Topic:Feelings SEE ALL TOPICS
Real men don’t eat quiche
‘Real Men don’t eat quiche’ is a well known phrase, but where did it originate from? This article exposes our masculine ways and asks whether we have a model of man bound in many stereotypical but unnatural forms.
Competition, Feelings, Hardness, Lifestyle, Tenderness, Rejection
Giving up – The why behind it all
Why do we often feel given up on life? This article explores some reasons why many of us want to give up.
Serge Benhayon's books have a deeply stilling effect on the body and being
Serge Benhayon’s series of books invite you to get a deeper understanding of yourself and discover your higher mind.
How to rebuild trust
What happens when we don’t honour what we know is true, and how do we claim our inner authority? There are many ways and reasons we begin to doubt and lose trust in ourselves.
Wisdom, Soul, Self-empowerment, Feelings, Mental health, Clairsentience
Expressing love: I love you
I Love You. Are you saying it? Are you hearing it? Are you feeling it? An article about the significance and value of expressing love in our Relationships.
Communication, Connection, Conscious presence, Couples therapy, Feelings, Healthy relationships
Why I overeat – Nutella and I
What leads us to overeat and choose the foods that we do? Is there a payoff for something we don’t want to look at or feel? Read Sandra’s journey and what happened when she chose awareness over numbing herself with food.
Over eating, Feelings, Healthy diet, Losing weight, Behaviour, Emotions
Why do we overeat?
Do you ever overeat when lonely … as a reward after a challenging day … or for comfort? Here is an insightful exploration into why we overeat.
Over eating, Bloating, Body awareness, Emotions, Feelings, Eating disorder, Obesity
Learning to express our feelings - part 1
Have we become disconnected from being able to express our feelings? Healthy relationships flourish when people express their feelings. We have to feel our feelings before we can express them.
Learning to express our feelings - part 2
Part 2 of this article presents simple steps to reconnect to our ability to feel. Being in touch with what we feel lays a foundation for communicating confidently, openly and respectfully.
Healthy relationships, Communication, Feelings, Hurt, Relationship problems
Good parenting skills
Rather than give advice to children – listen, connect and explain the consequences
Parenting, Presence, Communication, Appreciation, Psychology, Feelings, Hurt, Confidence, Self-esteem
When does sugar addiction begin?
Anyone who has gone cold turkey to give up sugar knows how difficult it can be and just how addictive sugar is. So when does our addiction to sugar begin?
Women – let’s be honest with ourselves!
On International Women’s Day we present why women override what they know deep down to be true and instead choose to play one of the many roles available to them.
Let’s hear it from a student’s mouth
At the age of 22 I stumbled across emails from my former teachers. I cried as I read them and in those moments I had a major realisation and invaluable learning …
Could words be used in a different way?
Language has become our primary system of communication. Yet we rarely consider what the true energetic meaning of a word is or if it reflects what we truly feel in that moment.
This is an interesting take on depression which occurs when our expectations are not met. The way out of depression is self-care.
Anxiety in relationships
Are we living with increased anxiety and being oblivious to how this is affecting our relationships?
Anxiety, Conscious presence, Feelings, Healing, Relationship problems
Seeing is believing... or is it?
We all think our eyes are our greatest sensory organ, but what if our heart feels long before and much more than our eyes see?
Valentine's dread - tips for liberation
This article talks about the pressures men experience when it comes to the one day of the year that calls for them to celebrate their relationships.
Love, Connection, Appreciation, Empowerment, Feelings, Valentine's Day
An employer’s dream - technology to predict employee behaviour
Technology to predict employee decisions may appear like a dream come true, but what if you could already do this yourself?
What does being grounded mean?
Esoteric Healing supports us to remain grounded by connecting to our own inner anchor of steadiness.
Exhausted and depressed at work: how falsely do we live life?
What makes us stressed, depressed or exhausted at work? This article considers the impact of not working as the ‘real-us’ and how this adversely affects our success, health and wellness.
Exhaustion, Work stress, Appreciation, Feelings, Stress, Work life balance, Vitality, Harmony, Well-being
Anxiety and expression . . . are they related?
Anxiety and expression; are they linked? Tanya Curtis discusses how one of our major causes for anxiety is a person not feeling safe to express.
The price of being the berry on the blancmange
A personal and insightful article about healing from the anxiety of being controlled by the smothering demands of a needy mother.
Anxiety, Awareness, Feelings, Healing, Psychology, Relationships
Diving beneath our reasons to drink
When I was younger, I was like everyone else I knew – I enjoyed good food, wine and beer regularly, and I drank much more at the occasional dinner or night out with friends. I chose to believe that a glass of wine or a beer or two each evening was good for me.
Did you know – expression can be harming or healing?
Did You Know that our expression can either be harming or healing and that we are responsible for the quality and integrity of how we communicate?
Clairsentience is the science of feeling energy. It is something we all can do and have been able to do since we were children. So why do we not make proper use of it now?
Let's talk about porn
We have made porn normal but is it really? Max asks some rather pressing questions about an industry that is now as accessible as home delivered pizza – and is probably unhealthier for our being.
Connection, Feelings, Intimacy, Making love, Pornography, Relationships
Healthy body healthy mind
Taking time to love your body can lead to a healthy mind which means less critical thoughts. Love the body and the mind will follow.
Health, Mindfulness, Therapies, Love, Anxiety, Depression, Feelings, Breath
Expression is everything – feeling anxious much?
Expression is everything – when one does not feel safe to express they are constantly feeling anxious, trying to hold their expression in.
Change your life
Too frequently we live in a way resigned to our behaviours and thus resigned to the belief that “this is just the way life is”. Are you open to knowing that there is another way…
Acceptance, Awareness, Communication, Empowerment, Feelings, Healing, Healthy relationships, Mental health
Is change possible? Understanding the choices we make and why!
Have you ever wondered why we make choices that are not good for us? Is it possible there is more to making a choice than a simple yes or no?
Behaviour, Emotions, Feelings, Lifestyle, Over eating, Well-being, Awareness, Healthy living, Intelligence
International men’s day: November 19th
Supporting International Men’s Day – being a true man in today’s world.
Psychotherapist Jean Gamble speaks about Anxiety
Watch this short video on the cause of anxiety. It can help to revisit the feelings from the trauma or terror and know you can survive them.
Abuse, Anxiety, Confidence, Emotions, Feelings, Healing, Overwhelm
True authority – empowering teachers and kids
What if it were the case that everybody has, and in fact is, their own source of true inner authority. We can support our kids to express and to back themselves in life.
The Joy and Power of Obedience
Do we reject obedience because we have come to understand it as subservient and weak?
Giving food, giving love
We may have learned that love is the same as food – has this fooled us into believing that food will give us that feeling of being loved?
The difference between feelings and emotions
Did you know that there is a vast difference energetically between Feelings and Emotions?
Diets don’t work ... but there is another way!
Diets don’t work because they focus on food, not on the person choosing the food. We need to look at ourselves and why we eat and why we might choose to be overweight.
Self acceptance – the path to changing overeating
Many of us spend our lives lost to ourselves until we finally arrive at the knowing that love is not ‘out there’, it’s within us and that no amount of food is enough to fill the ‘perpetual hunger’ for love.
Vitality, Feelings, Body awareness, Awareness, Eating disorder, Healthy living
Mind over Matter – fighting a losing battle
There has been a long battle of mind over matter, but overall the war against matter is being lost and the sooner we surrender our minds the better.
From dent to tend
I am tired of the self-denting thoughts of shame and regret; they are exhausting and kind of pointless. Next time I ‘dent the table’, I can see it differently—as a lesson to learn from, that’s it, so simple.
Developing a love affair with reactions
Reactions don’t need to be seen as the enemy when they tell us about how we are experiencing life …. What are our reactions telling us about ourselves and other people?
Awareness, Clairsentience, Communication, Emotions, Feelings
Why do we bury our emotions with food?
What is it about our emotions and why we emotionally eat? Is there more going on with this behaviour?
Emotions, Essence, Feelings, Healthy diet, Human body, Tension
Not your typical man
Men find themselves under pressure to be the ‘typical man’ in today’s society, but what is a ‘typical man’? This article explores the premise that the ’typical man’ is an illusion.
Much ado about.... lockdown
What if there are some benefits to Lockdown?
The power of sensitivity
In our April 2023 Audio of the Month, Serge Benhayon presents how powerful our sensitivity is and what this truly means.
Is there more to vision than meets the eye?
Would it be accurate to say, ‘True seeing is receiving’ and that we feel first before our eyes confirm what we have felt? Or do we feel first and instantly dismiss what has been received because it doesn’t fit our pictures, expectations and needs?
Sensitivity and being carried by elephants
Serge Benhayon presents how and why we fight and deny our superb multidimensional sensitivity in this January 2025 Audio of the Month.