Awareness is the key to love

Awareness is the key to love

This audio presents the most wonderful key to true relationships and the joy and constant expansion that is available for all when living this way.

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Awareness is the key to love

What does the Universe have to do with awareness and relationships?

“An Occult teaching on Love:

Love is the essence of all, it is – where we come from, who we really are and what we are made of.

It is this love that transcends us into the realms of light and energy for us all to experience the what is and the what is not, for only love knows the difference between the two realms:

Therefore, seek love in all you do, feel love in all you do, express yourself in love through all you say – then you will know what is Divine Truth and what is not.”

Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, p 651

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