Frequently asked questions
Here you will find answers and interesting points to many common questions asked about Sacred Esoteric Healing.
How do I become a practitioner of Sacred Esoteric Healing?
An article that discusses the training and integrity requirements to become a practitioner in Sacred Esoteric Healing
Universal Medicine, the EPA* and the Esoteric Modalities
A doctor’s perspective on how Sacred Esoteric Healing changed her life and can work hand in hand with mainstream medicine.
Understanding Esoteric Healing – A first hand experience
Esoteric Healing is a true complementary therapy, yet it makes no claims to cure anything. So what is its purpose? Adam Warburton shares his experience.
The Sacred Esoteric Healing modality
Sacred Esoteric Healing is a non-intrusive, non-invasive technique that supports and allows the client to deeply rest with themselves.
Sacred Esoteric Healing
A truly healing modality taught by Universal Medicine. Simple non-intrusive techniques you can use on yourself, your family and friends.
Sacred Esoteric Healing – what can you expect from a session?
Experiencing Sacred Esoteric Healing isn’t foreign, in fact once felt, it is something so natural because of how it allows us to simply connect with our true selves.
The Practitioner
An overview of Complementary Esoteric Therapies offered by Natalie Benhayon.
The history of Sacred Esoteric Healing
A brief review of the history of Sacred Esoteric Healing, stating that true healing of an ill has always encompassed more than just the removal of symptoms but rather is the removal of the energy that causes the symptoms.
What is Sacred Esoteric Healing?
An article explaining Sacred Esoteric Healing as a form of energetic healing providing an opportunity to heal the underlying root cause of our ills and symptoms.
What are illness and disease?
What are illness and disease? Where do they come from? Is it possible that illness and disease do not come from outside us, but from the choices we ourselves make?
What were people’s responses to Sacred Esoteric Healing at Mind Body Spirit?
Jean Gamble’s take on Esoteric Healing at the Mind Body Spirit Festival, Sydney.
Sacred Esoteric Healing and how it changed my life
How Sacred Esoteric Healing changed my life and helped me cure my depression – making me feel alive and energised again.
How Sacred Esoteric Healing helped support me through breast cancer
How Sacred Esoteric Healing supported Lee-Ann through her medical treatment of breast cancer.
What is the ‘Sacred’ in ‘Sacred Esoteric Healing’?
The ‘Sacred’ in Sacred Esoteric Healing is represented when a practitioner of this modality lives with the commitment and intention of Energetic integrity and Energetic Responsibility.
Healing Audio
Healing is not about curing or removing symptoms and nobody can heal you. So what is healing and how do we heal? Find out more with this collection of free audio.
Healing depression – goodbye black dog
When I first saw Serge Benhayon in early 2004, I had been suffering from depression since my early teenage years. I was so used to feeling miserable and depressed that I did mention it only at the very end of our chat…
What are Universal Medicine Therapies?
In a world that is constantly bombarding you and telling you how to be, think and act, Universal Medicine Therapies are a profoundly simple set of therapies that truly allow you just to be yourself – supporting us to return to the stillness and harmony that every single one of us, naturally is on the inside.
Where can you train In Sacred Esoteric Healing?
Sacred Esoteric Healing Training and course information
Serge Benhayon – understanding true healing and the role of the client
Too often practitioners forget the important role the client has to play in their own healing. Serge Benhayon takes our understanding of the client/practitioner relationship to a new level