Essential words about words
This fun, fascinating and wide ranging conversation explores the hidden harm behind the misuse of words and how it affects us all in every conceivable aspect of life.
Abuse, Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Alchemy, Corruption, Energy, Essence, Expression, Humanity, Livingness, Love, Raising children, Relationships, Religion, Responsibility, Soul, Spirit, Truth
Why do we love Yoga? – The nature of stillness
A deeper delve into yoga, the quality of Stillness and true wellbeing – be prepared to be amazed at the simplicity of where it all starts…
Far from what we may be led to believe, alchemy is not a dark art; it is a simple science that is applicable to all of us in everyday life.
A ‘chance’ meeting – Serge Benhayon
A ‘chance’ meeting at a family event and a conversation that struck a chord with me led to an authentic friendship that opened up life and inspired me for years to come.
Soul, Truth, Wisdom, Role models, Constellations, Testimonials
The rising tide raises all vessels
The high tide might raise all vessels, but what tension does that put on the moorings? Sometimes it’s our own beliefs that hold us back.
Religion – a separative force or a healing power?
Is religion just a force that separates people and causes division, fighting and war or can it be a power that heals and unifies? What is it that makes the difference? Could the key factor have more to do with us than we realise?
Serge Benhayon: a true author of the people…
Serge Benhayon bows not to the rigidity of the conventions imposed by the world of authorship. He simply presents pure truth in everything he writes – truth that has been well known throughout the ages, and today as The Ageless Wisdom.
The Hierarchy, Teachers, Soul, Philosophy, Essence, Connection, Ageless Wisdom
The question of evolution
How evolved are we?
Evolution, Genetic, God, Humanity, Illusion, Livingness, Soul, Truth
Yoga – awakening intelligence from the body
What is the purpose of Yoga and what can we learn from our connection with our bodies? This audio takes us to a deeper understanding of awakening the intelligence of our body.
Son of God, Soul, Yoga, God
Living a religious life – connecting with the divine within
Connecting with our Divine essence, and making that connection your way of life, can be done very simply, and then, just lived as an every day experience. If we choose to connect, then we are choosing the original meaning of the word, religion – meaning to re-connect. Religion is simply this – no more and no less. Hence to live a religious life is simply to live in connection with your natural Divinity – the so-much-more, or the Soul.
How to rebuild trust
What happens when we don’t honour what we know is true, and how do we claim our inner authority? There are many ways and reasons we begin to doubt and lose trust in ourselves.
Wisdom, Soul, Self-empowerment, Feelings, Mental health, Clairsentience
What is the ‘Sacred’ in ‘Sacred Esoteric Healing’?
The ‘Sacred’ in Sacred Esoteric Healing is represented when a practitioner of this modality lives with the commitment and intention of Energetic integrity and Energetic Responsibility.
Love, Ageless Wisdom, Healing, Sacredness, Esoteric, Soul, Intelligence
Quality of presence – reflection
Everything in nature is there to reflect to us the many and varied qualities we are and can expand. What is the quality of our reflection communicating?
What’s all the fuss about self-care?
In this article we reveal the true meaning of self-care, and how it is the missing ingredient in the search for health and wellbeing.
A willingness to heal – what is it to have a willingness to heal?
A willingness to heal can come from a moment where you recognise that you have to ask for help, to admit that something is wrong and that you require some care and support
Therapies, Soul, Medicine, Sickness, Human body, Healing, Evolution
Living religion: a relationship with my soul
The moment I wake up, to the moment I put my head on the pillow at the end of the day it is all about my relationship with my Soul. This is my religion, my connection.
Where are we from, if not descended from the Animal Kingdom?
The human being is such a fascinating phenomenon, and at times a mass of contradictions, as we all can attest to. There are so many aspects to us, so many facets that defy much of what would seem to be logical and are inconsistent with what we observe in the Animal Kingdom, let alone all life as we know it.
Learning to observe and not absorb life
From suffering Supra Ventricular Tachycardia to a life full of vitality and free of illness, Nicola Lessing shares how she has reclaimed herself after the root cause of her problems were revealed in a Reading by Serge Benhayon.
Self-care: The bridge back to Universal Love
We think of self-care as something we need to do, so that our human body can function better. There is a basic truth to this, but what if self-care is just not an end in itself but a doorway, a bridge back to the magnificence of who we truly are, to Universal Love?
A book for everyday use
A testimonial for Book 5 of Serge Benhayon’s series of books
The Way It Is – A Treatise on Energetic Truth
Is there more to us and to life than meets the eye; how did we get here and where are we going?
Yoga and the five ingredients from heaven
Discover the true beauty in the word yoga, knowing that this quality of being relates to our everyday lives. Beginning with the quality of Stillness, we discover in this audio how it supports the expression of the Soul in everything we do.
What is it we accept? Is it all that we are or all that we are not?
Acceptance, Communication, Essence, God, Inner-heart, Love, Soul, Intelligence
The Truth about Truth and how it applies to all equally.
Body awareness, Energy, God, Harmony, Healing, Human body, Humanity, Inner-heart, Joy, Livingness, Love, Responsibility, Soul, Stillness, Truth, Universe, Intelligence
Road Gloria – A Dip into the Blue Ocean
A relationship and marriage that started like a fairy tale and yet, no happy ending in sight. What is it that they and we all are missing in life?
It is important to understand what Prana is because used in the wrong way it causes great harm.
Energy, Essence, Exhaustion, Expression, Healing, Son of God, Soul, Spirit
'The Way It Is' has helped me deepen my understanding about myself, life and humanity
I have re-read this book several times over the years, and each time I've read it it’s like reading a new book.
The purple books: everything we are not told
Have you ever questioned what life is all about, or complained about it being mundane or purposeless as we live one day after another? The truth is, we know there is more, and when we make this enquiry we are really asking where the parts that bring depth and wisdom have gone.
The word Religion has been misrepresented throughout history. The true meaning of this word is not widely known by people, it is very beautiful and not what we think.
The Battle for the Body – Part 1: Spirit versus Soul
Our bodies are vehicles of expression that can either be used to express all that we are (Soul) or all that we are not (spirit).
Human body, Awareness, Soul, Spirit, Sacredness, Surrender, God
The Way of The Livingness is my Religion
Wonderment and innocence were my bedfellows as a child. After years of looking for this awe as an adult, feeling something precious had been lost, I’ve now found it within, where it has been all along, through living a very simple and all-encompassing way of life – which is religious to the bone.
Carola Woods – ‘Illumine’ album review
Prepare to be seriously rocked by Carola Woods new album ‘Illumine’. It will rock you.
What is the true meaning of the word evolution and why do we spend so much time avoiding it?
Cycles, Depression, Disease, Essence, Evolution, Exhaustion, Humanity, Illusion, Love, Soul, Over eating, Spirit, Time, Wisdom
Esoteric Yoga
Esoteric Yoga is a therapy that simply presents a way of being and moving that honours, supports and maintains the harmonious flow of stillness within the body.
‘Serge's Books’ are a form of medicine
They are a form of medicine that can be lived, reflected on and pondered on.
Connection, Soul, Wisdom, Medicine, Ageless Wisdom, Testimonials
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak
Who to blame when we have failed to live up to our intent and instead have given into the temptation of old habits once again – spirit or body? Let´s have a closer look . . .
The five essential ingredients of human beings
A car mechanic cannot fix a car if he does not know what the different parts of the car are and how they work together – likewise we cannot have a healthy body if we do not know the component parts; the ingredients of a human being.
What is fire and fiery energy, why does it matter and what does it mean to you?
Breath, Energy, Essence, Expression, God, Human body, Humanity, Ill health, Sickness, Love, Son of God, Soul, Spirit
The kingly body – building a connection with your Soul
There comes a time when the physical temptations of life no longer are enough for us --- we know that there is so much more. That more is the Soul – and it is so, so easy to connect to.
Letter to my body – from trash-tip to temple
When your body is pining for more sleep, asks for nourishing food and to be honoured, held and cherished like the Temple that it is, what do you do? What treatment do you offer back to your body?
Appreciating the wisdom, truths and universal laws we are all from . . . as presented in the books by Serge Benhayon
Serge Benhayon’s purple books uncover a universal understanding and way of being, forever holding and allowing us to deepen our connection to the divine and Soul.
The spirit and the Soul – what's their relevance to health?
Plato said, “This is the great error of our day that in the treatment of the human being, the physicians separate the soul from the body.” Is this as relevant today as it was then?
What was today’s lesson?
Two books that help us understand why things happen and make us aware of the true science of living our lives successfully and in connection to our Soul.
About Serge Benhayon
The first to teach about energetic integrity and energetic responsibility and the real effect this has on our life – Serge Benhayon’s readings inspire a true way of living for humanity. This short biography of Serge Benhayon introduces his remarkable life and works.
Gentle breath, Ageless Wisdom, Love, Self-love, Universal Medicine, Soul
Food for the Soul
What is Soul food? How does the Soul use food to support the human body?
Learning from those who have walked the path a little further
A testimonial that goes right to the heart of the matter and reminds us of our divine origins.
Miranda Benhayon
Singer, songwriter Miranda Benhayon brings fresh energy to music with an empowering universal message. She gives her all whether in a live performance or recording in the studio and regards her love of music as equal to any other aspect of her life.
Connection, Music, Musicians, Energy in music, Sacredness, Soul
Religion and The Way of The Livingness – Audio
A revelatory collection of audios presenting the liberating truth about religion, and the greatly misinterpreted use of this word.
Free downloads, God, Science, Philosophy, Religion, Livingness, Sanat Kumara, Son of God, Soul, Prayer
WARNING – Words could be damaging your health!
What if good is not good and better was bad? Suppose normal is harmful? What is truly good and what is truly healthy?
Ill health, Abuse, Corruption, Energy, Expression, Sickness, Livingness, Love, Reductionism, Soul, Spirit, Truth, Unimedpedia, Healthy living
Serge Benhayon TV – The Science of Responsibility
What is ‘responsibility’? Could it actually be completely different to what we imagine it to be? Could there be more to it? To unpack this phenomenon, Rebecca Baldwin (previously Asquith) and Serge Benhayon explore the quality that makes up the ‘being’ in human being.
Health, Well-being, Spirit, Soul, Lifestyle diseases, Sickness
It is our evolution and joy to return to our Divine essence the Soul.
Unimedpedia, Soul, Love, Harmony, Essence, God, Son of God
Who or what is God and what does He mean to each of us?
Ageless Wisdom, Energy, Essence, Evolution, God, Livingness, Sanat Kumara, Son of God, Soul, Unimedpedia
The Battle for the Body – Part 2: Male versus Female
What is the real reason behind the seeming divide between male and female?
Human body, Awareness, Soul, Spirit, Sacredness, Surrender, God
Serge Benhayon: The truth of who we are
We are born from truth – so why do we as humans resist it so much?
We are all one
The responsibility we all hold to be living with and from energetic awareness is set out clearly here. Knowing we are all one comes from connection to Soul rather than from our spirit which can lead us to live unlovingly with ourselves and others, and even to war.
Made in His image
Many religions say man is made in God’s image, but have we taken this too literally? Do we use this to justify many ungodly behaviours?
Ageless Wisdom Audio
The Ageless Wisdom has always been with mankind but we have chosen not to heed it. Are we now ready to consider what it has long been offering us?
Ageless Wisdom, Livingness, Soul, Essence, Religion, Free downloads
Co-Creation, Divine Creation and Creation
Understanding Co-Creation, Divine Creation and Creation explains a lot about our world and supports us in our return to who we truly are.
Sounds of Soul
Melbourne based musicians Catherine Wood and Tina Kopa freelanced internationally for many years when they found themselves on the same gig. A lasting friendship was sparked – fast forward a decade or so and ‘Sounds of Soul’ was born.
Music, Musicians, Teamwork, Soul, Sexiness, Role models, Women in leadership
Healing depression – goodbye black dog
When I first saw Serge Benhayon in early 2004, I had been suffering from depression since my early teenage years. I was so used to feeling miserable and depressed that I did mention it only at the very end of our chat…
Depression, Mental health, Soul, Universal Medicine, Ageless Wisdom
What is energetic awareness and why do we fight it?
Awareness, Clairsentience, Communication, Raising children, Relationships, Soul, Spirit, Universe
The Teacher of All Teachers
There are qualities of a true teacher that can only be confirmed by feeling it for yourself. Serge Benhayon, through his teachings of the Ageless Wisdom and the consistency and beauty of his lived way, will one day be known in the hearts of man to be the teacher of all teachers.
Testimonials, Teachers, Soul, Esoteric, Education, Universal Medicine, Ageless Wisdom
Hermes Trismegistus
Hermes Trismegistus’ – known as father of the greatest philosophies and religions on earth and the ‘master of masters’ – sole purpose was to accelerate the re-awakening of humanity to the truth of their divinity – ‘If then you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is known by like.’ Hermes.
The joy of rediscovering the true meaning of the word ‘Joy’
Unimedpedia, Stillness, Soul, Love, Essence, Harmony, Joy, Truth
Dining with the stars
How aware are we of the energy that runs us when we eat and how it then impacts on our wellbeing? What does it mean to eat in connection with Soul?
Our essence is who we truly are
Evil is anything that separates us from whom we truly are.
Science facing its own terra nullius realisation
The declaration of Terra nullius was a stunning display of arrogance, effectively ignoring an entire country of people. Science is facing the fact that it has declared a form of terra nullius itself.
"The highest form of intelligence is love"
What is true intelligence? This article looks at love being the highest form of intelligence and the potential positive outcomes of this revelation.
Will is not a choice you make
In this Audio of the Month for April 2021 Serge Benhayon talks about Will and our choices and how simple it truly is to connect with our Soul.
The new conversation and the dangers of circulation energy
What if the expansive future of education lay in our hands and voices, free from the imposition of past thought and expression?
Truth, Expression, Joy, Soul, Raising children, Education, School
What is Yoga?
What does Yoga mean in today’s world?
Yoga, Soul, Awareness, Anxiety, Connection, Presence, Exhaustion
The Essence of Yoga
Yoga in essence, is about union with our Soul, the sacredness within. Serge Benhayon speaks on the true teachers who have delivered the essence of yoga to humanity throughout our history.
Ageless Wisdom, Esoteric, Lineage, Philosophy, Sacredness, Soul, Teachers, Yoga, Truth
Depression is a message
Depression can be debilitating and could also be a message from our body that there is another way to live. The writer shares some tips on how she was able to overcome feelings of depression.
Depression, Exhaustion, Overwhelm, Connection, Essence, Confidence, Inner-heart, Soul
Shakespeare’s King Lear: King Liar and the tyranny of ‘elsewhere conscious presence’
Shakespeare’s King Lear exposes the extent of our society’s daily brutality, to which most of us have elected to turn a blind eye. And he honours the presence in those few who consistently live the truth we all know but have largely abandoned. Why do we do it?
Without the science of energy, philosophy is a mere charade
What makes philosophy real, practical, deeply wise and in harmony with universal intelligence? Serge Benhayon presents the key to applying true philosophy in life.
Yoga – the gateway to Stillness and Space
What is the relationship between spirit and Soul, and how do they affect the way we move and feel?
3 Layers of healing
Healing is a term that gets thrown around, but do we really understand what it is all about?
The difference between feelings and emotions
Did you know that there is a vast difference energetically between Feelings and Emotions?
Shakespeare and the Lineage of the Ageless Wisdom
What is it that comprises the magic of Shakespeare? What part does it play on the stage of the world and our evolution?
Ageless Wisdom, Philosophy, Humanity, Lineage, Soul, The Hierarchy
Astral – Maya, Glamour & Illusion
Find out why it is so essential to understand what Astral energy is and how to free yourself from its seductive and harmful grips.
Awareness, Bullying, Conflict, Corruption, Emotions, Energy, Essence, Evolution, Illusion, Livingness, Soul, Spirit
Serge Benhayon & philosophy
In a world that did not make sense, a world I largely withdrew from, the philosophy presented by Serge Benhayon made complete sense of what I could see playing out with people, all the chaos and turmoil, and why we’re here and where we’re going.
Soul, Spirit, Joy, Truth, Philosophy
One of the most fundamental teachings one can ever be exposed to is the difference between spirit and Soul… so what is the difference?
Unimedpedia, God, Illusion, Soul, Abuse
The Lineage of the Ageless Wisdom: “Leonardo Da Vinci’s Greatest Gift”
Leonardo da Vinci seeded forth the new era in Science, Religion and Philosophy.
Stillness: a return to being
Stillness is our natural state of being, yet have we fallen for the idea that we are not enough and need to be ‘more’?
True movement – let your body guide the way
When we are born, we are already everything – we feel everything, we know everything, we are everything. We allow ourselves to be moved, letting our body guide the way.
Body awareness, Connection, Conscious presence, Soul, Spirit
Chris James – ‘The Chalice’ album review
How can one describe the magnificence and expansiveness of sound that comes from the soundless? Through the musical mastery of ‘The Chalice’, Chris James offers the listener a voyage deep into a tangible experience of Sacredness and the ‘beingness’ of the human being.
Time, Space and all of us, Book 3 – all of us
Humanity is not getting anywhere on its current trajectory. What is needed is the pull-up and reminder that we are more than human and that we can, as we have been for eons, be united in what divides us or truly and once for all unite in the one and only truth.
The Rosicrucians
The true history of the Rosicrucians and how they fit into the lineage of the Ageless Wisdom
Religion, Lineage, Philosophy, Son of God, Ageless Wisdom, Evolution, God, Livingness, Spirit, Soul
The Essenes
Long believed to be a breakaway Jewish sect, there was a deeper purpose to the Essenes’ gathering and formation into community, impulsed by Divinity.
Yoga – the heart of union for our world
How do we begin to address abuse in the world and in our own backyards ... and what has this got to do with the Soul, our true essence?
The magic of writing from the Soul
Find out what is so great about writing from your Soul in our October 2021 Audio of the Month.
How many of us truly know and live the sacredness we all innately are? Find out more about sacredness and how to reconnect to and live it in our everyday lives.
Abuse, Cycles, Evolution, God, Role models, Sacredness, Soul, Spirit
Fantasy, Esoteric Yoga and living life from the Soul
What is the antidote to getting lost in distractions, daydreams and desires? Discover what is more magnificent than any fantasy can ever deliver.
REVIEW: What Does It Profit a Man?
An eye-opening exposé of the fact that success, profit and recognition in our world today are not really ‘it’. Eight men share how they have found a much healthier, vastly more settled and truly successful way of life based on the riches within
Chris James – ‘it is’ album review
Divine presence and magnificence is what summarises this album. The union of Joy, Harmony, Love, Stillness and Truth. When heaven breathes, this is the sounds it makes.
Holding my breath
Looking back over my life I am convinced that I was in anxiousness the moment I was born, but in truth it probably began before the day I arrived in this world.
Full circle to the truth
The first time I was introduced to anything spiritual was when we visited my great aunt’s place when I was nine years old. She was renowned in the town where they lived for reading the cards and being very accurate in her foretelling.
The entrapment of circulation energy
How are we choosing to live? Are we searching for, absorbing and repeating information, or are we being guided by our own innate wisdom?
Connection, Energy, Soul, Truth, Wisdom
I still feel like I am fat sometimes
15 years ago I was a lot heavier than I am now – 25 kgs heavier, to be precise – and I still feel like I am fat sometimes.
Our struggle with body image
What is it that drives us to feel compelled to remodel and even disfigure our bodies?
Abuse, Appreciation, Body image, Connection, Family, Joy, Soul, Tattoos
The sleep deprived world
What happens during the hours we sleep? Is it the body, the so-called ‘meat suit’ we are in – our organs, blood, muscles – that is the beneficiary of the rest, or is there more to it?
The lie and the truth of the One Life
We are living a collective lie – that we have only one life, that we are born, we live in a linear way as we age and then we die, leaving it all behind and never coming back, so we had better make the most of it while we are here.
Find out what fuels the fury of jealousy
Everyone has experienced jealousy, but what is the true cause of it? Serge Benhayon shines a revelatory light on what is beneath the fury in our Audio of the Month for July 2022.
International Women’s Day 2022 – What bias is there to break?
This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #BreakTheBias. But what does this truly mean and what bias is there to break?
The Body: Our Temple
What if we were to consider the body more as a sacred temple to honour than a convenient vehicle to carry us around?
Shakespeare and The Ageless Wisdom
Shakespeare’s works have been examined and re-examined ad infinitum but never have they been placed within the context of the Ageless Wisdom, where they belong, until now.
Body image – inside out
Body image - Why and when did dissatisfaction with our outer appearance arise?
Sweeping sensitivity under the carpet
Do we as men ignore our awareness at the expense of our bodies, our tenderness and connection to our true selves and if so, what are the consequences?
Victoria Warburton
Deep religiosity speaks of the innate Oneness of all humanity. This is the purpose that moves the divine Victoria Warburton through the expression of music.
Is your yoga practice leaving you empty?
How is it that we can keep our body active in a yoga practice yet find our focus drawn to ‘what is wrong’ rather than enjoy a nurturing enrichment from our movements?
Connection, Essence, God, Soul, Yoga
The Soul has no memory
This revelatory August 2022 Audio of the Month, might have some of us realising that we are much more intelligent in the true sense of the word than we thought we were.
Catherine Wood
Catherine Wood has worked extensively as a freelance musician, with a resume that includes everything from classical to funk to jazz to pop and anything you can think of in between.
Dreams of Pad Thai
Are you fantasising about lunch at 10am? There might be more to it than you realise!
Consciousness; breaking the human paradigm
Ever wondered what consciousness is, how we interact with it and its purpose? Could we be seeking an explanation of consciousness in all the wrong places and if so, why? And what if human consciousness is not human at all?
Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Energy, Soul, Technology, Truth
Is there more to vision than meets the eye?
Would it be accurate to say, ‘True seeing is receiving’ and that we feel first before our eyes confirm what we have felt? Or do we feel first and instantly dismiss what has been received because it doesn’t fit our pictures, expectations and needs?
The perfectionism monster
The common depiction of a woman is someone who can meet the wants and needs of everyone around her with perfection. But do such superwomen actually exist – or are we missing a key part of what makes up the whole woman?
Parenting from beyond the usual boundaries
Parents often feel overwhelmed with the endless array of parenting information available, yet the answers provided never seem to fully fill the gaps. So, what is missing?
The space beyond time
The demands of time can feel like an immovable fact of life that rules most people’s lives. But what if there was a greater, more wholesome way to live?
Essence, Exhaustion, Harmony, Soul, Time
Our Living Way: The Cycle of Life and Death and Reincarnation
Our existence is commonly narrowed down to being only about the human life cycle. What if that represents only a small fraction of what is going on within a much larger context?