgery the answer to weight loss for obesity?
This article questions whether weight-loss pills or bariatric surgery are the answers to weight loss and obesity, or do we need more individual responsibility?
Giving up – The why behind it all
Why do we often feel given up on life? This article explores some reasons why many of us want to give up.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Shakespeare’s theatre of the absurd
Shakespeare’s first play about the unseen world of spirits and invisible forces unravels the utter absurdity of how humanity operates under their influence, and how we so easily get lost in the tangled drama of emotional love without ever questioning its source.
A tender man – before and after competitive sport
I started to play competitive sport when I was very young. I played rugby union from when I was a thin, tender and delicate 9-year-old boy and in my second year my team lost every game.
A diet of treats and rewards
Why do we crave treats and rewards; what do they do for us? Is it possible to imagine living life without them?
‘Out of the mouths of babes’ – the wisdom inherent in all children
What is our responsibility in a child’s education? In this illuminating article, Liane Mandalis shares the beauty inherent in all children when we allow our children’s innate wisdom to shine through.
Ageing – to be feared or lived?
How do we feel about ageing, and what are the pictures we carry? Is there a way to age that brings a deeper purpose to this stage of life?
The Esoteric – the umbilical cord to God
Could it be that the esoteric, when followed, is our living connection back to the Body of God?
The mother baby bonding process – is it always automatic?
All mothers want to be ‘good mothers who love their babies’, but it doesn’t always go to plan. What happens when baby bonding doesn’t happen?
Bringing up Boys. An insight from a father of seven. Part 3
What do we need to do as men in bringing up boys? Mark Gavioli unfolds his experiences of raising boys and what being a father can and perhaps should allow for.
Bringing up Boys. An insight from a father of seven. Part 1
What do we need to do as men in bringing up boys? Mark Gavioli unfolds his experiences of raising boys and what being a father can and perhaps should allow for.
The lifestyle bubble and the curse upon men
Serge Benhayon first introduced the lifestyle bubble in 2012. What is it, and what has it to do with connecting to the heart of the everyman?
Men’s lifestyle bubble
The Men’s Lifestyle Bubble was introduced as a concept by Serge Benhayon in 2006. In this Audio, three men explore what the Lifestyle Bubble is and how it affects men deeply.