Topic:Mental health SEE ALL TOPICS
Feeling the blues … to being depressed … to shining the light
No longer need we be a victim of low mood or even depression; as we begin to make choices that we know and can feel are loving for our bodies, then our minds will take care of themselves.
Depression, Appreciation, Lifestyle, Body awareness, Mental health
Depression in men – the awareness within
Depression in Men leaves us feeling isolated and overwhelmed, shrouded in a state of hopelessness. Could reconnecting to our body and being more aware of our movements set us on the path out of this male depression?
Awareness, Connection, Depression, Mental health, Presence, Surrender
The multi-symptomatic man
We live in a world where human ills are increasingly complex, where multiple chronic diseases, symptoms and disorders are the norm. How have we created the multi-symptomatic man, and what is the ‘antidote’?
Medical treatment, Mental health, Responsibility, Disease, Health conditions, Human body, Lifestyle diseases, Medicine
“I hate my job”: Ten signs to show you are ‘doing time’ at work
Do you hate your job, dream of not having to work or are you counting down the years to retirement? Presented here are the 10 signs that you’re ‘doing time’ at work, and how your road to freedom is an inside job.
Absenteeism, Career, Depression, Mental health, Work life balance, Overwhelm, Burnout
The systemic abuse of men
The systemic abuse of men is common and more prevalent than we may realise. It is time for this abuse to be exposed and revealed for what it is so we can begin to live another way, a true way, that supports men and boys to live free of this abuse.
How to rebuild trust
What happens when we don’t honour what we know is true, and how do we claim our inner authority? There are many ways and reasons we begin to doubt and lose trust in ourselves.
Wisdom, Soul, Self-empowerment, Feelings, Mental health, Clairsentience
Adapting to our environment
Watch part of Jean Gamble’s presentation at the Psychological Wellbeing Conference in 2013 where she shares how men and women are encouraged to adapt to their environment from a young age.
Children, Connection, Counseling, Education, Mental health, Nurturing, Parenting, Healthy relationships
Corporate Social Responsibility - part 2: How our working world could be
This article considers the ways in which we can ALL play a vital and essential part towards developing a new state of our working world, well-being and humanity’s future.
Career, Lifestyle diseases, Mental health, Work life balance, Well-being
Depression, exhaustion and adrenal fatigue
Depression and exhaustion could be a result of adrenal fatigue, meaning a depletion in kidney energy. Self-care is a great tool to have up one’s sleeve to help heal.
Body awareness, Depression, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Connection, Mental health, Well-being, Healthy living
The suicide rate in older women: a real women’s health issue
What if the rate of suicide in older women was not a symptom of the ‘ageing’ process per se, but rather was far more multifaceted in terms of contributing factors?
What is a hurt . . . and how do hurts relate to dieting and losing weight?
This article posits that it is our hurts that can cause us to overeat or to eat unhealthy foods.
Mental Illness and Mental Wellness … should we differentiate?
Is our marker for mental illness limiting humanity as a whole? This article explores the much needed differentiation between mental illness and mental wellness.
Joining the dots between maternal and infant mental health
Motherhood is a time of great change. How can women best manage their mental health for the sake of themselves and their infant?
Therapist burnout
Therapists can avoid burnout from stress, anxiety and depression if they allow their clients to take responsibility for their own healing.
Flaws in the system are killing young doctors
The media has reported a high incidence of stress and burnout amongst our young doctors, resulting in some taking their own lives. Could the demands of the current medical system be contributing to this tragedy?
Captain of our Titanic – A deeper look at what is killing men
Men have been the so-called 'dominant' gender for a long time, and yet at the same time suicide and heart disease are the leading causes of death. What is going on that leads so many men to take their own lives or die of a broken heart?
I’m a dad ... How do I show affection to my teenage daughter?
Puberty can be a difficult time for both fathers and daughters. This article offers support for fathers in understanding why they can often feel uncomfortable and how they can be with their daughters through puberty, with the continued flowing affection their ‘little girls’ may have grown up with.
Abuse, Confidence, Mental health, Parenting, Raising children, Relationships
Burnout ... is this an epidemic?
This article discusses the epidemic that our mental health system currently faces with stress burnout in our mental health professionals
Hurt, Mental health, Overwhelm, Self-love, Universal Medicine, Burnout
Empathy – sophisticated sympathy
A practitioner shares her revelation on the true harm of empathy.
Accountability, Awareness, Humanity, Mental health, Practitioner, Sickness
Anxiety and being a man
This article explores the anxiety related to being a man, and how important it is for boys, teens and men to feel safe to express how they are feeling and experiencing life.
Serge Benhayon TV – Understanding the Beingness that Constitutes the Human Being
Serge Benhayon and Rebecca Asquith explore anxiety and how the gap between the human and the human being is contributing to anxiety, mental health issues and an array of challenges.
Why are doctors killing themselves?
Our code of ethics asks us to, “First, do no harm.” So why are doctors killing themselves?
Bullying, Depression, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Health, Medicine, Mental health, Overwhelm, Stress, Well-being, Burnout
Reviewing, reflecting and appreciating our choices
Tanya Curtis discusses the benefits of reviewing, reflecting and appreciating all our deposits, choices, investments and outcomes.
Pre-natal and post-natal depression and mental health issues in the perinatal period – what are we missing?
There is a huge amount of advice and support available for women during the peri-natal period, yet women are increasingly struggling with mental health issues such as pre and post-natal depression, anxiety, self-harming and suicidal thoughts and behaviours. This situation naturally calls us to ask ‘why; what’s the part are we not truly understanding?’.
Relief strategies – the failings of our mental health industry
Tanya Curtis explores the current failings of the mental health industry and the harm that relief-based strategies are having on our society. She offers a new way forward.
Alcohol, Drugs, Behaviour, Evidence-based, Humanity, Mental health, Healthy living
Healing depression – goodbye black dog
When I first saw Serge Benhayon in early 2004, I had been suffering from depression since my early teenage years. I was so used to feeling miserable and depressed that I did mention it only at the very end of our chat…
Depression, Mental health, Soul, Universal Medicine, Ageless Wisdom
Education is Good: or is it?
Across the world we have determined the saviour of many of our problems to be education. But what if you found out it was making us ill?
Choosing our way out of depression
One person’s experience with depression — How they found their choices resulted in depletion and therefore depression, and how they made choices that supported them out of it.
Acceptance, Awareness, Depression, Self-love, Body awareness, Mental health, Healthy living
I’m a practitioner – am I a fraud if I cry?
This article exposes the way mental health professionals are supposed to be perfect in their role as a therapist, so much so, that there is a belief that if they feel their emotions, cry, have a break down, then they are a fraud.
The movement of suicide
Suicide continues to rise. The stats during COVID-19 are not yet available, but in a rising tide of suicide, are we any closer to understanding more about it?
Expression is everything – feeling anxious much?
Expression is everything – when one does not feel safe to express they are constantly feeling anxious, trying to hold their expression in.
Change your life
Too frequently we live in a way resigned to our behaviours and thus resigned to the belief that “this is just the way life is”. Are you open to knowing that there is another way…
Acceptance, Awareness, Communication, Empowerment, Feelings, Healing, Healthy relationships, Mental health
Cannabis, Marijuana or Marihuana: a drug by any name . . .
Cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug in Australia. It comes from the dried flowers and leaves of the plant Cannabis Sativa. Other names for it are marijuana, marihuana, grass, pot, weed, mull, hash, dope...
Addiction, Drugs, Mental health, Depression, Alcohol, Caffeine
The classroom of life
Tanya Curtis explores our two key roles of being a forever student and a forever teacher of life in what she calls the classroom of life.
Understanding mental health from an esoteric perspective
Serge Benhayon speaks about mental health from an esoteric perspective
Hurt, Healing, Human body, Love, Mental health, Philosophy, Healthy living
Measuring the form of behaviour – a failing of evidence based research in mental health
Tanya Curtis explores a major failing of evidence-based research in the mental health industry and asks the pertinent question: “is measuring form ever going to bring lasting change in human behaviour?”
Toddler Tantrums: Is my tantrumming child naughty … or could it be anxiety?
Tantrums, unwanted behaviours and anxiety. Could they be linked? Could anxiety be a contributor to my child’s unwanted behaviour or are they just naughty?
Are we prepared to question the status quo of the mental health industry?
In an era where our ill-mental health rates are reaching unprecedented highs and more practitioners are speaking out about the efficacy of our practices, is now not the time to ask the question – is there more?
Mental health, Counseling, Evidence-based, Reductionism, Humanity
The song of man
Can a man change his tune from songs of self-rejection to a more truly self-loving melody? Worth exploring…
Understanding human nature
Serge Benhayon has opened up my eyes and my heart to a profound and all-encompassing understanding of human nature – why we think and behave the way we do. Since meeting Serge Benhayon I have gradually reconciled this inner anguish and now embrace life in full.
Well-being, Truth, Universal Medicine, Reductionism, Overwhelm, Mental health
Losing ourselves in the effects of music
“Mourning over tragedies that are not our own.” Oscar Wilde’s ages-old insight into our relationship with music. How can we know the effect music is actually having on us? Do we ever stop to question it?
Depression, Energy in music, Emotions, Lifestyle diseases, Mental health, Musicians, Music videos
The anxiety epidemic
Recognising anxiety in the body; how can I support myself?
Anxiety, Awareness, Healing, Mental health, Overwhelm, Stress
Fantasy, Esoteric Yoga and living life from the Soul
What is the antidote to getting lost in distractions, daydreams and desires? Discover what is more magnificent than any fantasy can ever deliver.
Esoteric Yoga – an invitation to Stillness
What if coming home to oneself and the inner stillness connected to through Esoteric Yoga has supportive consequences for how we feel on all levels; physical, mental and emotional?
Body image – as we like it?
Body image issues along with body dysmorphia are on the increase pushing the drive for cosmetic surgery and exercise regimes that are aimed at providing the picture-perfect body.
Teachings & Revelations Volume IV – review
An indispensable compendium of conveyed wisdom for us all, in a world plagued by lies and untruths, where abuse in all its forms is normalised and general lovelessness dominates the model of life.
Breaking the cycle of workplace bullying and harassment
No one likes to be bullied or harassed, yet this is exactly what most of us will experience or witness at some stage of our working lives. What difference can we make?
You can hide but you can’t run
What do we have to learn from the ‘hikikomori’ of Japan? Could they be showing us that we have taken the current model of life too far?
How harmless is our practice as a mental health professional?
As a mental health professional we have a responsibility to ensure that in our practice we do no harm to our clients. But what does this mean beyond the obvious basics?
Medicine, Mental health, Practitioner, Responsibility, Self-worth
Mental health and the medicine of love
Mental ill health continues to be a global issue despite all the resources invested in prevention and treatment. What else is going on when good intentions and so much effort is directed to this area, but still the problems continue?
Connection, Health conditions, Love, Medicine, Mental health