Teaching is a marathon and not a sprint… are you ready to get fit?
Teaching is a marathon and not a sprint… are you ready to get fit?
Teaching can be an exhausting profession and we can often feel burnt out at the end of term. We are in it for the long run and it is a marathon, not a sprint.
Teaching is a demanding job that requires a certain level of stamina and care of the body so that it can sustain itself and go the distance without burnout. An athlete would not run a race without the fitness levels required to see it through to the end. Can teachers and educational professionals finish the term with just as much energy as when they started? Do we push through to deliver at the expense of our body and our wellbeing?
Is there a way to prepare and be fit for school? Join a group of teachers discussing how they have learnt to thrive in this profession and build the fitness required to deliver the job.
How to get fit for school - Teachers
A discussion between four educators about how they learnt to stay fit for the classroom and the teaching profession.
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