Topic:Awareness SEE ALL TOPICS
Giving up – The why behind it all
Why do we often feel given up on life? This article explores some reasons why many of us want to give up.
Depression in men – the awareness within
Depression in Men leaves us feeling isolated and overwhelmed, shrouded in a state of hopelessness. Could reconnecting to our body and being more aware of our movements set us on the path out of this male depression?
Awareness, Connection, Depression, Mental health, Presence, Surrender
Black Gold in Soho
When one eats what we know is not good for us, forget discipline – analyse what happened before that. The choices of food follow our behaviour – address the behaviour and food irregularities will disappear.
Alcohol, Sugar, Gluten free, Awareness, Connection, Evolution
From stress to ease of being with Esoteric Yoga
Rushed, stressed or exhausted, does your body need a different approach?
Surviving university
A discussion of how universities operate and how this impacts students. Some pointers for students on how to self-care and organise their study responsibly.
Sound vibration, science and music - revealing energies and patterns of harmony
Sound vibration affects matter and expresses or reveals the underlying frequency pattern of energy. This science can be used to increase our awareness of harmony and disharmony in us.
The Way of Initiation – enormously profound, like reading with a friend
The Way of Initiation is profound. It’s a path forward, a connection back to who we really are: heavy in its literal weight but light in the amazing path and radiant way forward, it shines for humanity and the individual all at once.
To heal is not the same as cure
Healing is not the same as a cure. Do we want a cure, or do we seek to go deeper to the root of the problem, or, have we given up on healing?
No more blaming others
Understanding the truth of our deepest hurt made me realise very simply that I cannot blame anyone else for ‘hurting me’ any more.
Reflecting on alcohol consumption
When you have friends who don’t drink when you do, what feelings arise? Read one man’s experience of what makes us uncomfortable when another makes a healthy choice.
The rising tide raises all vessels
The high tide might raise all vessels, but what tension does that put on the moorings? Sometimes it’s our own beliefs that hold us back.
The truth about Walking vs Running
Struggling with running injuries? Find out The Truth about Walking vs Running and the resultant injuries that can so often occur.
Awareness, Body awareness, Connective tissue, Fitness, Health
Understanding Esoteric Healing – A first hand experience
Esoteric Healing is a true complementary therapy, yet it makes no claims to cure anything. So what is its purpose? Adam Warburton shares his experience.
Healing, Awareness, Exhaustion, Relationships, Vitality, Practitioner, Body awareness
A life changing experience
Each paragraph can change your life, provide you with a deeper awareness of how things actually are, and confirm something that you have always known.
I would not give these books up for anything
Serge Benhayon’s books are a priceless gift and support in my development.
The Way of Initiation The Development of Energetic Awareness
Numerous influential, old and modern day philosophers and scientists have been seeking to find answers to evolution of the human kind…It took One man to meticulously lay it ALL out for us in this stellar read.
Knowing your essence
Our January 2015 Audio of the Month goes to the root of many issues and covers the essentials of knowing and connecting to your true self.
Owning knowledge
For our April 2015 audio of the month we question whether our assumed intelligence is as intelligent as we think it is.
The deepest form of prison
We have chosen an audio about choice for our September 2015 audio of the month. We are always making choices even if we are choosing not to make a choice. Will you choose to listen and find out more?
Accountability, Self-empowerment, Awareness, Health conditions
Without awareness we cannot serve
In our May 2021 Audio of the Month Serge Benhayon presents how we can truly evolve through awareness.
What is addiction and why do we become addicted?
Explanation of addiction and the abuse of substances or activities as a way of self-medicating against life.
Addiction, Gambling, Depression, Anxiety, Connection, Awareness, Relationships
World Voice Day – our voice reveals everything about us
Do you know that your voice reveals our state of being? Your voice carries a detailed read-out that can be easily discerned when we between the lines and feel the essence of the message being spoken, sung, even whispered!
Energy in music, Healthy diet, Connection, Communication, Awareness, Healing
How to be safe dating online
Karin Becker, an experienced user of online dating, discusses the pros and cons and how she has learned to stay safe.
Love – the missing link in gender equality
Children have a true wisdom about gender equality that comes from being loving, yet we seem to separate from this later. What if LOVE is the missing link in gender equality ...
Connection, Love, Gender equality, Essence, Awareness, Brotherhood
Building intimacy in your relationships
We all long for true intimacy, but how do we juggle work, family, relationships, and stay open to others? Intimacy in relationships starts with you, the willingness to investigate the depths of who you are.
Self-worth, Loneliness, Appreciation, Surrender, Love, Awareness, Couples therapy
The history of Sacred Esoteric Healing
A brief review of the history of Sacred Esoteric Healing, stating that true healing of an ill has always encompassed more than just the removal of symptoms but rather is the removal of the energy that causes the symptoms.
Lineage, Evolution, Awareness, Cycles, Healing, Ageless Wisdom, Intelligence
Before, during and after Sacred Esoteric Healing
A testimonial expressing the deep tenderness experienced in sessions and the profound changes Rachael has experienced in her life from healing through Sacred Esoteric Healing.
Time and our perception of it
What if time itself doesn’t move? Serge Benhayon asks us to consider that a tension is created in our body when we try to keep up with something that we have perceived as getting away from us. Could this explain why so many of us have an issue with time?
Time, Stress, Tension, Philosophy, Anxiety, Awareness, Presence
Serge Benhayon – the natural philosopher
Philosophy belongs in everyday life, to make sense of things, and this is what Serge Benhayon delivers without reservation.
Does consciousness determine reality: a little experiment in choices
Does our consciousness create reality from our choices? A little experiment that shows it does!
Who’s the man?
As men do we really know ourselves; do we want to, or are we just distracting ourselves from life and who we truly are?
Awareness, Communication, Confidence, Healthy living, Self-empowerment, Self-worth
The settlement of true success
Our June Audio of the Month investigates what true success is and how it relates to truth and trust and brings us the settlement we have been looking for.
Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Unveiling the invisible world of spirits
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare’s first play about the invisible world of spirits and forces, hilariously and powerfully exposes the absurdity of our operating under the influence of their drama without ever questioning the source of the created chaos.
Co-dependency aka ‘Pretzelling’ or the compulsion to comply
Watch this entertaining video on co-dependent relationship problems
Acceptance, Behaviour, Performance anxiety, Rejection, Relationships, Tension, Awareness
What if reincarnation is true?
How can we know what we know without prior experience or knowledge? Or do we…?
There is no such thing as a ‘probability’ in actual science
We are taught in science to measure and calculate the ‘probability’ of events, but is this the way that the universe actually works? Or is it how we try and see it….
More to us than just the physical
Our Audio of the Month for July 2021 presents on our true capacity to love and how there is much more to us than our physical body.
Knowing when to let go and rest
The readings of Serge Benhayon are multidimensional, timely and timeless. Nicola Lessing shares the reading she received during a heart incident that led to surgery, and how the support and wisdom of this reading is still relevant and valuable many years later.
Health, Healing, Universal Medicine, Awareness, Health conditions, Hardness, Heart disease
The true test of science is how it faces the unknown
Science has so much to offer humanity, but seems limited by how it reacts to what is doesn’t know.
Awareness, Conscious presence, Inner-heart, Universal Medicine, Gentle breath
The Way of Initiation – The Development of Energetic Awareness
Initiation is an inner development and not something that can be externally acquired or bestowed on us by anyone.
Stress in the workplace
Stress at work has become a commonly used phrase, but is there more to it?
This is an interesting take on depression which occurs when our expectations are not met. The way out of depression is self-care.
Plato’s ‘The Allegory of the Cave’ and music
What happens when we ignore the energetic interplay in music – and life itself? As in the allegory of Plato’s Cave, our current global state of play can now only be described as grand scale illusion and chaos, and this is reflected in music today.
Awareness, Energy in music, Music, Musicians, Philosophy, Wisdom, Humanity, Illusion
Alan Johnston reading re Serge Benhayon
Reading re a difficult court case
Emotions in music – Are they so innocent?
Are the emotions in music really so innocent? What effect does this have on our body? Music can have an impact just like the food you ingest in the body – but what does this mean?
Body awareness: the simplicity of our natural union in life
We are born in union, in connection, yet as we grow up we absorb life – life happens. Yet we need not disconnect from the natural body awareness that keeps us connected, and this audio and crisp article share the simplicity of union.
You, family and self-care
Do you ever wonder why being with family impacts on our ability to be our true selves? So why do we do the opposite when we are around them?
From holding myself back to wonderful changes
Serge Benhayon's books present a profound philosophical journey, cutting through the confusion of life to offer a simple basic way of living that I consider very beneficial and worthwhile.
An awareness around leering (perving)
A look, a glance, is it all that innocent – if not, why do you do it? As a real man, what’s in it for you, and do we comprehend the impact of our seemingly harmless actions?
Scientific Laws. Where do they come from?
We learn Scientific laws at school and university. We learn to apply them in daily life. But where do they come from? Are they man made and owned like our legal system, or are they actually pre-existing?
Oops! Embracing our mistakes is self-care
Giving ourselves a hard time for the mistakes we’ve made is just another form of self-abuse. Could celebrating them for the learning they bring be part of our self-care?
Our acceptance of the food industry – supply by any means
The food industry is abundant in quick, easy, processed food, often at the cost to our health, but all to supply our demand.
What is a true teacher?
Is a teacher someone who imparts knowledge – or does a true teacher simply awaken everything that you already equally know?
The purple books: everything we are not told
Have you ever questioned what life is all about, or complained about it being mundane or purposeless as we live one day after another? The truth is, we know there is more, and when we make this enquiry we are really asking where the parts that bring depth and wisdom have gone.
Food to go – convenience at a price
Does eating ready meals and food on the go, or multitasking with our meals, truly support our bodies?
The symbol of a key
Our January 2017 Audio of the Month offers us a powerful key to dissolve stubbornness and open the door and year to greater knowledge.
Awareness is the key to love
Does an ever-expanding love and truly joyful relationship interest you? If so our February 2017 Audio of the Month is for you.
The Battle for the Body – Part 1: Spirit versus Soul
Our bodies are vehicles of expression that can either be used to express all that we are (Soul) or all that we are not (spirit).
Human body, Awareness, Soul, Spirit, Sacredness, Surrender, God
Protection shuts down our awareness
Serge Benhayon presents how trying to protect ourselves by shutting people out hurts us even more in our November 2019 Audio of the Month.
Healing: should I be suspicious?
Is ‘Healing’ something that is not real or should we be suspicious? Is there a true form of healing to be embraced by all?
Women – unnecessary collateral damage in a battle against ourselves
With such high rates of violence against women in all its forms around the world, we have to look deeper at the cause
Abuse, Awareness, Behaviour, Domestic violence, Healthy relationships, Sacredness, Stillness, Tenderness
The Universal Medicine New Year's Message for 2017
A new dawning has begun. Esoteric Numerology places the year 2017 as the energy or cycle of the number 1. The energy or cycle of 1 is well known to mean a new beginning. We are all in such cycles; no one is free of them.
Humanity, Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Appreciation, Evolution
It is never about food!
Food is not the culprit for a plethora of disorders. It is all about our behaviour, awareness, responsibility and choices. We give our power away and then mask our weaknesses with poor food choices.
Food Audio
A collection of delicious and free audios offering a different perspective on food.
Free downloads, Alcohol, Awareness, Caffeine, Chocolate, Dairy free, Sugar, Drugs
All of nature is here to support us to return to who we truly are
Supporting International Mother Earth Day and the miracle and reflection of nature.
Harmlessness – our true quality lost in a world at war
The world is at war, no matter which way we look at it. We are retaliating and fighting to ‘protect’ our ‘own’ borders. And yet does the power to end warring and disharmony lie in our very own hands?
Abuse, Awareness, Behaviour, Conflict, Harmony, Tension, Brotherhood, Supremacy
Personal development
What if personal development is not an activity, course or a book, but an exploration and unfoldment of self-realising and self-connection?
A life changing story about Serge Benhayon’s purple books
The Way of Initiation; I literally could not put this book down and read it day and night. Every page I read felt like I was being held by a very close friend.
Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Philosophy, The Hierarchy, Expression, Testimonials
Serge Benhayon TV – Whole Body Intelligence
What is ‘Whole-body Intelligence’ and what can it tell us about how to move and walk so that we can deliver an intelligence that holds all equal in the realm we live in. Sound grand? It is. Welcome to Episode One of Serge Benhayon TV.
Ageless Wisdom, Body awareness, Awareness, Conscious presence, Intelligence
Space exploration – more than the stars
What if we didn’t have to go to Mars to explore space, but there is actually more to learn about the quality of the space around us.
Like Footprints in the Sand
Just as we can leave imprints in the sand, how we live leaves an imprint on others that remains. How far reaching and how long lasting are these imprints?
Accountability, Awareness, Behaviour, Lifestyle, Presence, Relationships
Awareness and why we avoid it
Our August 2017 Audio of the Month looks at the power of our awareness and why we choose to avoid it.
Saying no to dieting: Weight loss with awareness
Is dieting a mere distraction from exploring why we are carrying excess weight? Read how one woman lost weight once she refocussed on what was driving her actions.
Accessing Multidimensionality: A walk in the park
Is it possible that accessing our multidimensionality is as simple as a walk in the park?
Revelation Audio
A revelatory and liberating collection of audio revealing life as it truly is.
Empathy – sophisticated sympathy
A practitioner shares her revelation on the true harm of empathy.
Accountability, Awareness, Humanity, Mental health, Practitioner, Sickness
The price of being the berry on the blancmange
A personal and insightful article about healing from the anxiety of being controlled by the smothering demands of a needy mother.
Anxiety, Awareness, Feelings, Healing, Psychology, Relationships
A meeting with me
Do you know your younger self well enough to give advice? What would it be like if you actually met?
The Magic of Esoteric Yoga
How do the movements in an Esoteric Yoga session relate to the way we move in our day to day life? Here Gabriele experiences how they support us to bring awareness to the way we move and our behaviours.
Integrity in the midst of the house of lies... The Way of The Livingness
In the midst of our current global crisis, and the multitude of lies and corruption of our society, there is a most powerful example of a loving, healthy and productive way of life that sections of the Media, on the basis of a personal vendetta with no investigation, have wantonly slandered. Why is this?
The ripple effect of emotions
Emotions in the workplace: what ripple effect do they have on colleagues and customers? What role can you play in stopping this?
Esoteric yoga - everyday life is the yoga class
Isn’t it a bold claim to make – that we are all one? So, what does Yoga / Union / Oneness mean?
Understanding in relationships – how judgement contributes to abuse
In this video Serge Benhayon talks about judgement and abuse and how understanding in relationships is the greatest form of Love we can share.
The Battle for the Body – Part 2: Male versus Female
What is the real reason behind the seeming divide between male and female?
Human body, Awareness, Soul, Spirit, Sacredness, Surrender, God
We are all one
The responsibility we all hold to be living with and from energetic awareness is set out clearly here. Knowing we are all one comes from connection to Soul rather than from our spirit which can lead us to live unlovingly with ourselves and others, and even to war.
Healthy lifestyle
We think of healthy lifestyle in order to lose weight as food and exercise choices – what if a truly healthy lifestyle is more about the quality of energy that we use to do things, rather than the things we do?
Procrastination with food: just a small snack first … ?
How often do you reach for a snack rather than getting on with something? Do you snack to procrastinate? Have you ever asked, what are you really avoiding?
Weight-loss, Diets, Connection, Appreciation, Awareness, Tension
What does a seer see?
What if the job of a seer was to be wrong? What if the purpose of prophecy is to prevent a further calamity or harm?
The best pregnancy advice EVER!
Pregnancy is a time of enormous change and new beginnings and when looking for the best advice ever, who better to consult than a mother of seven!
What is energetic awareness and why do we fight it?
Awareness, Clairsentience, Communication, Raising children, Relationships, Soul, Spirit, Universe
Choosing our way out of depression
One person’s experience with depression — How they found their choices resulted in depletion and therefore depression, and how they made choices that supported them out of it.
Acceptance, Awareness, Depression, Self-love, Body awareness, Mental health, Healthy living
Never ever have I read any books like the purple books
Living with the books by Serge Benhayon means they live in you, constantly expanding your awareness and bringing understanding to all facets of everyday life.
Books which deepen us into our awareness
A spherical, profound and sustained expansion in awareness is available to anyone who chooses to not shy away from the true inspiration on every page written by Serge Benhayon.
Embracing the hug
When it comes to hugging, do you embrace it or does it scare you to your inner core? A hug can tell us more in three seconds than half an hour of dialogue could ever accomplish.
Awareness, Brotherhood, Communication, Connection, Expression, Relationships, Tenderness
“Souvenirs of Love” – what is love truly and what is keeping us from living it?
Our natural state of being is Love. So why are we insisting on holding on to hurts, making them more important than living who we truly are.
Serge Benhayon TV – Movement Over Matter
The phrase ‘mind over matter’ has been bandied around for centuries, but has the truth of ‘movement of matter’ ever been considered?
Returning to our body – The wonder, beauty and science of our body
How often do we consider if we are with or even ‘in’ our body? Discover the unlimited awareness we can tap into when we connect to our body and the quality of our movements.
Awareness, Body awareness, Conscious presence, Gentleness, Yoga
Our future: the unfolding of true men
How can you break the stereotypes society has imposed on men? How can you live a life that you know is true and honouring of yourself, knowing you will most probably be judged or ridiculed?
Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Brotherhood, Communication, Expression
Where am I from? The myth of nationality
Humanity has been on an eternal quest to know its true origins. We often ask people “where are you from?” Yet, underneath this question is there a deeper longing to know who we truly are?
Change your life
Too frequently we live in a way resigned to our behaviours and thus resigned to the belief that “this is just the way life is”. Are you open to knowing that there is another way…
Acceptance, Awareness, Communication, Empowerment, Feelings, Healing, Healthy relationships, Mental health
Is change possible? Understanding the choices we make and why!
Have you ever wondered why we make choices that are not good for us? Is it possible there is more to making a choice than a simple yes or no?
Behaviour, Emotions, Feelings, Lifestyle, Over eating, Well-being, Awareness, Healthy living, Intelligence
What is Yoga?
What does Yoga mean in today’s world?
Yoga, Soul, Awareness, Anxiety, Connection, Presence, Exhaustion
Sacred movement
Are we willing to consider that how we live and move can pollute our body in a way equally as huge as the impact of fossil fuels, chemicals or urban build up?
Hot Dogs, Men & Self-Care
Who is the expert on self-care when a ‘hot’ dog and a ‘hot’ man are faced with a rather hot and sticky situation?
The classroom of life
Tanya Curtis explores our two key roles of being a forever student and a forever teacher of life in what she calls the classroom of life.
A blog about sugar, misery and love
Most people know that sugar is a poison. Sugar controls us because we are lacking awareness and understanding
Awareness, Connection, Conscious presence, Exhaustion, Gentleness, Healing, Self-love, Sugar, Tenderness
Honesty and truth
Our November 2018 Audio of the Month invites us all to explore the relationship between honesty and truth.
How hard is it to change?
Everyone wants to change, this article looks at the impulse and motivation to change and how to engage with change.
Acceptance, Awareness, Connection, Well-being, Gentle breath, Healthy living
The elder branches of wisdom
While on a lovely evening walk in our neighbourhood with my daughter recently, we heard an owl hooting from a nearby tree…
Could the answer to true empowerment for women be as simple as increasing self-awareness?
Could the answer to true empowerment for women be as simple as increasing self-awareness? Universal Medicine’s and founder of Esoteric Women’s Health thinks it could and addresses this at the Women In Livingness workshop.
Awareness, Empowerment, Women's health, Esoteric Women's Health
For most of my life I have never thought I was good enough. I am pretty sure I didn’t feel this as a really young child, but as I grew I can see now how the idea ballooned one breath at a time . . .
Acceptance, Appreciation, Awareness, Breath, Confidence, Connection
Every movement matters
How do our movements affect the quality of energy flowing through our bodies?
Is making love more than just sex?
We seem to have always equated the term ‘making love’ to actually having sex. What if there is way more to this term than just the physical act – what would this look like in day-to-day life?
Talking about suicide is a great start. Let's explore further.
Suicide is no longer the taboo topic it once was, and the problem of suicide, particularly amongst men, is now widely acknowledged, with a public campaign in full swing to encourage men to speak up. This is a great start, but what is really going on?
Awareness, Connection, Depression, Relationships, Self-worth, Tension
Shakespeare’s Richard III and The Winter of Our Discontent – a new take
Glorious summer or an insatiable winter of discontent – what will we choose? What made Shakespeare’s King Richard III a best seller of its time and still the most performed play in the 21st century?
Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Behaviour, Brotherhood, Corruption, Supremacy
Men and change
Change for many men can be difficult. It represents a questioning of how they live their lives and how invested they are in resisting change. The men in this audio provide their perspectives on change and what it exposes for them.
Shakespeare’s King Lear: King Liar and the tyranny of ‘elsewhere conscious presence’
Shakespeare’s King Lear exposes the extent of our society’s daily brutality, to which most of us have elected to turn a blind eye. And he honours the presence in those few who consistently live the truth we all know but have largely abandoned. Why do we do it?
We have to live medicine
If medicine means to heal in full, what does that signify and how does that apply to us? Everything we do every day has an impact on our body – medicine is made up of the choices of how we live.
Eat to not feel
A personal experience of what it means to eat to not feel what is really going on, and how to stop emotional eating.
3 Layers of healing
Healing is a term that gets thrown around, but do we really understand what it is all about?
Freedom of association in a world of free will: who and what do we choose to associate with?
The associational choice is a deep reflection of how we are and how do we want to be in our own body. Understanding what we say yes to is the key.
Why we bring conscious presence to the eyes in Esoteric Yoga
The eye area may be just a small part of our body, but when you consider how much of life is seen, clocked, received or projected from our eyes they have a massive impact on how and what we experience as our day to day lives. Explore with this experiential video…
I once met a man
Joseph reflects on the way he has observed men living and how that has inspired him to reclaim the tender man that he always knew himself to be. By not judging these men, but instead realising his part in the relationship, he offers us a path back to being the true man we have always been.
Everything in moderation – how we fake being alright
Everything in moderation, what is that? A ‘truth’ we live by or a cunning deception to shut down our awareness?
Self acceptance – the path to changing overeating
Many of us spend our lives lost to ourselves until we finally arrive at the knowing that love is not ‘out there’, it’s within us and that no amount of food is enough to fill the ‘perpetual hunger’ for love.
Vitality, Feelings, Body awareness, Awareness, Eating disorder, Healthy living
Astral – Maya, Glamour & Illusion
Find out why it is so essential to understand what Astral energy is and how to free yourself from its seductive and harmful grips.
Awareness, Bullying, Conflict, Corruption, Emotions, Energy, Essence, Evolution, Illusion, Livingness, Soul, Spirit
Right & wrong
Have you ever considered how right and wrong impacts your life and your relationships? Exploring these two words can be absolutely life changing.
The anxiety epidemic
Recognising anxiety in the body; how can I support myself?
Anxiety, Awareness, Healing, Mental health, Overwhelm, Stress
It is never about alcohol
Most drinkers believe a little of alcohol is OK, but is it OK to not be who you truly are?
Alcohol, Inflammation, Sugar, Hurt, Evolution, Addiction, Anti-social behaviour, Awareness, Sex
Body posture
Good posture isn’t just about having a straight spine, nor is it about being rigid in the way we are with our body. Find out how a quality posture can support you.
Mindfulness: it’s not the holy grail of awareness
Mindfulness – without the consideration of quality of energy – at best manages the state that we are already in, and at worst supports the ability to do many things that are in fact totally harmful to the body we are walking around in?
The Goldilocks ratio of exercise
When you think about exercise are you filled with dread and overwhelm with memories of physical education and sport at school – or are you a complete exercise nut who is always genuinely in their active wear? When it comes to exercise both of these scenarios could be doing you harm.
Men and jealousy
We think that we know what jealousy is and when it presents, but do we really understand why it arises and the decisions we make that allow it to impact our lives?
Yoga – the heart of union for our world
How do we begin to address abuse in the world and in our own backyards ... and what has this got to do with the Soul, our true essence?
Moving in harmony
As long as we are alive, we will be moving. Do we ever consider the great intelligence that must be in every cell of our body, that knows exactly how to do everything, how to respond to the nerve signals, move the muscles and coordinate them?
The science of group work
Have you ever noticed that when you get together with a group of people, interesting ideas can come through that no one would have thought of when alone?
Food porn
Food porn – an innocent photo or an indulgence that is desire and fantasy
Awareness, Behaviour, Healthy diet, Overwhelm, Sugar, Tiredness
The fallacy of right
We have all delighted in being right, but what does it really feel like in our body and what is the prize we pay for being right? Is there more to being right than meets the eye?
A look at reflections
Visions of the outside world from a different and inspiring perspective. A book for deep contemplation, for true enrichment, a reflection of Truth and beauty within nature.
Developing a love affair with reactions
Reactions don’t need to be seen as the enemy when they tell us about how we are experiencing life …. What are our reactions telling us about ourselves and other people?
Awareness, Clairsentience, Communication, Emotions, Feelings
Good girl or nice girl
There are good girls and there are nice girls: are you going to be a good girl, or are you going to be a nice girl?
Not your typical man
Men find themselves under pressure to be the ‘typical man’ in today’s society, but what is a ‘typical man’? This article explores the premise that the ’typical man’ is an illusion.
Understanding our food choices (part 2)
Interesting article explaining how the quality of our movements when we are preparing food, can change how the food affects us.
Understanding our food choices
This is a personal account of how our food choices can deliberately sabotage our joy and wellbeing.
Our body is our guide
Have we ever stopped to wonder why there is so much emphasis on the way our body looks, when it is only one small aspect of ourselves?
Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Body image, Energy, Gentle breath
Becoming one with vibration
In our Audio of the Month for January 2023 Serge Benhayon presents how we innately know the difference between the truth and a lie. So why do we accept the lie?
Just the way I am
Have you ever considered that your personality traits and behaviours may not be who you actually are? Is all that we have accepted as us ‘normal’ or is there a whole other fullness and richness to life.
Letting people in is being sensitive
In our Audio of the Month for April 2024, Serge Benhayon presents how sensitivity is the key to being open with everyone.
Tiptoeing around the truth
What could be moving a child to walk in a way that society decrees to be abnormal? What could possibly be under their feet that they do not want to feel?