Before and after: Sandra Schneider, on uncovering her true beauty
Sandra Schneider’s inspiring story of how she went from feeling unhappy and overweight, to being slim and feeling great.
Fat, Over eating, Gentle breath, Losing weight, Universal Medicine, Weight-loss
Fitness and fat
We can develop a different kind of fitness that has nothing to do with going to the gym.
Celebrating my Buddha belly
Why do women hold their belly in? Letting it all hang out – letting our Buddha belly out.
Food as a pacifier
Have we been using food as a pacifier since we were babies? Is this contributing to weight issues such as obesity and diabetes and our ability to live well and be vital?
Weight-loss, Diets, Connection, Obesity, Fat, Healthy diet, Emotions, Hurt
Exposé on the food industry: science of profit
Raw insight into the Food Industry with its use of media and advertising in raising profit margins. It would appear that the food industry’s biggest share is in our digestive tract and the dividends are sky-high.
Fat Attack: shaming obesity does not work
When we attack fat by shaming obesity, we call it ‘bad’ instead of seeing it as the result of the emptiness, sadness and disconnection that it truly is. No diet or willpower can fix obesity – reconnection to the beauty within is the key.
What Is a healthy BMI? Does our ‘ideal weight’ mess with our heads?
Ideal weight has been guided by the BMI scale but it may not be the best measure for healthy weight. What if we could change the way we view ideal weight?
10 things the diet industry don’t want you to know
The diet industry knows its products fail, yet sells an image of a thinner happier life. It is a false sell. The way we look at our bodies as fat is a body image issue, not a fat issue. We have a giving-up crisis, not an obesity crisis.
Eating when we are anxious: is anxiety making me fat?
Read how one person stopped overeating and eating unhealthy foods when she was feeling anxious
Over eating, Anxiety, Fat, Losing weight, Stress, Tension, Weight
Who would we be without dieting?
We’ve created lives based on dieting to look good instead of feeling good and choosing to eat for nourishment alone. Dieting, to our detriment, has become normalised.
Diets, Sugar, Fat, Sugar Free
Body Shape – curves from Heaven
We are born with natural curves, shapes and angles, so why do we think we are fat when we are not? This article asks what is beneath our pictures of feeling fat or of not accepting our body shape or weight.