Topic: Relationship problems SEE ALL TOPICS
Couples therapy – part 2 - Another way of being
In the writers words ... "therapy was so revealing ... and positive change was discernible almost from the very first session" This couple built on that experience and are now enjoying a renewed and deepened marriage.
Marriage, Couples therapy, Love, Sex, Counseling, Relationship problems
Women’s pictures and expectations on relationships
Do you find you have pictures and expectations around what you require from your partner, be that in a marriage or other types of relationship? What are the impacts of our pictures on our relationships and our understanding of love?
Marriage, Relationships, Expression, Self-worth, Relationship problems
Relationships - why we should come clean about our deepest hurts
In this video Serge Benhayon talks about how toughening up and protecting ourselves from hurt is trampling our delicate nature.
Appreciation in relationships
Even though we love each other, we often take each other for granted. Appreciation in relationships can deepen our love and intimacy, and build healthy relationships in all areas of our lives.
Appreciation, Communication, Couples therapy, Love, Relationship problems
Couples therapy – part 3 - Don't hold back!
Included in the final instalment of this great three part article are tips you can incorporate on a daily basis to assist in getting you relationships back on track - relationships that are healthy, loving, supportive and fun.
Marriage, Couples therapy, Love, Counseling, Relationship problems
Understanding – is this the key to sharing our greatest form of Love?
Serge Benhayon shares with us the value of truly being able to understand other people without any judgment. The impact and affect on our relationships of true understanding is transformative beyond anything we can imagine and is the gateway to true Love. Understanding is the greatest form of Love.
Abuse, Couples therapy, Relationships, Relationship problems
What do our quick fixes actually do to us?
A discussion on what are quick fixes, the concept of symptom matching and the possibility of finding true healing.
Finding a new lover
Looking for a new lover? How do you find ‘the one’, the new lover that will love you all your life?
Self-worth and self-development – does it work?
The self-development industry is rich with promises of improvement, success and living the life of your dreams ... but does it really work?
From feeling anxious and stressed to going with the flow
I have never really thought of myself as an anxious person, but I was certainly stressed for a lot of my life, so much so that I ended up with a hyperactive thyroid in 2002, which affected my major muscles including my heart, giving me atrial fibrillation for the rest of my life.
Before and after: Sharon Gavioli
I am a beautiful, sexy, vital and healthy woman deeply connected to the love in my heart. Each day I choose to self-care and self-nurture in a way that enables me to offer true care and love to everyone in my life. But I didn’t always live this way.
Health conditions, Stress, Universal Medicine, Gluten free, Healthy diet, Weight-loss, Relationship problems
Anxiety in relationships
Are we living with increased anxiety and being oblivious to how this is affecting our relationships?
Anxiety, Conscious presence, Feelings, Healing, Relationship problems
Road Gloria – A Dip into the Blue Ocean
A relationship and marriage that started like a fairy tale and yet, no happy ending in sight. What is it that they and we all are missing in life?
Those pesky Monday morning blues!
It’s Monday morning, the first day back to work after a weekend or a few weeks of annual leave. I hear a deep sigh as my colleagues sit down and turn on their computer and I smile ... once upon a time this was me.
A deeper look at contraction In relationships
How do we stay with love when one person in a relationship loses their way, is not themselves, or feels out of sorts and contracted, withdrawn or disconnected? In this short video Annette and Gabe present a way forward on this challenging subject that all relationships come up against.
Relationships, Acceptance, Healthy relationships, Love, Self-love, Confidence, Relationship problems
How to find a true partner when online dating – one woman’s account
One woman’s honest path of unfolding to finding a true partner on Online Dating.
There’s always Tinder . . .
Millennials and Tinder – the price may be your sensitivity. Do apps like Tinder lead to casual sex that numbs our finer feelings?
Technology, Sex, Relationships, Lifestyle, Accountability, Relationship problems
The silent abuse – leaving an abusive marriage
Emotional abuse is subtle and easier to push aside because there are no obvious bruises, yet it is equally as crushing as physical abuse. One woman’s story of leaving behind an abusive relationship and claiming back her true power.
Abuse, Relationships, Self-love, Break up, Bullying, Domestic violence, Empowerment, Relationship problems
Relationships are always about evolving – the key to making relationships work
Is disharmony in relationships the end, or can it be the beginning of a new and deeper level of loving? Do moments of change and tension signify an important opportunity for both parties to step up?
Ageless Wisdom, Behaviour, Divorce, Love, Marriage, Healthy relationships, Relationship problems
Serge Benhayon TV – Domestic violence: a modern plague
In this revealing interview Serge Benhayon sets the bar for decency way above what we have made ‘normal’ in this current climate of abuse and the modern plague of domestic violence.
Self-worth, Abuse, Anti-social behaviour, Gender equality, Emotions, Love, Relationship problems
The unveiling of the true woman within
Desiree shares her development from complete desolation and disconnection back to the beautiful unfolding reflection of her true tender self.
Abuse, Alcohol, Hardness, Career, Healthy relationships, Self-love, Universal Medicine, Women's health, Relationship problems
Women and subtle abuse in relationships
Domestic violence is at unacceptable levels globally, but what about the more ‘subtle’ abuse in relationships, for isn’t abuse, abuse?
Abuse, Relationships, Behaviour, Domestic violence, Relationship problems
Withdrawal and ghosting
The chatter in our heads is often such a strong driving force and so familiar we think it’s us guiding us, but is it really our truth? Where are these thoughts coming from?
The childbirth journey: From poor mental health to enjoying fatherhood
Mental health problems are becoming increasingly common amongst men in the perinatal period. What are some of the factors that add pressure on new fathers, and how can things be turned around?
Learning to express our feelings - part 2
Part 2 of this article presents simple steps to reconnect to our ability to feel. Being in touch with what we feel lays a foundation for communicating confidently, openly and respectfully.
Healthy relationships, Communication, Feelings, Hurt, Relationship problems
Choosing a relationship with alcohol or me
My relationship with alcohol started when I was very young…
Why wait? Let’s discard out-of-date and abusive attitudes about gender now!
The battle of the sexes has become a world war. Domestic violence is currently headline news, publicly exposing the horrendous abuse kept hidden behind the closed doors of our very own homes. The media is now onto it, but are we fully addressing our part in it?
Abuse, Hurt, Anti-social behaviour, Conflict, Gender equality, Feminism, Self-worth, Relationship problems
A lost boy from the country discovers the man he truly is
Life as a kid seemed so simple. I grew up in small towns in rural Australia, where with friends I could roam the countryside until it was nearly dark, making fun out of the simplest things…
Alcohol, Family, Self-worth, Universal Medicine, Relationship problems
Couples therapy – part 1 - Life as he knew it
Part one looks at a long term marriage that had gone a bit 'stale'. Being prepared to look at yourself and what is truly going on, can open the door to a new way of being together.
Marriage, Couples therapy, Love, Counseling, Relationship problems
Serge Benhayon TV – The State of Play Between Men and Women
In this sensitive and considered interview, Serge Benhayon and Rebecca Baldwin (previously Asquith) explore the state of play between men and women and the essence of what true expression of gender could look like beyond the manufactured male/female ideals we are conditioned by.
Couples therapy, Marriage, Intimacy, Gender equality, Healthy relationships, Gender, Relationship problems
The why of relationships
We are schooled that we can only have one or a few special relationships. But why accept this when we can instead open up to the possibility of every relationship?
Making love in the kitchen
Are we robbing ourselves of the true joy of relationships? Reducing them to a fraction of their fullness and potential?