Topic:Healthy diet SEE ALL TOPICS
Food, emotions and abuse… What is beneath it?
This article exposes multiple factors that many don’t consider to be beneath the cycle of abusive food choices.
It is low fat so I can eat twice as much – the slippery low fat slope
Are you caught in the trap of overeating because it’s low fat?
Diets, Over eating, Emotions, Livingness, Lifestyle, Connection, Healthy diet
The day I realised I am a man – not a protein powder receptacle
This audio focusses on the pressures that men experience in today’s society – feeling the pressure having to bulk themselves up by taking protein powder shakes, unaware of the consequences to their health, all for an ideal of 'looking good'.
Overeating – a dysfunctional relationship with food
Overeating, binge eating and see-sawing weight gain – a little or a lot – is an all too familiar battlefield. You can’t give up food … so what can you do?
Behaviour, Eating disorder, Over eating, Psychology, Losing weight, Healthy diet
Why I overeat – Nutella and I
What leads us to overeat and choose the foods that we do? Is there a payoff for something we don’t want to look at or feel? Read Sandra’s journey and what happened when she chose awareness over numbing herself with food.
Over eating, Feelings, Healthy diet, Losing weight, Behaviour, Emotions
World Voice Day – our voice reveals everything about us
Do you know that your voice reveals our state of being? Your voice carries a detailed read-out that can be easily discerned when we between the lines and feel the essence of the message being spoken, sung, even whispered!
Energy in music, Healthy diet, Connection, Communication, Awareness, Healing
Coffee, cake and charities?
This article exposes the wilful blindness of some charities that seek to raise money, whilst living a life of neglect and lack of self-care.
Caffeine, Cancer, Healthy diet, Lifestyle diseases, Sugar, Diabetes
Apparently, the Food Pyramid is making a comeback but does it meet the needs of the modern man?
Could the food pyramid actually be contributing to our ever-increasing health problems and making waistlines larger not smaller?
Serge Benhayon on food and diet
Director of Universal Medicine Serge Benhayon talks about food and how to have a healthy relationship with it.
Diets don't work
It is shocking but true – diets don’t work, they make you fatter. If we want to lose weight we need a different approach – let go of dieting forever and start connecting.
Food, family cultures and our (not so) hidden attitudes towards food
Is our attitude to food like a formula one race pit stop - necessary but not truly valued, and an interruption to other more important things? Do we rather keep those around us happy when it comes to food choices, than be true to our own bodies!
One step towards a healthy relationship with food
Our relationship with food could be preventing us from deepening our relationships with self. A truly healthy relationship with food cannot be a static, rigid or dogmatic, diet or approach to what, when and how much we eat.
Are we killing ourselves with food?
We are tantalised, stuffed and satiated to the point where it simply isn’t working! So what is it about our relationship with food that has become so complicated?
Food industry, Over eating, Obesity, Healthy diet, Eating disorder
Bridging Foods is amazing! Don’t believe me? Taste it and see!
A cookbook like no other that will inspire and support lasting changes in the way you are with food.
On the topic of food and diet
As we are forever evolving – so too should our relationship with particular foods change.
Productivity, Nutrition, Healthy diet, Fitness, Caffeine, Sugar Free, Food science
Before and after: Sharon Gavioli
I am a beautiful, sexy, vital and healthy woman deeply connected to the love in my heart. Each day I choose to self-care and self-nurture in a way that enables me to offer true care and love to everyone in my life. But I didn’t always live this way.
Health conditions, Stress, Universal Medicine, Gluten free, Healthy diet, Weight-loss, Relationship problems
Fresh herb summer salad
This salad is sure to be a favourite at summer barbeques or shared lunches. It is super simple and not shy of flavours; fresh and crisp with a combination of yummy herbs that really make this salad something special.
Food, love and self-love – confessions of the good doctor!
A doctor shares her growing understanding of food hangovers and the effect of choosing love over abusive food choices. It is not just alcohol that contributes to hangovers!
Feeling exhausted at work? Here's a few reasons why ...
Feeling exhausted and craving sugar and coffee at work? What about letting go of expectations and accepting things the way they are?
Exhaustion, Caffeine, Sugar, Weight, Acceptance, Healthy diet
Food allergies and intolerances: empowered or imprisoned?
Are food allergies and intolerances a curse or a blessing? Through listening to our body we can feel empowered to honor how it feels to perform at its peak, rather than feeling restricted.
Coeliac/celiac, Dairy free, Self-empowerment, Gluten free, Healthy diet
Changing our diet changes our life – are we prepared?
A change in one area of life creates change in others and our diet is one such example: are we prepared to change across the board?
Being my own masterpiece
From living a life in parts to living in harmony
Food to go – convenience at a price
Does eating ready meals and food on the go, or multitasking with our meals, truly support our bodies?
Food as a pacifier
Have we been using food as a pacifier since we were babies? Is this contributing to weight issues such as obesity and diabetes and our ability to live well and be vital?
Weight-loss, Diets, Connection, Obesity, Fat, Healthy diet, Emotions, Hurt
A woman in man’s overalls
Susan led a life as a man in a man’s world, complete with overalls. Read how she has turned her life around, shed her tough clothes, and is now unfolding as the lovely woman she is.
Alcohol, Sugar, Lifestyle diseases, Sugar Free, Healthy relationships, Healthy diet
Do wild animals have an obesity problem?
How is it that wild animals have no weight issues, yet human beings are suffering? Have we lost our connection to the true role food plays in our lives?
Sailing around the world... to come home to myself
Rosie grew up on a yacht, sailing around the world, only to find that the home she was truly searching for lay waiting for her, all along...
Education, Healing, Therapies, Universal Medicine, Healthy diet, Self-love, Massage, Career
The reaction diet (and how to change it)
Does altering our diet in reaction to the food practices of the food industry or to the world around us truly support and nourish a vital body and mind?
Breakfast lunch and dinner: uncovering beliefs around food
Breakfast Lunch and Dinner: a naturopath challenges her beliefs around food and how her relationship with eating has changed.
Inflammation, Healthy diet, Vitality, Over eating, Food science
Love on the table
Explores the over-indulgence we experience with serving sizes and asks is this because we have substituted food for love?
Food and relationships – the warm and yummy diet
I have never been a fan of dieting, but over the years my relationship with food has changed and I now love to eat the warm and yummy diet.
Diets, Healthy diet, Healthy relationships, Losing weight, Nutrition
The love diet
What I like to eat and what my body likes are often different, but my body knows me best and tells me clearly and constantly what it needs and what it doesn’t.
The micro puppeteers – microbes and food cravings
Are our food cravings caused by microbes? Are we responsible for inviting the microbes into our bodies, and if so how?
Sweetness – the key to sugar addiction
Why do we succumb to sugar addiction and what can we do about it? Are there deeper underlying reasons as to why we are consuming so much sugar?
Exhaustion, Fatigue, Healthy diet, Sleep, Caffeine, Sugar, Work stress, Work life balance
What’s for breakfast? Exploring our cultural bias ...
When my husband of Asian ethnicity first made fish soup for breakfast I realised I had a cultural bias against anything other than the traditional continental breakfast.
Food for the Soul
What is Soul food? How does the Soul use food to support the human body?
Gluten-free grudge
Some 15 years plus, when catering for gluten-free choice was merely a desirable noun, I sat at my breakfast table in one of Lisbon’s finest hotels. Today I owe an apology to the gentleman who sat at a table next to mine …
Coeliac/celiac, Nutrition, Medicine, Lifestyle, Livingness, Gluten free, Healthy diet
Are my food choices disguised as self-medication?
Who or what is actually making or driving the choice of food we apparently crave? And do we truly eat to support the physical body or is there a not so hidden agenda directing us?
How do you know what is right for your body?
This article outlines simple steps to make the connection between what and how we eat and how our bodies feel afterwards, so we can start to eat what is right for our bodies.
"You’re a man – eat and be strong." What lengths do men go to to fit in?
This audio focusses on men’s body image and how men feel about their body, how they have grown up in a world that teaches them that they need to be big and strong and not show any form of weakness. In truth this takes men a long way from their natural self.
6 things all men need to know about exhaustion and fatigue
Exhaustion and fatigue can deeply affect the way men live – here are 6 tips to combat it. It is okay to seek help and/or professional medical advice when you are feeling excessively tired or fatigued.
Exhaustion, Fatigue, Caffeine, Alcohol, Work life balance, Healthy diet, Healthy living
The confusion of the food industry
Confused by all the contradictions of what healthy food is? We delve into nutrition facts and how to eat healthy.
Hangovers from food – is that even possible?
Just like alcohol, can we get a hangover from food?
Educated food choices – become your own physician!
When it comes to nutrition, our medical professionals are largely uneducated. Most in the health industry know little about food, food choices and energetic responsibility.
Food industry, Medicine, Healthy diet, Nutrition, Sugar, Gluten free
True health is more than a label
What does true health mean? Is it about a label, a tick box exercise, or is it about truly loving and caring for our bodies?
Artificial Sweeteners: a healthy sugar substitute or a poison in different disguise?
In a sugar free world, artificial sweeteners are taking hold, but what are the consequences of eating these sugar substitutes and what do we need to consider if we wish to be healthy?
Sugar alternatives, Nutrition, Healthy diet, Food industry, Evidence-based, Sugar Free
Let food be thy medicine – outdated quote or ageless wisdom?
How powerful are our food choices in influencing the health of our bodies?
Healthy diet, Medicine, Nutrition, Lifestyle diseases, Healthy living
Health at every size – or is it?
Positive body image aside, does Health at Every Size (HAES) weight management support us to be healthy?
Body awareness, Diets, Healthy diet, Losing weight, Weight-loss
Shopping in the humble backyard
Vast tracts of land grow drugs or spew contaminants into the atmosphere, yet the humble backyard lies dormant, at the ready to feed us the kind of quality food no big business can.
Do we really need 57 varieties?
Why are there so many varieties of the same food available in our stores, and what does that mean about why we eat what we eat?
Food porn
Food porn – an innocent photo or an indulgence that is desire and fantasy
Awareness, Behaviour, Healthy diet, Overwhelm, Sugar, Tiredness
Food and conscious presence
In the midst of an avalanche of health advice, there is an aspect to our diet that hasn’t gotten quite so much light: the actual way that we eat.
Change made simple and delicious
Looking for some easy and adaptable recipes? Changing to a healthier diet? Look no further than Bridging Foods for inspiration and yummy recipes.
Why do we bury our emotions with food?
What is it about our emotions and why we emotionally eat? Is there more going on with this behaviour?
Emotions, Essence, Feelings, Healthy diet, Human body, Tension
Building a relationship with the body and food – a personal story
Together we had little notion that developing such a relationship with the body and the food we ate would reap such abundant health, clarity and wellbeing, coupled with a natural balancing of our body weight.
How do we know if our choice around food is a true one?
Do we choose food based on what our body says, or based on what we have been told is good for us?