Gentle Breath Meditation® – there is nothing else like it!

Gentle Breath Meditation® – there is nothing else like it!
Serge Benhayon is someone you remember meeting. The profound connection available through the Gentle Breath Meditation® ...
I remember the first time I met Serge like it was yesterday; it was 11 years ago. What I remember about Serge was not so much what he said or how he was but rather what he showed me. He presented the Introductory Gentle Breath Meditation® and I had not felt anything else like that in my life up to that moment. On that day in London, when it was the hottest day we had that summer, I was amazed at how simple and immediate the connection to myself was.
I felt something inside me that was profound and clear, it was stillness for me at the time. I feel it is important to share that I had been doing a psychotherapy training with yoga and other techniques for body awareness, but nothing even came close to how I felt that day and since, whilst connecting to my inner-heart.
Whenever I have doubt or don’t understand something I bring myself back to the body – to my ability to feel a gentleness and calm steadiness that is made attainable via the choice to breathe gently.
Nothing has ever made me feel this level of connection and I have Serge Benhayon to thank for presenting the simple way back to who I really am.
Filed under
Gentle breath, Meditation, Yoga, Body awareness, Connection, Testimonials