Topic:Body awareness SEE ALL TOPICS
Feeling the blues … to being depressed … to shining the light
No longer need we be a victim of low mood or even depression; as we begin to make choices that we know and can feel are loving for our bodies, then our minds will take care of themselves.
Depression, Appreciation, Lifestyle, Body awareness, Mental health
Think you are not an ‘Influencer’?
We are all standard setters, every one of us, but unless we have done something we perceive as ‘trend setting’ we don’t see ourselves as such. However, nothing is further from the truth.
When it comes to food – let your body speak
The food we eat can transform how we feel in our body, and assist in wellbeing, energy levels and clarity of mind.
Connection, Breath, Body awareness, Gentleness, Exhaustion, Tension
Your source of energy as a key to diet and weight loss
Do we choose the source of energy we are choosing to run our body? What if this energy source was the key to weight loss?
Going gluten free does not require a gluten intolerance diagnosis
An invitation to developing a deeper relationship with our bodies and choosing to feel the effects food containing gluten has on our well-being.
Gluten free, Body awareness, Nutrition, Coeliac/celiac, Diets
What is Medicine?
Is there more to Medicine than how we currently perceive it?
Medicine, Health conditions, Livingness, Lifestyle, Body awareness, Healing
Developing confidence from within
There is a link between confidence and conscious presence. Connection with the body supports us to bring an inner steadiness and ease to whatever comes our way in life.
Are you fit for life? Part 2
Being fit for life – what does that mean. Have we got fitness wrong, and or, is it falling well short of the real mark?
Body awareness, Self-love, Fitness, Lifestyle diseases, Healthy living
The de-cluttering diet
The de-cluttering diet is a new perspective on why we can’t lose weight.
Bringing self-care to work: caring for you is caring for others
A Psychotherapist’s perspective on how self-care supports her to stay engaged in her work by following the impulse to rest when she needs to and not reacting to her clients or getting caught in emotional drama.
The problem with procrastination
Have you ever considered that procrastination can impact our mental health and wellbeing?
Social media shame or success – can there ever be a winner?
The use of social media is far from innocent with regards to the spin, the intent and integrity with which the content is portrayed. From the music and entertainment industries into the home, what is vibrational bullying … and truth or lies, how do we know?
My life – discovering that there is so much more
‘I feel I have completed the circle’ – from experiencing near death to truly living in my body. A story of discovering that there is so much more to life and death.
Is disease just physical?
Have you ever wondered whether there was more to disease than just your physical body? Read on to find out.
Medical treatment, Self-love, Well-being, Disease, Body awareness
Your body and disease – what does it all mean?
Is there more to disease and illness than we allow ourselves to see? Could it be possible that there are deeper reasons for it happening?
Ill health, Sickness, Body awareness, Health, Disease, Lifestyle diseases, Medical treatment
Before and after: Rowena Stewart on her relationship with food
Rowena shares how her awareness around food and healing her hurts has completely changed her weight, shape and health.
Weight-loss, Gluten free, Dairy free, Hurt, Weight, Body awareness, Healthy living, Coeliac/celiac
Good medicine starts with you breathing you
Learn about how good medicine starts with your breath, and living you every day.
Medicine, Lifestyle, Harmony, Breath, Body awareness, Gentle breath
The truth about Walking vs Running
Struggling with running injuries? Find out The Truth about Walking vs Running and the resultant injuries that can so often occur.
Awareness, Body awareness, Connective tissue, Fitness, Health
Having a breast scan – what is it like?
Clinically, having a breast scan is a straightforward exercise but all those breasts are attached to women and the many lives they are part of, so what it is really like?
Health conditions, Body awareness, Human body, Empowerment, Women's health
Connection to self through conscious presence
For our May 2015 audio of the month we are treating you to two audios on Conscious Presence because connecting to ourselves and our body is so essential for our health and well-being.
Exhaustion a modern day plague
For our June 2015 Audio of the Month we have chosen to look at Exhaustion a modern day plague. Why are so many of us sick and exhausted when we are naturally made to work joyfully 12 to 15 hours a day?
Understanding Esoteric Healing – A first hand experience
Esoteric Healing is a true complementary therapy, yet it makes no claims to cure anything. So what is its purpose? Adam Warburton shares his experience.
Healing, Awareness, Exhaustion, Relationships, Vitality, Practitioner, Body awareness
The great cycle of Motion and Repose
Absolutely everything, known and unknown, physical and non-physical, in three-dimensions and beyond, is following a grand law integral to all.
Taste sensation: does it rule our food choices?
Are we eating for taste or for nourishment? How much are our food choices ruled by how sensational something tastes in our mouths, instead of what our body truly needs and wants?
Why do we overeat?
Do you ever overeat when lonely … as a reward after a challenging day … or for comfort? Here is an insightful exploration into why we overeat.
Over eating, Bloating, Body awareness, Emotions, Feelings, Eating disorder, Obesity
Gestational diabetes mellitus - a nuisance or opportunity for growth?
Gestational diabetes mellitus is growing at a phenomenal rate … Imagine if gestational diabetes was viewed as a blessing in pregnancy and all pregnancy care around this condition supported women to see it as an opportunity for personal growth?
We know more than we think
We know more than we think, learning to trust the wisdom of our bodies, trusting what we feel, we know how to read energy.
Learning to breathe again – thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine
Zoe suffered for years with asthma, chronic sinusitis and hay fever. All that began to change when she began attending presentations by Serge Benhayon.
What’s all the fuss about self-care?
In this article we reveal the true meaning of self-care, and how it is the missing ingredient in the search for health and wellbeing.
Food, family cultures and our (not so) hidden attitudes towards food
Is our attitude to food like a formula one race pit stop - necessary but not truly valued, and an interruption to other more important things? Do we rather keep those around us happy when it comes to food choices, than be true to our own bodies!
Gentle Breath Meditation® – there is nothing else like it!
Serge Benhayon inspiring others to connect back to themselves.
Gentle breath, Meditation, Yoga, Body awareness, Connection, Testimonials
Truly seeing the truth of what is
Serge Benhayon’s Reading highlights how the best of conventional medicine can work harmoniously together with the true insight of Esoteric Healing and Esoteric Medicine.
Work life balance, Medical treatment, Lifestyle diseases, Body awareness
Food choices: what does your whole body have to say?
Reward, comfort, stimulation or true nourishment – what do you want from your food and what is driving your food choices?
PMS – Is it a valid excuse to behave like a ‘Crazy B!tc#’ ??
PMS – What’s going on Ladies? …Is the PMS Power Pass really a valid excuse to behave badly … or is it simply an excuse to not step up?
Behaviour, Cycles, Emotions, Menstrual cycle, Body awareness, Health conditions
Depression, exhaustion and adrenal fatigue
Depression and exhaustion could be a result of adrenal fatigue, meaning a depletion in kidney energy. Self-care is a great tool to have up one’s sleeve to help heal.
Body awareness, Depression, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Connection, Mental health, Well-being, Healthy living
How to survive work and travel?
A practical guide for how self-care can help you deal with the challenges of working away from home – from jet lag and hotel beds to working long hours and business dinners out.
Burnout, Stress, Time management, Work life balance, Body awareness
How the mood we move and exercise in affects our health
Ever considered how the mood you’re in during exercise effects your health? Here’s some great reasons to check in with how you’re feeling before you hit the gym or your daily workout.
Why can’t I lose weight?
Losing weight has more to do with a connection to ourselves, than to the best diet in the world.
Introduction to chronic pain management
Chronic pain is in epidemic proportions – in Australia 1 in 5 Australians live with chronic pain. Kate Greenaway, a physiotherapist, describes a fresh approach to pain management.
Body awareness, Healing, Pain, Universal Medicine, Connective tissue, Back pain
How to stop food cravings
Trying to go gluten free but keep having pesky food cravings? Understand more and try out these how to stop food craving tips.
Behaviour, Body awareness, Over eating, Gluten free, Psychology, Weight-loss
The Truth about Truth and how it applies to all equally.
Body awareness, Energy, God, Harmony, Healing, Human body, Humanity, Inner-heart, Joy, Livingness, Love, Responsibility, Soul, Stillness, Truth, Universe, Intelligence
Body awareness: the simplicity of our natural union in life
We are born in union, in connection, yet as we grow up we absorb life – life happens. Yet we need not disconnect from the natural body awareness that keeps us connected, and this audio and crisp article share the simplicity of union.
Celebrating my Buddha belly
Why do women hold their belly in? Letting it all hang out – letting our Buddha belly out.
Should we re-consider what illness and disease mean for us?
How do we see illness and disease? Do we see it as a final point, something that is a curse, or something that is healing, and returning us back to who we truly are?
Disease, Ill health, Sickness, Health, Body awareness, Healing
Do I listen to the mind or the body?
Have you ever had what felt like a tug of war between the mind and the body – your mind saying one thing and your body something else?
Surrender, Sleep, Body awareness, Gentleness, Health, Relaxation, Well-being
What if you hold the key to your own wellbeing in your own hands?
Are we more in control and in charge of our health and wellbeing than we realise?
Nutritional Dogma – Food rules or loving impulse?
When we categorise foods and diet into ‘good’ and ‘bad’, are we truly supporting ourselves or creating restrictions and dogma?
Self-Care: The quality in which we move
Everyday life can be a part of self-care when we introduce and focus on the quality of our movements.
What does being grounded mean?
Esoteric Healing supports us to remain grounded by connecting to our own inner anchor of steadiness.
Performance anxiety – an everyday experience?
Is performance anxiety an everyday experience that is simply a stronger manifestation of the stress we are living with all the time? Do we unconsciously set our children up to live with this tension from their earliest years?
Performance anxiety, Conscious presence, Body awareness, Confidence, Anxiety
Esoteric Yoga: union with me and God – at last
Looking for Union – I am often asked if I do yoga and my answer has been, “yes I do, but no, not in the way I used to practise and teach it”.
Yoga, God, Body awareness, Stillness, Cancer, Healing, Passing over
Arthritis – more than physio, painkillers and joint replacements?
There is much that we can do to help treat and heal our arthritis …
Medicine is life
Make the connection that life is medicine and can be good or bad.
Esoteric Yoga
Esoteric Yoga is a therapy that simply presents a way of being and moving that honours, supports and maintains the harmonious flow of stillness within the body.
Gentle Breath – a game changer
Connecting to the breath and choosing to make it gentle can enhance the quality of your day.
Body awareness, Connection, Conscious presence, Meditation, Gentle breath
Our mind might tell us to have a cigarette but if we asked our lungs they would say no.
Why do we override what our organs would tell us if we listened to our body?
Your body tells the truth
Developing ‘body awareness’ is an essential part of developing self-care. This article looks at how to develop body awareness that supports you to care more deeply for your body.
Body awareness, Self-empowerment, Well-being, Empowerment, Hardness, Tension
Goodbye hardness – Hello spaciousness
How Esoteric Massage has supported this professional acrobat and fitness professional, letting go of the hardness and tightness in her body, returning to a spacious, graceful body as the delicate woman she is today.
Hardness, Pain, Surrender, Body awareness, Tenderness, Massage
Portion distortion: lost track of how much to eat?
Should we be asking: why have we lost track of how much to eat?
Obesity, Weight-loss, Well-being, Body awareness, Eating disorder
World health day – Are we settling for a ‘well-being’ that is not truly well?
What do we define as health? Does it mean to be well and if so then what are we calling being well?
Whole body mindedness and working out in the gym
Working out in the gym doesn’t have to be about more, faster or harder; there is another way and that way is about whole body-mindedness, the intelligence of the body.
International Coffee Day: October 1st
For International Coffee Day we provide a free audio that questions whether we are really being honest when we say “we love our coffee”.
Serge Benhayon TV – Whole Body Intelligence
What is ‘Whole-body Intelligence’ and what can it tell us about how to move and walk so that we can deliver an intelligence that holds all equal in the realm we live in. Sound grand? It is. Welcome to Episode One of Serge Benhayon TV.
Ageless Wisdom, Body awareness, Awareness, Conscious presence, Intelligence
The fall of ‘quality’, the rise of a Quality
Quality as a sense is disappearing all around us. The diminishment of excellence or distinctiveness is just a starting point. Serge Benhayon never needs a capital ‘Q’ to announce quality and equality – he lives it.
Role models, Body awareness, Reductionism, Conscious presence, Journalism
Letter to my body – from trash-tip to temple
When your body is pining for more sleep, asks for nourishing food and to be honoured, held and cherished like the Temple that it is, what do you do? What treatment do you offer back to your body?
To exercise or exorcise, that is the question…
We all have some level of understanding what exercise is, even though it may be different one to another. But have you considered what is actually happening when you exercise and that it may be more than what you can physically see?
Too beautiful for ice-cream
We often reach for food when tired, hungry or looking for a reward. Do we ever stop and wonder what we are nourishing? What if we are too beautiful for ice-cream?
From self-abuse – to self-care
A personal trainer’s experience of how working out hard and pushing the limits of strength, stamina and flexibility is actually more harming than healthy.
To dairy or to dairy free? Our body holds the answer ...
Are dairy products really supporting our bodies and our well-being? Read on to find pages that support – where you can be your own scientist, letting your own body tell you what is right for you.
Dairy free, Food pyramid, Health, Body awareness, Diets, Food science
Intelligence – is it embodied or embrained?
What if intelligence does not just come from our brains but our whole bodies? Would that alter how we treat and understand our bodies?
Body awareness, Clairsentience, Human body, Gentle breath, Intelligence
A Healing Journey through Music: playing the cello and RSI
Why is RSI such a chronic problem among string players within the music world? Cellist Rebecca Turner turns around physical and emotional pain and re-invents her life in a remarkable healing journey.
The Magic of Esoteric Yoga
How do the movements in an Esoteric Yoga session relate to the way we move in our day to day life? Here Gabriele experiences how they support us to bring awareness to the way we move and our behaviours.
Overeating: a 3-step guide to a more positive relationship with Food
Overeating is by no means a new phenomenon within society and particularly in western cultures where access to food is plentiful. In fact, we need only look at our global obesity rates to see that perhaps we are loading our plates a little too high …
Let the body do the talking
In our Audio of the Month for March 2019, Serge Benhayon presents how our body is the marker of all truth and the power of what that means and reveals in everyday life.
Why do we work with the eyes in Esoteric Yoga?
The truism ‘we see what we want to see – and we don’t see what we don’t want to see’, is brought to light, explored and evidenced in a part of the Esoteric Yoga session with a delicately detailed focus on the eyes.
‘Seeing’ the bigger picture
Do we allow what we see to pull us out of ourselves and into the distraction of the world? This fascinating audio and short exercise by Dr Carmin Hall lets us experience what exactly is going on…
Elongate your posture: simple connective tissue exercises to support your body
Take a few precious moments and feel wonderful – breathing exercises for posture and some simple connective tissue exercises to deeply support the body’s fascia.
Connective tissue, Well-being, Body awareness, Connection, Stretching
There is more to the voice than meets the ears
We have the most amazing and sensitive receiver of frequencies that there is, right at our fingertips. Our body! Science shows us this, but how far are we away from understanding what this actually means?
Sleep – time to restore and refresh
Do you ever wake-up feeling just as exhausted as when you went to sleep? Discover how healthy sleep happens before you even close your eyes.
Vitality, Emotions, Well-being, Diets, Body awareness, Weight, Caffeine, Sleep, Fatigue, Insomnia
Sensitivity – curse or greatest gift there is?
It was not until in my fifties that I began to understand that my sensitivity was actually normal and wonderful and not a curse. Sensitivity has been my ally, my constant companion, my strength, my teacher and my ultimate offering to those around me.
Fitting life around food
Our July 2017 Audio of the Month looks at our relationship with food and why we overeat – you might be surprised!
Esoteric Yoga – a personal experience
As a fitness professional and yoga teacher, had tried everything. Nothing prepared her for the profound impact Esoteric Yoga had on her body…
Carbohydrate kid – No more! No pain, no bloating, no digestive discomforts
Inconceivable to give up carbs? What – going without toast for breakfast, sandwiches at lunch and pasta for dinner? Think twice! Even Emilia’s strong Italian roots couldn’t stop her going gluten free.
Coeliac/celiac, Bloating, Digestion, Pain, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Body awareness, Well-being
How do you know what is right for your body?
This article outlines simple steps to make the connection between what and how we eat and how our bodies feel afterwards, so we can start to eat what is right for our bodies.
Spotlight on sugar
Giving up sugar; from the impossible to the possible – it can be done, as we begin to love our own natural sweetness and graceful beauty.
Dieting? Why willpower fails us
Dieting by willpower alone does not work. We need to address how our body informs our thinking – our state of physical well-being affects the way we think – a body that is tended and cared for, supports us to make better choices.
Connection, Body awareness, Gentleness, Gentle breath, Diets, Chocolate
Ideal weight
Our ideas of ideal weight may have been imposed by the BMI scale or by the images we are surrounded by. What if we could change the way we see ideal weight and find our true weight?
Living Medicine Audio
This priceless collection of free Living Medicine audio and quotes offers us a great understanding and healing about our amazing bodies and the wisdom they carry.
Free downloads, Body awareness, Cancer, Healing, Human body, Medicine, Universal Medicine, Ill health
Why do we run away from our body?
Our Audio of the Month for August 2018 looks at why we choose to not listen to our greatest friend and what happens when we start listening.
Conscious presence, whole-body-mindedness and the fallacy of the observer
Do you find your mind being either ahead of or trailing behind the physical body; being in the anticipated future or in the already lived past? Enter movement and conscious presence…
Choosing our way out of depression
One person’s experience with depression — How they found their choices resulted in depletion and therefore depression, and how they made choices that supported them out of it.
Acceptance, Awareness, Depression, Self-love, Body awareness, Mental health, Healthy living
Connection with myself is pure gold
Do we push through our aches and pains, or is there another way to bring the body back to ease and enjoyment?
Serge Benhayon, relationships and marriage
I was never into the idea of ‘marriage’; my attitude was – I’m independent, what is the point? Then, listening to a presentation by Serge Benhayon, I heard him talk about marriage in a way that I had never heard anyone talk about marriage before.
Evolution, Relationships, Joy, Truth, Weddings, Body awareness
Gender equality – does it start with women’s responsibility to themselves?
Women have been trying to gain gender equality from men for centuries, so what is our responsibility as women to ensure this happens?
Tenderness, Empowerment, Gender equality, Healthy relationships, Body awareness
Living medicine starts with the body
Medicine starts with the body and tuning in to how it feels so we can learn who we are from the inside and what we need to be ourself in life.
What is work life balance for women? Does it really exist?
How do women return to a natural flow instead of the unnatural busy, rushed, overloaded way of living and striving for work/ life balance at the expense of themselves?
Three great reasons to ditch your New Year's resolutions before you even make them and how to make true change instead ...
How often do we make New Year resolutions to get ourselves fit and well only to find they we have made ourselves empty promises again? This article challenges this yearly practice by offering another way to make lasting change in our lives.
Behaviour, Body awareness, Weight, Self-love, Well-being, Harmony, Nurturing, Weight-loss
Serge Benhayon TV – Movement Over Matter
The phrase ‘mind over matter’ has been bandied around for centuries, but has the truth of ‘movement of matter’ ever been considered?
The importance of exercise in our life
We probably all know the importance of exercise in our lives, how exercise is good for us, how it keeps us fit and healthy. But can we say exercise per se makes us healthy and fit and vital, or is it the way we move that does it.
Women, excessive tiredness and Christmas stress
How many women are left feeling exhausted after the month of December and how long does it take our bodies to recover?
Body awareness, Stress, Exhaustion, Raising children, Well-being, Healthy living
Returning to our body – The wonder, beauty and science of our body
How often do we consider if we are with or even ‘in’ our body? Discover the unlimited awareness we can tap into when we connect to our body and the quality of our movements.
Awareness, Body awareness, Conscious presence, Gentleness, Yoga
Sore shoulders in women; are our bodies speaking to us?
What our shoulders (and their pain) tells us about ourselves and how we are ‘shouldering’ life.
Health conditions, Body awareness, Human body, Hurt, Tension, Pain, Intelligence
When will women be ok with their weight? When is enough, enough?
When will women start accepting their bodies and cut the self-loathing and weight issues? When will we understand that true beauty comes from how we feel inside?
Self-esteem, Diets, Weight, Self-worth, Body awareness, Body image, Weight-loss
Hangovers from food – is that even possible?
Just like alcohol, can we get a hangover from food?
Union within
How can exploring the union between your body and mind deepen the quality of your everyday life?
Claiming your body’s natural intelligence during pregnancy and childbirth
What if women were to approach pregnancy and childbirth with a confidence that we have everything inside of us to know exactly what is needed in any given moment?
A stop light moment
How often do you stop to feel how much tension you are holding in your body? Could these stop moments support us to let go of worrying thoughts?
Body awareness, Conscious presence, Tension, Work stress, Surrender
Exercising to lose weight – a personal story
Anne discovered that she could keep her weight down with excessive exercise, but at what cost to her body?
Body awareness, Weight-loss, Connection, Healthy living, Body image
Toddler Tantrums: Is my tantrumming child naughty … or could it be anxiety?
Tantrums, unwanted behaviours and anxiety. Could they be linked? Could anxiety be a contributor to my child’s unwanted behaviour or are they just naughty?
Singing cells – science and the music of the human body
Tune-in to how your ‘cells are singing’ today – a cacophony or a symphony? Biologist Dianne Trussell on the human body in relation to sound, vibration, expression and wellbeing.
What happens when we eat chocolate? And why do we choose to eat chocolate at Easter?
If we understood how much our body is affected by chocolate would we think twice about eating it?
Is self-care more than taking physical care of our bodies?
Want to know the secret to self-care? ... it’s more than taking care of our body.
Stuck in the entertainment loop? How can we start to change the quality of our thoughts?
Do you have a constant array of thoughts in your head like a TV you can’t switch off? How can we start to change the quality of our thoughts and as such, change our lives.
Chronic discomforts – the relationship between men’s bodies and their daily choices
As men we have become used to living with daily pain. But should this be normal, is there a different way, and is our body telling us more than we think?
Serge Benhayon and the vexed question of food and alcohol
On the subject of food and alcohol, when will we learn? Socrates taught us and now Serge Benhayon is presenting about the energetic responsibility of food.
Addiction, Alcohol, Body awareness, Ill health, Sickness, Obesity
Terminating a pregnancy – a woman’s decision
Why a woman must always make a decision in her life from her body first, including when it comes to considering terminating a pregnancy.
Self-care the path to awareness and the true self
The benefits of self-care are numerous and significant, however, the personal benefits are not an 'end point' but a path to deeper awareness and connection to self.
Self-love, Body awareness, Connection, Livingness, Well-being
Choosing a wedding dress: a stocktaking moment to connect with our body and honour ourselves
Women usually ‘know’ when they have found their perfect wedding dress. What if women used the same process to guide themselves with other aspects of their lives?
Origins of yoga postures – a closer look at the purpose of yoga asana
Downward dog anyone? The purpose of yoga posture and asana in today's yoga classes – have we been moving with the times?
Diets don’t work ... but there is another way!
Diets don’t work because they focus on food, not on the person choosing the food. We need to look at ourselves and why we eat and why we might choose to be overweight.
Why we bring conscious presence to the eyes in Esoteric Yoga
The eye area may be just a small part of our body, but when you consider how much of life is seen, clocked, received or projected from our eyes they have a massive impact on how and what we experience as our day to day lives. Explore with this experiential video…
Everything in moderation – how we fake being alright
Everything in moderation, what is that? A ‘truth’ we live by or a cunning deception to shut down our awareness?
Self acceptance – the path to changing overeating
Many of us spend our lives lost to ourselves until we finally arrive at the knowing that love is not ‘out there’, it’s within us and that no amount of food is enough to fill the ‘perpetual hunger’ for love.
Vitality, Feelings, Body awareness, Awareness, Eating disorder, Healthy living
How yoga supports the body in everyday life
Do you often find yourself rushing from one thing to another, yet feel like you’re never quite getting enough done? Or possibly strive to get things done to feel better about yourself?
Active Ageing – your health in your hands
Healthy ageing is Active Ageing, exploring what it means to age well. As an older adult if you are concerned about falling and want to stay well as you get older, read on to hear what you can do to support yourself to live a healthy, fulfilling later life.
An Introduction to Esoteric Yoga – simple everyday movements
Explore Esoteric Yoga with this experiential video. Discover how to bring focus to our body and our movements – and with that, bring ourselves to a deeper inward focus and sense of ease.
Body awareness, Connection, Conscious presence, Stillness, Gentleness
An introduction to body connection and body awareness
Habitual posture can lead to pain or discomfort, and not surprisingly has a direct affect on our vitality. In this experiential 2-part video we bring attention to how simply we can connect to our bodies, bringing awareness to how we stand and sit and the quality we move with through our day.
How to listen to your body
Our body is constantly communicating with you, but are you listening or do you have your fingers in your ears? Listening to your body is really very simple . . .
Body awareness, Well-being, Meditation, Gentleness, Intimacy
From domination to conversation – a physiotherapist’s testimonial to Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy
A personal account of how one Physiotherapist has completely changed how they work due to being introduced to Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy – with some remarkable results.
Giving up the trying to be better in life
Do you find yourself trying to improve things, or to find ways to feel more fulfilled? In this audio, find out how ‘re-connect and surrender to our bodies’ fits into the plan.
A lesson in equality – Serge Benhayon
I remember embarking into the world, learning what it was to be a woman. From very young, the enforced role model of the housewife brewed up a fury inside of me and so I rebelled and became the tough sportswoman. What does it mean to hold myself as a woman, to walk as a woman?
True movement – let your body guide the way
When we are born, we are already everything – we feel everything, we know everything, we are everything. We allow ourselves to be moved, letting our body guide the way.
Body awareness, Connection, Conscious presence, Soul, Spirit
An Esoteric Yoga session: simplicity and union
With no strenuous postures, asanas or movements, an Esoteric Yoga class or session presents the simplicity of union – body and being as one – for the living of our everyday lives.
Body awareness, Connection, Conscious presence, Livingness, Stillness, Therapies
Body posture
Good posture isn’t just about having a straight spine, nor is it about being rigid in the way we are with our body. Find out how a quality posture can support you.
Quality of movement = Quality of life
What if the way in which we move determines not only the quality of our own life, but has a ripple effect upon all of life?
Constellations, Behaviour, Body awareness, Conscious presence, Harmony, Yoga
Exercise – it’s all in the movement
How much do we enjoy our exercise? Do we see it as a chore or is it something we actually look forward to every day?
Yoga and competition – letting the body speak
Have you ever noticed competition feeding into your yoga practice – trying to be better, stretch harder, get to the next point? In this audio Rosanna reflects on the space Esoteric Yoga offers for the body to open and shift and heal.
Harmlessness and movement
Patanjali’s teaching of non-harm is a well known precept in the yoga world. But what if we take a deeper dive here and study the unseen harm and its very real effects that impact all of us globally and in every moment.
Body awareness, Conscious presence, Energy, Responsibility, Spirit
Mind over Matter – fighting a losing battle
There has been a long battle of mind over matter, but overall the war against matter is being lost and the sooner we surrender our minds the better.
Health at every size – or is it?
Positive body image aside, does Health at Every Size (HAES) weight management support us to be healthy?
Body awareness, Diets, Healthy diet, Losing weight, Weight-loss
Letting go of pictures around exercise
Do you aim for a specific outcome with exercise and have pictures about how it should look; do you listen to your body? This woman discovered a new way to exercise.
The body loves to exercise but how much?
The body loves gentle exercise regularly, a little something every day to stimulate the systems to work at their optimum. This will vary depending on our general health, our age, our circumstances, and any pre-existing conditions – it’s not a ‘one size fits all’.
The quality of movement and its ripple effect
What is in our quality of movement, and how does it have an effect on our own bodies, the space and the people around us? Discover what happens when we bring connection back to our body.
Self-care takes care of itself
Self-care is the everyday activities done differently, by me and from me and from the inside out rather than bringing something to me from the outside in
The way we move shapes our bodies
When we look at people’s bodies as they age, it is easy to see how a person has lived – stooped over, bent over with aches and pains, twisted spines, waddling ways of walking, osteoarthritis of the hips and lower spines. But what is it that shaped the body this way?
Exercising and movement from within
If movement is the key foundation to all activity, why then is not more importance given to the quality of the movement within and through the human body.
Moving as I, affecting the All
Have you ever thought about the fact that how you move has a ripple effect on everything and everyone?
Give me my treats!
Do you find yourself hanging out for your treat to eat or drink and react when someone or something gets in your way?
Natalie Benhayon, the queen of many things
Have you ever felt trapped in the tension of time? Understanding how we can live with cycles and rhythms in our daily life can be a game changer.
Is it really self-care?
Self-care is usually viewed as an opportunity to pamper or console ourselves every now and then, but why aren’t the effects lasting?
Body awareness, Connection, Self-love, Self-worth, Well-being
A look at reflections
Visions of the outside world from a different and inspiring perspective. A book for deep contemplation, for true enrichment, a reflection of Truth and beauty within nature.
Self Care – it isn’t what you think
Could self-care be as simple as connecting with and feeling what your body needs in any given moment?
Gluten me
When we are hungry, we get ourselves that yummy thing to eat – but is there something more going on underneath? Read one person’s experience with giving up gluten and what was revealed to them.
How do we know if our choice around food is a true one?
Do we choose food based on what our body says, or based on what we have been told is good for us?
Loveliness – just words or a way of being?
What does the word ‘loveliness’ convey in your mind – a same-same recipe for appearance, or greater depths of sacredness for us to go to?
Why do we eat what we eat?
What we eat, and why and when we eat, has another dimension than what is presented in the cooking shows and enticing packaging in the supermarket aisle.
An over-active mind or at-one with the body’s movement
What is it about our mind and thoughts that can leave our body feeling exhausted, or our mind stressed and frazzled? There is a simple way to move that can turn this around 180 degrees.
The first visit to the gym – working with our body, not against it
Why breathe gently when working out at the gym, is that even possible?
Watching sport
Is watching sport harmless and ‘just a bit of fun’? Or is something more harming going on?
The perfectionism monster
The common depiction of a woman is someone who can meet the wants and needs of everyone around her with perfection. But do such superwomen actually exist – or are we missing a key part of what makes up the whole woman?