Golden Mean Books

Throughout history there have always been libraries that published writings in which wisdom was the foundational impress for a scroll or book. The Library of Alexandria, Egypt 290 BC - 415 AD was perhaps the most well known of these libraries but by no means the only one. In the Dark Ages collections of books were moved around so as not to be discovered by the ruling elite. Today we live in an age in which we are bombarded with information, and more than ever before very little writing is of true value and offers inner richness or actual power.

The important part is that books of great value no longer have to be hidden – they are disguised in the sea of distraction that has become so characteristic of an electronic media age.

Enter Golden Mean Books – a publishing house that heralds a re-turn to the wisdom and depth of the publications of old. A beacon for those looking for books across a diverse range of subjects and genres, that provide a common golden thread – a quality that is ageless in its wisdom and yet everyday in its lived application. These books are authored by todays Students of the Ageless Wisdom.

View and shop books here: Golden Mean Books

Seeing vision through a different lens … the multi-dimensional view. - thumbnail version

Is there more to vision than meets the eye?