Why we don’t let love in
Why we don’t let love in
For our Audio of the Month in March we have chosen Why we don’t let love in following on from February’s presentation on building true love in relationships.
When we walk around in protection we do not realise how much we keep people away and in doing that we shut ourselves off from love.
Why we don’t let love in
Everything you always wanted to know about love but didn’t ask! This is one of our favourite talks and we highly recommend it.
At Unimedpedia Love you can read and hear more about love.
"In-truth, and all our hurts and forms of protection aside, it is love that we all want and, under many guises, it is love that we seek most in life. We are that love and hence why we seek it, for in-truth, we seek who we truly are, even if most are doing it unconsciously until such time that the search becomes very conscious and very deliberate via a commitment to being love."
Serge Benhayon An Open Letter to Humanity, p 474
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