Topic:Universal Medicine SEE ALL TOPICS
Sacred Esoteric Healing
A truly healing modality taught by Universal Medicine. Simple non-intrusive techniques you can use on yourself, your family and friends.
The Esoteric is not a secret
What does esoteric mean? Is it truly a secret that is unattainable, or is it something that lies within the human heart, accessible to everyone? Serge Benhayon reveals the truth of the esoteric.
Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Esoteric, Inner-heart, Universal Medicine
Good medicine and universal medicine
What is the relationship between swearing, good medicine and superannuation? You can find the answer and more in our November 2016 audio of the month.
Books that don’t ask me to be different
A testimonial by Mariette Reineke about Serge Benhayon’s books.
Reconnecting with life truly through ‘The Way It Is’
I found my way back to what true life is, and who I truly am – who we all truly are - whilst reading ‘The Way It Is” by Serge Benhayon.
It is as though what I read has been written just for me ...
Serge Benhayon books offer an ever unfolding wisdom to the world about the deepest issues of our time. From the biggest question to the smallest wondering nothing is left untouched.
Playing it safe with social marijuana use
I didn’t grow up with social marijuana use; I didn’t feel drawn to it and I didn’t really come across it until I started to go out to parties in my late teens. At age 17, I met my first bong at a back-yard party…
My miraculous life
In the 1980’s, in amongst the fog and the haze of my intense drug and alcohol addiction, a very sweet and loving 12 year old asked me, ‘Why do you do this to yourself, Deb?’
Abuse, Addiction, Anxiety, Miracle, Self-empowerment, Universal Medicine
Before and after: Sandra Schneider, on uncovering her true beauty
Sandra Schneider’s inspiring story of how she went from feeling unhappy and overweight, to being slim and feeling great.
Fat, Over eating, Gentle breath, Losing weight, Universal Medicine, Weight-loss
A living inspiration
What does inspiration look and feel like? Peggy Verheijen explores this question, and how knowing Serge Benhayon has inspired and transformed her life.
A lost boy from the country discovers the man he truly is
Life as a kid seemed so simple. I grew up in small towns in rural Australia, where with friends I could roam the countryside until it was nearly dark, making fun out of the simplest things…
Alcohol, Family, Self-worth, Universal Medicine, Relationship problems
Universal Medicine, the EPA* and the Esoteric Modalities
A doctor’s perspective on how Sacred Esoteric Healing changed her life and can work hand in hand with mainstream medicine.
The deeply ancient way of learning together as a true community…
Looking back into our ancient ways of learning we can see where our current education model falls behind.
The ‘Self-Care ABC’
The ‘self-care ABC’s can be used anytime, anywhere to bring awareness and focus back to your body, making it a great tool for self-care.
Caffeine, Meditation, Universal Medicine, Emotions, Sugar, Vitality
Serge Benhayon and education
Serge Benhayon's approach to education is one of deep care and love for students and teachers alike.
Education, Teachers, Children, Empowerment, Universal Medicine
A new level of productivity
A testimonial on the inspiration of the productivity of Serge Benhayon.
Work life balance, Work stress, Universal Medicine, Vitality, Testimonials
Serge Benhayon – the presenter
Serge Benhayon presents both nationally and internationally on the subjects of the Ageless Wisdom, The Way of the Livingness as well as Esoteric and Exoteric Philosophy.
Ageless Wisdom, Communication, Exhaustion, Livingness, Universal Medicine, Intelligence
Serge Benhayon – the philosopher
Serge Benhayon presents simple philosophy, a philosophy that knows and thus holds all as being of love in our essence and hence at our very core.
Ageless Wisdom, The Hierarchy, Universal Medicine, Philosophy, Intelligence
Infertility and appreciating the true woman
Mariette Reineke shares her experience with infertility and coming to appreciate the loveliness of the woman she truly is, as inspired by a Reading from Serge Benhayon
Esoteric Women's Health, Nurturing, Universal Medicine, Self-love, Acceptance, Infertility, Motherhood
Introduction to chronic pain management
Chronic pain is in epidemic proportions – in Australia 1 in 5 Australians live with chronic pain. Kate Greenaway, a physiotherapist, describes a fresh approach to pain management.
Body awareness, Healing, Pain, Universal Medicine, Connective tissue, Back pain
Knowing when to let go and rest
The readings of Serge Benhayon are multidimensional, timely and timeless. Nicola Lessing shares the reading she received during a heart incident that led to surgery, and how the support and wisdom of this reading is still relevant and valuable many years later.
Health, Healing, Universal Medicine, Awareness, Health conditions, Hardness, Heart disease
Before and after: Sharon Gavioli
I am a beautiful, sexy, vital and healthy woman deeply connected to the love in my heart. Each day I choose to self-care and self-nurture in a way that enables me to offer true care and love to everyone in my life. But I didn’t always live this way.
Health conditions, Stress, Universal Medicine, Gluten free, Healthy diet, Weight-loss, Relationship problems
The true test of science is how it faces the unknown
Science has so much to offer humanity, but seems limited by how it reacts to what is doesn’t know.
Awareness, Conscious presence, Inner-heart, Universal Medicine, Gentle breath
I got to see how the choices I make for myself impact me
Tools are provided that are simple & practical, useful on a daily basis.
The Living Sutras of the Hierarchy – A Treatise on Energetic Truth
The teachings of the Ageless Wisdom are easily available today and as relevant as they have always been.
Marijuana – not as harmful as alcohol?
When I realised how alcohol was affecting me, I started to look for another drug. Marijuana was readily available, cheap and did not impact on my behaviour in the same way alcohol did, or so I thought at the time.
Natalie Benhayon, Young in Age, Ageless in Wisdom
How does one earn a place on the chart of the likes of Hypatia, Mary Magdalene, Elizabeth I, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Diana, Princess of Wales, and other influential women in the world where the tiaras seem to be almost solely reserved for men?
Living life fully and simply
A testimonial by Susan Lee on Serge Benhayon’s book The Living Sutras of the Hierarchy.
Being my own masterpiece
From living a life in parts to living in harmony
Can Universal Medicine Therapies cure cancer?
Universal Medicine Therapies offer no cure. Read on to find out what a cure actually is and why these therapies have no interest in or purpose to offer that.
Disease, Healing, Harmony, Livingness, Universal Medicine, Therapies
A changed attitude to life – no more feelings of deep grief
A testimonial by Julie Matson on The Way It Is by Serge Benhayon
From wine to water: How I finally quit drinking alcohol with the help of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon
Ingrid Langenbruch on giving up alcohol: “Breast cancer didn’t stop me from drinking alcohol but the support of Universal Medicine did . . . this is what happened . . .”
Combining sacred esoteric healing with medicine
To truly heal illness and disease do we need more than conventional medicine alone?
The oldest religion on earth
Karin Becker explores the truth that The Way of The Livingness is in fact the oldest religion on earth and its lineage never died.
Sailing around the world... to come home to myself
Rosie grew up on a yacht, sailing around the world, only to find that the home she was truly searching for lay waiting for her, all along...
Education, Healing, Therapies, Universal Medicine, Healthy diet, Self-love, Massage, Career
UniMed Retreat
Introducing a taste of future life on Earth
Desperately Seeking Dorothy – from the New Age to Sai Baba to Serge Benhayon
Every day I celebrate the day I found my way to Jeanette Macdonald and the book that opened the doorway that I had been endlessly searching for, a doorway that led me to the amazing Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine . . . and to finally finding Dorothy . . .
The new era in public health
We have come to rely on our health system to help fix, even cure our ailments, but will the system be able to keep up with the demands we are placing on it?
Universal Medicine, Health conditions, Humanity, Community, Lifestyle diseases
Burnout ... is this an epidemic?
This article discusses the epidemic that our mental health system currently faces with stress burnout in our mental health professionals
Hurt, Mental health, Overwhelm, Self-love, Universal Medicine, Burnout
About Serge Benhayon
The first to teach about energetic integrity and energetic responsibility and the real effect this has on our life – Serge Benhayon’s readings inspire a true way of living for humanity. This short biography of Serge Benhayon introduces his remarkable life and works.
Gentle breath, Ageless Wisdom, Love, Self-love, Universal Medicine, Soul
How Sacred Esoteric Healing helped support me through breast cancer
How Sacred Esoteric Healing supported Lee-Ann through her medical treatment of breast cancer.
Practitioner, Universal Medicine, Healing, Inflammation, Breast cancer
Burnout, disillusionment, pneumonia and finding Serge Benhayon
Meeting Serge Benhayon was truly life changing; he is unfaltering in his inspiration ...
Vitality, Work life balance, Universal Medicine, Well-being, Testimonials, Ill health, Sickness, Burnout
About Serge Benhayon
After suffering from depression and giving up on the idea that life could ever be different or ‘better, Gabriele Conrad met Serge Benhayon. “Nothing and nobody had delivered, not even psychoanalysis and homoeopathy, and no bodywork modality or new age therapy had done the trick either.”
Healing, Depression, Ageless Wisdom, Medicine, Universal Medicine
Before and after: Angela Perin
At the age of 48, I am feeling more beautiful, sexier and more comfortable in my body than I have ever felt thanks to The Way of The Livingness.
Self-empowerment, Self-love, Work life balance, Raising children, Universal Medicine
How I quit drinking and felt more confident
Alcohol has been a part of my life for a good 13 years, until I quit drinking 2 years ago. And in that time, I don’t think I’ve ever really enjoyed the taste; it has always been about how it has made me feel – or not feel.
‘Wasted’ is a term we would use when we got stoned. We could sit around for hours smoking pot and doing nothing. ‘Wasted’ couldn’t be a better word to use.
Serge Benhayon – the universal man
Serge Benhayon is a Universal Man – What does this mean? How does a man with no tertiary education be an expert on science, philosophy, religion and medicine to name a few? Find out in this article how Serge Benhayon truly represents what it is to live universally and be a Universal Man.
Son of God, Universal Medicine, Wisdom, God, Ageless Wisdom, Lifestyle
Reincarnation – bogus, or unalterable reality?
Reincarnation is not about coming back as poodles or cockroaches; it is about taking responsibility for everyday life now.
Learning to breathe my own breath again
When you are out of rhythm and breathing does not happen automatically, when you catch yourself repeatedly either holding your breath or breathing very flatly, what do you do?
Living Medicine Audio
This priceless collection of free Living Medicine audio and quotes offers us a great understanding and healing about our amazing bodies and the wisdom they carry.
Free downloads, Body awareness, Cancer, Healing, Human body, Medicine, Universal Medicine, Ill health
Healing depression – goodbye black dog
When I first saw Serge Benhayon in early 2004, I had been suffering from depression since my early teenage years. I was so used to feeling miserable and depressed that I did mention it only at the very end of our chat…
Depression, Mental health, Soul, Universal Medicine, Ageless Wisdom
Discovering self-care and bringing it into my life
“The way I had lived seemed quite normal to me. I had no concept that in fact I was living in a way that was disregarding to me and everyone else.”
Ageless Wisdom, Livingness, Self-love, Therapies, Universal Medicine
The Teacher of All Teachers
There are qualities of a true teacher that can only be confirmed by feeling it for yourself. Serge Benhayon, through his teachings of the Ageless Wisdom and the consistency and beauty of his lived way, will one day be known in the hearts of man to be the teacher of all teachers.
Testimonials, Teachers, Soul, Esoteric, Education, Universal Medicine, Ageless Wisdom
Clairsentience – our ancient birthright for everyday life
Move over energy drinks and get the real deal – clairsentience
Ageless Wisdom Teachings
An educational, illuminating and fun forum hosted by the College of Universal Medicine – presenting on a multitude of topics.
A Serge Benhayon quote – life-changing and ever-lasting
The Way of The Livingness, while being the true religion for mankind, is superbly practical, down to earth and immediately applicable in everyday life.
The unveiling of the true woman within
Desiree shares her development from complete desolation and disconnection back to the beautiful unfolding reflection of her true tender self.
Abuse, Alcohol, Hardness, Career, Healthy relationships, Self-love, Universal Medicine, Women's health, Relationship problems
Making sense of life
What was the purpose behind life in general? . . I just knew that there had to be more. A much bigger picture, which really made sense, was now beginning to unfold for me.
How to live from your soul – thank you Serge Benhayon
How does one show their appreciation to the man who shows you how to live in divine connection to all equally? ‘Thank you Serge Benhayon!’ doesn’t begin to cover it.
Truth, Universal Medicine, Son of God, Appreciation, Livingness, Role models
The prophecy of Universal Medicine
The future of Medicine is all encompassing the Science of Responsibility at a scale far greater than we care to contemplate, hence we take for granted what is implied by the word ‘Medicine’. Reluctance to ‘see outside the box’ is another delay to keep us away from true Medicine – the one which restores our collective responsibility to a divine, ‘universal’ way of living.
Understanding human nature
Serge Benhayon has opened up my eyes and my heart to a profound and all-encompassing understanding of human nature – why we think and behave the way we do. Since meeting Serge Benhayon I have gradually reconciled this inner anguish and now embrace life in full.
Well-being, Truth, Universal Medicine, Reductionism, Overwhelm, Mental health
Religious un-freedom – the failure to protect human rights in Australia
Do we have religious freedom in the democratic and freedom loving nation of Australia?
Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Livingness, Persecution, Religion, Universal Medicine
If words could express ...
“Previously... I walked each day with an uncertainty, with doubt, with apprehension”. What major shift happened for Giselle Isgro Lo Giudice when she encountered the Ageless Wisdom?
The teachings and tools for a true relationship
I understood that the massive falling in love I experienced at the start of a relationship was not love at all, but what we call attraction.