Fantasy, Esoteric Yoga and living life from the Soul
What is the antidote to getting lost in distractions, daydreams and desires? Discover what is more magnificent than any fantasy can ever deliver.
Serge Benhayon and The Ageless Wisdom
It is often said that someone is capable of ‘thinking outside the box’, implying that it is somehow ‘fresh and new’: what if there were no box, no limitations to the intelligence every one of us can access? Enter the Ageless Wisdom.
Money, responsibility and wealth
What is our relationship with money? Are we responsible in our daily living choices for money and wealth? What if our greatest wealth is not money?
Right & wrong
Have you ever considered how right and wrong impacts your life and your relationships? Exploring these two words can be absolutely life changing.
Popularity versus Truth
From very young we sense there is a choice – to be ‘popular’, be rewarded, accepted and be part of human life, or to hold the truth of who we are and the love that we come from.
Sacred movement
Are we willing to consider that how we live and move can pollute our body in a way equally as huge as the impact of fossil fuels, chemicals or urban build up?
The bully
If a bully wins a fight and controls people by fear, what kind of world is it we live in? From school yard bullying to global corruption, what happens when we let ill-energy run our lives?
The glorious simplicity of authentically being me
How one woman went from playing the game of life, imprisoned in keeping up appearances… best daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend, worker … to living ‘purely and authentically me’.
Pornography and the ‘theft’ of our true essence
What is the energy behind the addiction to pornography… and other addictions for that matter?
The sparkler effect
Sparklers can evoke joyful memories of childhood. But is it possible that something deeper is symbolised by their ignition?
Self-care: The bridge back to Universal Love
We think of self-care as something we need to do, so that our human body can function better. There is a basic truth to this, but what if self-care is just not an end in itself but a doorway, a bridge back to the magnificence of who we truly are, to Universal Love?
Re-incarnation and Karma – punishment or ultimate love?
What if all that we do, say and think in this life, leaves a trail which, if not true or if harmful to others in any way, and or is disharmonious to the universe in general, needs to be re-balanced via the Law of Karma and Reincarnation?
Junk food: giving something up or letting it go?
The difference between trying to give something up or just letting it go is huge. It’s something we all come to experience and would be great to master
From feeling a victim to living a joyful life
Regina shares that when she was growing up, she felt totally misunderstood and a victim of life. So, she learnt to shut down; to shut herself away from a world that she found way too hard to live in.
The anxiety epidemic
Recognising anxiety in the body; how can I support myself?
Letting people in
I remember being very little, and just loving people and letting people in – meaning, letting them into my heart and being open and transparent and letting them see all of me.
Chronic pain
Chronic Pain is something that affects many people worldwide and there seems to be a long way to go to fully understand how and why it occurs… here physiotherapist Andrew Mooney offers us a deeper understanding.
How can I care for myself at work?
Work can be very stressful from time to time. If that is the case, how can we care for ourselves at work?
All of us – What we always wanted, but never cared to seek
The décor might have changed, but true evolution lays not in the material but how we treat ourselves, each other and from there, all we share this planet with and Earth itself.
What’s self-love got to do with pregnancy and stillbirth?
Experiencing a stillbirth is difficult for women and those around them. Yet, healing from the experience may not as impossible as it seems.