What is a true teacher?

What is a true teacher?
We most likely find ourselves thinking of a teacher as being someone who has knowledge and is going to impart that knowledge to us. Yet this audio conveys a beautiful understanding of what a true teacher is and what an esoteric yoga ‘teacher’ (presenter) offers in a session.
The presentation of Esoteric Yoga isn’t teaching in the commonly accepted sense but rather the practitioner invites the body to learn a new way of moving, in conscious presence. The presenter provides a space for participants to re-connect deeply with their bodies, and to re-connect to the stillness that is within them.
With a developing quality of stillness in the participants, the practitioner – throughout the presentation of the session – supports the client’s relationship between the ‘being’ and the body. By supporting the student to be consciously present, and keeping the mind with the body, it allows the being to ‘be’, and the body’s wisdom to come to the forefront.
In truth we re-awaken ourselves, or we could say re-educate ourselves; we become our own teachers by developing our awareness – and confirm it in our bodies by bringing that awareness into our daily lives.
A true teacher
The simple truth of what a true teacher does.
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