Education is Good: or is it?
Across the world we have determined the saviour of many of our problems to be education. But what if you found out it was making us ill?
The five essential ingredients of human beings
A car mechanic cannot fix a car if he does not know what the different parts of the car are and how they work together – likewise we cannot have a healthy body if we do not know the component parts; the ingredients of a human being.
Rat parks, obesity, food, behaviour and connection
The stunning trends of obesity expose the way we live and our lack of purpose and community connection.
Paddling like the dickens in hospitality
The hot-headed chef is a well known icon, but how truly hospitable is the hospitality industry that prizes keeping up appearances over all else?
The sexualisation of the young – learning a Social Script through pornography and the rise of new sexual and reproductive health issues
Do you think porn is ‘in’ and a modern way to learn about sex? Just have a look at the new sexual and reproductive health issues and you will see a subscription to abuse and violence.
Intelligence – is it embodied or embrained?
What if intelligence does not just come from our brains but our whole bodies? Would that alter how we treat and understand our bodies?
Shakespeare’s The Tempest, the Great Globe, and The Ageless Wisdom
The Tempest was Shakespeare’s last play, a play full of magic and meaning. Will the characters constellated on this isle keep re-choosing the abuse of power or will they reclaim their universality once more?
Educated food choices – become your own physician!
When it comes to nutrition, our medical professionals are largely uneducated. Most in the health industry know little about food, food choices and energetic responsibility.
Playing Live
Musician Daniel Bennier shares how it was playing live in the music scene and what has changed since. “The buzz back then was seeing how the power of music could control the audience.”.
Work – the binding factor in our society
Do you know that feeling of not wanting to go to work? Have you ever questioned why this is the case and what impact it has on your life?
Looking for love (The Techno Connection)
We are all looking for love and connection… can we find it at techno parties?
The forgotten side of dementia
We are in the middle of a new and burgeoning burden of disease. It is the forgotten side of dementia in the era that has prided itself on extending human life.
Taking responsibility at work to a whole new level
Is there more to work than just 'getting the job done'?
Sailing around the world... to come home to myself
Rosie grew up on a yacht, sailing around the world, only to find that the home she was truly searching for lay waiting for her, all along...
What’s in a tune?
For professional musician Catherine Wood the concept of energetic truth in music was just too fascinating. ‘There was a whole lot more to music than I had realised’ she shares.
Animal farming exposed
This article contains some revealing statistics that should jolt meat lovers into action so that they will demand transparency and accountability by the entire food industry.
‘All that glitters’ … design trends, latest fashion and our self-worth
Is it possible that we are actually caught in this culture or cycle of having the latest and the greatest, the newest and the fastest, the hottest & the sexiest and it’s not actually what we truly want – or who we truly are?
The Way It Is … a truly educational book
A testimonial by Rachel Andras on The Way It Is by Serge Benhayon
Penelope Scheenhouwer – reflecting on her journey
Penelope Scheenhouwer’s inspiring story of how she changed her ideal about her body image and came to her true size.
Toasted sesame seed and herb salmon bites
Simple, quick and fun to make, this is a novel way to use salmon and a versatile recipe that can be used for canapés or as a delicious light salad.