Topic:Alcohol SEE ALL TOPICS
Bridging Foods – Homemade recipes everyone wanted
Article by Nicole Sjardin, one of the authors of Bridging Foods.
Black Gold in Soho
When one eats what we know is not good for us, forget discipline – analyse what happened before that. The choices of food follow our behaviour – address the behaviour and food irregularities will disappear.
Alcohol, Sugar, Gluten free, Awareness, Connection, Evolution
The simplicity of my day to day life
From domestic violence and partying and playing sport to now living simply from day to day and committing to life.
Building a nest
This true story shares how the writer changed the way he worked from working to support his habits, where life had no meaning, to truly loving work.
From foodie to glorious food
One woman’s journey from food addiction, using food to get through the day, to losing 30kg and returning to her natural weight without dieting or even trying!
Drinking alcohol is not good for you . . . trust me, I’m a doctor
I am a doctor, so I cannot show you my face or use my name on this article, but I wanted to write it to bring home the point that drinking alcohol really is not good for you.
Reflecting on alcohol consumption
When you have friends who don’t drink when you do, what feelings arise? Read one man’s experience of what makes us uncomfortable when another makes a healthy choice.
Before and after giving up alcohol - Introduction
Everyone loves a drink, right? Drinking alcohol is fun, social, normal, even good for you… or so we have been told. But studies in recent years have shown what our bodies have always known… that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption.
How alcohol had influenced my life
I never knew the full extent of how alcohol had influenced my life, until I made the choice to stop drinking it.
Alcohol, Self-worth, Marriage, Humanity, Depression, Connection
How I quit smoking pot after 12 years
I first started smoking pot because I wanted to be cool; I was about 13 years old and this guy I liked smoked it at the time. I thought ‘he will totally be into me if I get into smoking pot.’
Alcohol – friend or foe ?
Science likes to tell us a glass of wine is good for the heart, but what impact does alcohol have on the rest of our body?
Choosing a relationship with alcohol or me
My relationship with alcohol started when I was very young…
Journey back to myself
I look back at my life of numbing myself with drugs as a time of being so lost in the world, wanting and seeking for that deep connection with myself, only to find it was there within me all along.
Men and alcohol
Read how 5 men view alcohol in today’s society and what impact it has had on them as men and the people around them. Whilst their expressions are all different, there appears to be a common thread amongst them.
True Love and Tea
Madeleine shares her story of what can happen when we stop playing ‘the dating game’ and choose to simply be ourselves.
A lost boy from the country discovers the man he truly is
Life as a kid seemed so simple. I grew up in small towns in rural Australia, where with friends I could roam the countryside until it was nearly dark, making fun out of the simplest things…
Alcohol, Family, Self-worth, Universal Medicine, Relationship problems
New Year’s Day – January 1st
At the start of the year is great moment to have a deep and meaningful chat with your body!
A Treatise on Consciousness – A Treatise on Energetic Truth
There are two consciousnesses that we can all choose from and do continually, even if we are unaware of the choice we have.
So, you want to be a man?
Growing up as men we have many choices to make about what sort of ‘man’ we want to be. Who will be our role models and what sort of effect will they have on our lives?
Acceptance, Alcohol, Behaviour, Bullying, Children, Confidence, Raising children, Tenderness, Body image
Brainwashing, supply and demand
Our Audio of the Month for November 2017 presents how through scientific evidence it has been proven there is no such thing as brainwashing – so what is really going on when we use that term?
Marijuana – not as harmful as alcohol?
When I realised how alcohol was affecting me, I started to look for another drug. Marijuana was readily available, cheap and did not impact on my behaviour in the same way alcohol did, or so I thought at the time.
I thought alcohol would give me confidence…
This is not your usual before and after story about alcohol; it is not about being an alcoholic and coming back from it, but it shares about my use of alcohol as a teenager…
You don’t drink alcohol? You’re no fun!
Recently I was with a group of people and the comment was made that “you’re no fun” because I had not been heavily involved in smoking tobacco, taking illegal drugs or drinking alcohol.
Alcohol consumption: Is there a recommended daily intake?
Dr. Amelia Stephens busts the myths behind “recommended daily drinking”
Young men give their experiences on how they have overcome some of the pressures in today’s society
Hear how some young men are dealing with the pressures placed on them by society around male body image, alcohol consumption and other lifestyle choices.
Looking for love (The Techno Connection)
We are all looking for love and connection… can we find it at techno parties?
Connection, Music, Love, Alcohol, Drugs, Relationships, Inner-heart
Alcohol abuse – what’s normal?
How many drinks are a ‘normal’ or safe amount to drink? When we decide what is a normal and acceptable amount of alcohol to drink, what exactly are we saying yes to?
Drinking time – what is our measure of acceptable drinking?
What defines a moment as being acceptable to drink alcohol?
Social drinking – is there more to friendship than alcohol?
Do we need to alter ourselves with alcohol in order to connect to another? What if we could appreciate and enjoy a sober connection to others?
From smoking marijuana to breathing life
The 70’s was the era of sex, drugs and rock‘n’roll, and there was plenty of it to go around. Getting stoned, going dancing and having sex with a stranger became the norm.
A woman in man’s overalls
Susan led a life as a man in a man’s world, complete with overalls. Read how she has turned her life around, shed her tough clothes, and is now unfolding as the lovely woman she is.
Alcohol, Sugar, Lifestyle diseases, Sugar Free, Healthy relationships, Healthy diet
From wine to water: How I finally quit drinking alcohol with the help of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon
Ingrid Langenbruch on giving up alcohol: “Breast cancer didn’t stop me from drinking alcohol but the support of Universal Medicine did . . . this is what happened . . .”
Food Audio
A collection of delicious and free audios offering a different perspective on food.
Free downloads, Alcohol, Awareness, Caffeine, Chocolate, Dairy free, Sugar, Drugs
Addicted? Who? Me?
How many of us have said, ‘I’m addicted to my morning coffee’, ‘Got to get my news fix for the day,’ ‘Sex – just got to have it’? Our relationship with addiction has become a fashionable commodity; lets cut out the middle-man and get to what we are really craving.
Ovarian cancer – what’s happening to women? Reading the signs
What is happening to women today? We have access to the answers to all our woes, all we have to do is ask the question and the answer is always there waiting to be read.
Alcohol, Hardness, Cancer, Self-love, Connective tissue, Women's health
Before and After alcohol: all around me to none
I grew up with alcohol around me all the time, it was normal for it to be wine o’clock instead of afternoon tea and I didn’t even know that it was not healthy to wake up and have your flagon of wine on the bedside table.
Miracles and Alcoholics
Mum has been an alcoholic for as long as I remember and I never in my wildest dreams thought that she would be able to stop, but miracles do happen!
Smoking… hot? Not!
Smoking cigarettes is not smoking hot. Well it is in the sense that the end that is on fire will burn you if you touch it, but it is so not hot in the sense of it being sexy, or glamorous, or desirable.
Addiction, Anxiety, Confidence, Drugs, Connection, Hurt, Healing, Alcohol, Gentle breath
From alcohol and marijuana to embracing our sensitivity
We may turn to alcohol or marijuana as a way to medicate or to escape from the world, but we do not escape at all nor are we offered any healing. Is there an alternative to help ease our emotional pain?
Abuse, Alcohol, Drugs, Hurt, Emotions, Essence, Healing, Love
Alcohol abuse – a 360° turnaround
How do we go from being repulsed by alcohol as a child, then addicted in our late teens, to then having no attraction to alcohol later in life?
The train wreck we call ‘art’: music and our responsibility as a global family
Defending music at all costs as the reality of a life is ignored – how did this become ok? On Mary Forsberg’s letter about the life and death of rock star Scott Weiland.
Death, Drugs, Alcohol, Anxiety, Depression, Abuse, Musicians
From sex worker to a return to sacredness
At the age of 17 I found myself inside a brothel. You may be surprised to know that this was not due to a dramatic story of childhood abuse or neglect . . . I was simply lost . . .
Sex, Self-worth, Alcohol, Eating disorder, Empowerment, Sacredness, Shift work
How I quit drinking and felt more confident
Alcohol has been a part of my life for a good 13 years, until I quit drinking 2 years ago. And in that time, I don’t think I’ve ever really enjoyed the taste; it has always been about how it has made me feel – or not feel.
Smoking dope (marijuana)
Marijuana came into my life as a relief from the feeling of tiredness through lack of sleep and a continual bombardment of thoughts and the feeling of everything coming in on me. I was not happy, work was drudgery and I was after an escape from this cell that was my life.
Addiction, Drugs, Heart disease, Insomnia, Sleep, Alcohol, Love, Hurt, Healing, Exhaustion
Diving beneath our reasons to drink
When I was younger, I was like everyone else I knew – I enjoyed good food, wine and beer regularly, and I drank much more at the occasional dinner or night out with friends. I chose to believe that a glass of wine or a beer or two each evening was good for me.
Living with a marijuana smoker – it’s not natural
I thought marijuana was harmless and natural, until I lived with someone who smoked it.
The effects of alcohol – listen to my thoughts or to my body?
The first time I can remember trying alcohol was when I was in my early teens. It made me very sick, but I kept trying to drink, to try and be like everyone else.
Relief strategies – the failings of our mental health industry
Tanya Curtis explores the current failings of the mental health industry and the harm that relief-based strategies are having on our society. She offers a new way forward.
Alcohol, Drugs, Behaviour, Evidence-based, Humanity, Mental health, Healthy living
How stimulants keep us away from feeling amazing all of the time
Do stimulants give us energy? Find out what stimulants, like sugar, coffee, alcohol, etc. really do to our body.
A personal account of addictions
Deborah McBride shares how she healed her drug and alcohol addiction. Why is that we reach out for something outside of us to dull ourselves from what life brings and we think we cannot cope with: why are alcohol and drugs such an enticing option and how do we kick addiction to the kerb?
Anxiety and a ‘good’ life
I used to be very anxious. As a young woman I tried to be a ‘good’ person and live a ‘good’ life, taking on certain behaviours that I now see were my attempts to cope with anxious thoughts and feelings.
Why do we run away from our body?
Our Audio of the Month for August 2018 looks at why we choose to not listen to our greatest friend and what happens when we start listening.
Drinking alcohol was not ‘normal’ for me at all
When I started going to nightclubs and having my own parties, introducing alcohol into my life all seemed ‘normal’. Everyone else was doing it, so why not me?
6 things all men need to know about exhaustion and fatigue
Exhaustion and fatigue can deeply affect the way men live – here are 6 tips to combat it. It is okay to seek help and/or professional medical advice when you are feeling excessively tired or fatigued.
Exhaustion, Fatigue, Caffeine, Alcohol, Work life balance, Healthy diet, Healthy living
Alcohol – a scourge on society?
We know the dangers of alcohol use, and its ripple effects on society, so why is it we continue to drink it?
Drinking alcohol & my lack of self-worth
I can remember my last hangover like it was yesterday… My last hangover felt exactly the same as my first hangover, yet I drank consistently for 19 years.
Cannabis, Marijuana or Marihuana: a drug by any name . . .
Cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug in Australia. It comes from the dried flowers and leaves of the plant Cannabis Sativa. Other names for it are marijuana, marihuana, grass, pot, weed, mull, hash, dope...
Addiction, Drugs, Mental health, Depression, Alcohol, Caffeine
The unveiling of the true woman within
Desiree shares her development from complete desolation and disconnection back to the beautiful unfolding reflection of her true tender self.
Abuse, Alcohol, Hardness, Career, Healthy relationships, Self-love, Universal Medicine, Women's health, Relationship problems
My Addiction to Marijuana
How did this woman stop smoking marijuana after being addicted to it for 33 years? When even the diagnosis of breast cancer and having two young children was not enough to get her to stop?
Interview with Ben Hurt, recording engineer
Have you ever wondered what really goes on behind the scenes in a recording studio? Benjamin Hurt, a recording engineer for 20 years, talks about his experience of musicians, artists and life in the recording studio.
Music, Musicians, Energy in music, Emotions, Alcohol, Drugs, Lifestyle
Young men give their experiences on the challenges they face in today’s society
Young men are constantly presented with stereotypical images of men and their behaviours around such issues as the male body image, alcohol consumption and other lifestyle choices. What pressure does this put on them?
The taxing problems of diabetes
Diabetes and other lifestyle related disorders are reaching epidemic proportions with massive cost and health consequences. It comes down to dealing with our hurts.
The hidden harm in self-care
The hidden harm in ‘self-care’ may sound like a parody, but it is not an attempt to be either witty or clever, I am in fact being very serious.
Alcohol, Bloating, Connection, Exhaustion, Fitness, Hardness
Serge Benhayon and the vexed question of food and alcohol
On the subject of food and alcohol, when will we learn? Socrates taught us and now Serge Benhayon is presenting about the energetic responsibility of food.
Addiction, Alcohol, Body awareness, Ill health, Sickness, Obesity
Restaurants, spiked food and food industry manipulation
What mankind is eating is a disaster; we are doped up on dopamine and controlled by an errant food and restaurant industry.
Addiction, Alcohol, Depression, Food industry, Nutrition, Sugar
Who are we really harming when we drink alcohol?
Our human intelligence registers when what we are choosing is not good for us, so why is it that when we drink alcohol we are willing to so easily override this so-called intelligence?
It is never about alcohol
Most drinkers believe a little of alcohol is OK, but is it OK to not be who you truly are?
Alcohol, Inflammation, Sugar, Hurt, Evolution, Addiction, Anti-social behaviour, Awareness, Sex
Checking out – are we sowing the seeds of our own dementia?
Is dementia where we check out so much that we cannot check back in again? Doug shares how he found his way back to vitality and a clear mind.
The self-empowerment nature of self-love
Why does the word no to being offered alcohol sound like yes to others? In our Audio of the Month for December 2021 find out how empowering it is when we say yes to ourselves.
My leap out of spirituality and back to the truth
I reconnected to the Ageless Wisdom and there is indeed inside us all an 'infinite well of wisdom' that is awaiting re-ignition.
Sensitivity and being carried by elephants
Serge Benhayon presents how and why we fight and deny our superb multidimensional sensitivity in this January 2025 Audio of the Month.