Topic:Connection SEE ALL TOPICS
The sparkler effect
Sparklers can evoke joyful memories of childhood. But is it possible that something deeper is symbolised by their ignition?
Your source of energy as a key to diet and weight loss
Do we choose the source of energy we are choosing to run our body? What if this energy source was the key to weight loss?
When it comes to food – let your body speak
The food we eat can transform how we feel in our body, and assist in wellbeing, energy levels and clarity of mind.
Connection, Breath, Body awareness, Gentleness, Exhaustion, Tension
Meditation Is not a quick fix
Meditation works when you build a quality that can be carried into life itself – a lived quality. Meditation is not a crutch nor is it the be all and end all. The Gentle Breath Meditation® supports you in this, stripping away the false ‘benefits’ of meditation.
Reaction versus response
Description of the energetic process when we choose to respond from our hearts instead of reacting from our defenses
Depression in men – the awareness within
Depression in Men leaves us feeling isolated and overwhelmed, shrouded in a state of hopelessness. Could reconnecting to our body and being more aware of our movements set us on the path out of this male depression?
Awareness, Connection, Depression, Mental health, Presence, Surrender
A school camp reflection: Using nature as a classroom
What happens when educator Brianna Croke takes a group of eleven incredible teenage girls of all personalities, differences and flairs on a three-day school camp?
Black Gold in Soho
When one eats what we know is not good for us, forget discipline – analyse what happened before that. The choices of food follow our behaviour – address the behaviour and food irregularities will disappear.
Alcohol, Sugar, Gluten free, Awareness, Connection, Evolution
The greatest tool a human being can have in life is the capacity for wonderment. It goes hand-in-hand with innocence, and the capacity to observe life with complete openness, free of preconceived notions, knowledge, sophistication and the greatest impediment to science there is: the need to be right.
The true foundations of education – our future
The future of our world rests largely upon the choices we make around the way we live and the way we educate our children. Do the foundations of our current education system engender a true way forward for our society and humanity as a whole?
Relationship or arrangement, what is the difference?
There is an old saying, you can never have too many friends, however when it comes to relationships it is all about quality, not quantity. The difference between a relationship and an arrangement becomes apparent when we start to reveal these qualities.
Debunking the myths about meditation
Let’s debunk the myths and restore meditation to its truth as a simple, practical and effective tool for re-connecting back to our innate inner-presence and thus to our natural vitality and ability to deal with life.
Starting a new relationship - the pictures we hold
This article exposes that we hold pictures of how a new partner/relationship should be. It explores that by first developing a loving relationship with ourselves there is a possibility that our relationships and our connection with others can be very different
The Sabotage Syndrome – why is it so easy to give in to harmful choices?
When we start to make healthy changes in our life often sabotage comes knocking.
Living religion: a relationship with self, love and God
I used to hate religion and now I love it. Religion for me is fundamentally about love. My religion means taking responsibility for myself, my life and my choices in the knowing that I have within me much more power than I ever realised – and knowing that it starts with my relationship with me.
Always hungry for more?
Addresses the endless drive to eat to satisfy our never ending hunger and how we put a stop to that.
Diets don’t work. Stop dieting – start connecting
Diets don’t work because they focus on food, not on the person choosing the food. We need to look at ourselves and why we might choose to be overweight.
Competitive sports: the pursuit of emptiness
What happens in competitive sport, one man's story of the aftermath of an endurance cycle race.
Competition, Fitness, Human body, Connection, Healthy living
Why your diet can’t deliver
There is ample evidence that dieting does not work to lose body fat or to lose weight fast. Here’s another way of looking at weight loss that doesn’t leave you feeling like a failure.
Everything I ever need to know is just there
A testimonial about The Way It Is, the first of Serge Benhayon’s books.
Before and after giving up alcohol - Introduction
Everyone loves a drink, right? Drinking alcohol is fun, social, normal, even good for you… or so we have been told. But studies in recent years have shown what our bodies have always known… that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption.
In truth there can only be one truth – as truth is truth.
A passage about Truth in 'An Open Letter to Humanity' has touched me deeply. Let me share why ...
The whole book is now for me like a living instrument that guides, explains, invites
Whenever I pick up one of the books that Serge Benhayon has written, I am stopped in my tracks by one sentence or another.
There is this constant amazing feeling of returning to myself
Every time I open the book magic happens.
Every time I connect with these books I am learning something more about me
These works are a truly inspiring and foundational blueprint for life.
Reconnecting with life truly through ‘The Way It Is’
I found my way back to what true life is, and who I truly am – who we all truly are - whilst reading ‘The Way It Is” by Serge Benhayon.
My weight loss plan: nothing to do with dieting!
My weight loss plan: nothing to do with dieting … losing weight is not just about food and diets, addressing our hurts can impact our weight!
Serge Benhayon: a true author of the people…
Serge Benhayon bows not to the rigidity of the conventions imposed by the world of authorship. He simply presents pure truth in everything he writes – truth that has been well known throughout the ages, and today as The Ageless Wisdom.
The Hierarchy, Teachers, Soul, Philosophy, Essence, Connection, Ageless Wisdom
How alcohol had influenced my life
I never knew the full extent of how alcohol had influenced my life, until I made the choice to stop drinking it.
Alcohol, Self-worth, Marriage, Humanity, Depression, Connection
Have we crucified the butterfly? The war between science and religion
What happens to the light of truth when religion and science declare war on each other?
It is low fat so I can eat twice as much – the slippery low fat slope
Are you caught in the trap of overeating because it’s low fat?
Diets, Over eating, Emotions, Livingness, Lifestyle, Connection, Healthy diet
Understanding anxiety and replenishing a woman's self-worth
Globally the rates of anxiety amongst women have become increasingly seen as ‘normal’. How can this situation be turned around so that women regain a sense of their self-worth and self-confidence?
The Gentle Breath Meditation®: caring for me at work
Using the Gentle Breath Meditation® has made all the difference to how I am at work, and it was surprisingly easy to incorporate it into my workday routine.
Living a religious life – connecting with the divine within
Connecting with our Divine essence, and making that connection your way of life, can be done very simply, and then, just lived as an every day experience. If we choose to connect, then we are choosing the original meaning of the word, religion – meaning to re-connect. Religion is simply this – no more and no less. Hence to live a religious life is simply to live in connection with your natural Divinity – the so-much-more, or the Soul.
Living religion: the living practice of connection
For Natalie Benhayon religion is a living practice of connection – anywhere, any time, any place – a practice that is equally available to all.
Why do we get stage fright? (part 1)
Sweaty palms, trembling knees, and a constricted throat. How is it that stage fright takes hold and where does it come from? And could the answer to understanding stage fright have nothing to do with the stage at all?
Expressing love: I love you
I Love You. Are you saying it? Are you hearing it? Are you feeling it? An article about the significance and value of expressing love in our Relationships.
Communication, Connection, Conscious presence, Couples therapy, Feelings, Healthy relationships
What is addiction and why do we become addicted?
Explanation of addiction and the abuse of substances or activities as a way of self-medicating against life.
Addiction, Gambling, Depression, Anxiety, Connection, Awareness, Relationships
Video game addict
A personal account of the damaging effects of being addicted.
Psychology, Addiction, Drugs, Overwhelm, Connection, Gaming, Hurt, Breath
World Voice Day – our voice reveals everything about us
Do you know that your voice reveals our state of being? Your voice carries a detailed read-out that can be easily discerned when we between the lines and feel the essence of the message being spoken, sung, even whispered!
Energy in music, Healthy diet, Connection, Communication, Awareness, Healing
Journey back to myself
I look back at my life of numbing myself with drugs as a time of being so lost in the world, wanting and seeking for that deep connection with myself, only to find it was there within me all along.
Religion – it’s all about the body
What role does our body play in religion? Is it only for applying rituals? Or is there much more to be aware of? Read on and find out how religion is actually all about the body as a whole – and what awaits you right there within your inner-most self.
Can we access the divine through the body?
No matter what we choose in life, or how bad we may feel, or horrible thoughts we may have, the fact remains that we are love – and we come from the Divine.
Living a religious life – sacredness
Religion isn’t something that happens outside us, it isn’t ‘given’ to us or ‘attained’ through any effort. It already is. It belongs to us all equally so, and in it we know that each of us is one and the same, and something so very grand. Living religiously is sacred – something deeply precious within us all.
What is a religious life – living in equalness
Living religiously is living in the deep knowing that all life is equal – every single human being comes from love, or from God, whether they choose to live this way or not.
Living religion: the magic in my connection
My life is full of magic and wonders. The magic in my life is found in the connection to my own inner self, my essence, my core, to my soul and to God. My religion is a connection inside me, and therefore it is in my every way and everyday.
Adapting to our environment
Watch part of Jean Gamble’s presentation at the Psychological Wellbeing Conference in 2013 where she shares how men and women are encouraged to adapt to their environment from a young age.
Children, Connection, Counseling, Education, Mental health, Nurturing, Parenting, Healthy relationships
Making a difference by implementing energetic integrity in healing.
Practitioner Mary Louise Myers experiences first-hand how implementing energetic responsibility and integrity into her life brings a whole new dimension of true healing.
Serge Benhayon – understanding true healing and the role of the client
Too often practitioners forget the important role the client has to play in their own healing. Serge Benhayon takes our understanding of the client/practitioner relationship to a new level
When everyone wants to be loved and adored why do we settle for less than that?
Every interaction is a relationship that has the potential for learning and revitalising, so how do we bring the responsibility and invaluable truth of this into our most intimate relationships to keep them from stagnating?
How do you have communication without reaction?
When conflict happens in our relationship are we able to express how we are feeling in moments of potential confrontation?
Communication, Conflict, Love, Connection, Relationships, Tension
Are we alone? An inner space program for the lonely planet
Are we alone in the universe? Is there something awry in our relationship to space? Right on our front doorstep there is a space frontier, that leaves nobody behind, which we have yet to fully explore. What about Inner Space?
Universe, Inner-heart, Relationships, Planets, Philosophy, Humanity, Connection
Love – the missing link in gender equality
Children have a true wisdom about gender equality that comes from being loving, yet we seem to separate from this later. What if LOVE is the missing link in gender equality ...
Connection, Love, Gender equality, Essence, Awareness, Brotherhood
The simplicity of true intimacy
Is intimacy something that is confined to the bedroom? Or can true intimacy include much more than this? Every day offers an opportunity to connect with people all around us. Intimate moments are something we can share with many people.
We know more than we think
We know more than we think, learning to trust the wisdom of our bodies, trusting what we feel, we know how to read energy.
Energetic Integrity and Energetic Responsibility
Have you ever thought about what the consequences are for each and every moment of our expression and movement ? Read about what it is like to live a life understanding the principals of Energetic Responsibility and Energetic integrity
Frequently asked questions
Here you will find answers and interesting points to many common questions asked about Sacred Esoteric Healing.
Sacred Esoteric Healing – what can you expect from a session?
Experiencing Sacred Esoteric Healing isn’t foreign, in fact once felt, it is something so natural because of how it allows us to simply connect with our true selves.
Esoteric, Healing, Connection, Essence, Health, Love, Gentleness, Inner-heart, Stillness
Religion at work – no temple required
What does it mean to be deeply religious? Does it require special training, clothes, accessories, books, or can anyone be this, in any job?
Before, during and after Sacred Esoteric Healing
A testimonial expressing the deep tenderness experienced in sessions and the profound changes Rachael has experienced in her life from healing through Sacred Esoteric Healing.
Sacred Esoteric Healing – A gift from heaven
A practitioner’s testimonial about the modality Sacred Esoteric Healing.
The deeply ancient way of learning together as a true community…
Looking back into our ancient ways of learning we can see where our current education model falls behind.
Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy
In this healing therapy, very light, gentle and rhythmic movements are applied by the practitioner, to the client’s body and connective tissue. It is deeply relaxing, supporting the client to release any area of tension in their body, allowing them to feel more still with a spaciousness and flow in their body.
‘Flavours of Vietnam’: a cookbook series by Miranda Benhayon
‘Flavours of Vietnam’ is a beautifully presented cookbook with a great selection of gluten free, dairy free and sugar free Vietnamese recipes. Compiled and written by Miranda Benhayon with gorgeous photos from Clayton Lloyd.
Current ‘self-care’ fads – do they really work?
Do populist self-care strategies in the workplace actually work, or do they just further add to our already full schedules; our various lists of tasks, goals, aspirations and resolutions?
Presence, Connection, Work life balance, Meditation, Mindfulness, Healthy living
God is immanent
God for me is someone deeply felt and deeply known – there is no doubt or question about Him.
A meditation to breathe your own breath
To breathe our own breath we must first choose to be gentle and thus choose the quality of breath that will breathe us. Then and only then can we actually begin to connect to the inner-heart and who we truly are
What’s all the fuss about self-care?
In this article we reveal the true meaning of self-care, and how it is the missing ingredient in the search for health and wellbeing.
Diets don't work
It is shocking but true – diets don’t work, they make you fatter. If we want to lose weight we need a different approach – let go of dieting forever and start connecting.
What if our future is our past?
Testimonial about Serge Benhayon’s book ‘Time, Space and all of us, Book 1 – Time’
One step towards a healthy relationship with food
Our relationship with food could be preventing us from deepening our relationships with self. A truly healthy relationship with food cannot be a static, rigid or dogmatic, diet or approach to what, when and how much we eat.
Living religion: a relationship with my soul
The moment I wake up, to the moment I put my head on the pillow at the end of the day it is all about my relationship with my Soul. This is my religion, my connection.
Love the love you share
Loving the love that you share. How simple it is to appreciate what we have together so why not every single day? Don’t wait for one day of the year – start today!
Appreciation, Connection, Constellations, Evolution, Valentine's Day, Love
Gentle Breath Meditation® – there is nothing else like it!
Serge Benhayon inspiring others to connect back to themselves.
Gentle breath, Meditation, Yoga, Body awareness, Connection, Testimonials
Letting people in
I remember being very little, and just loving people and letting people in – meaning, letting them into my heart and being open and transparent and letting them see all of me.
Ageless Wisdom, Connection, Intimacy, Loneliness, Relationships
Depression, exhaustion and adrenal fatigue
Depression and exhaustion could be a result of adrenal fatigue, meaning a depletion in kidney energy. Self-care is a great tool to have up one’s sleeve to help heal.
Body awareness, Depression, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Connection, Mental health, Well-being, Healthy living
Is that all there is?
‘Is that all there is?’ How many have had this very thought, have felt the emptiness of life’s anticlimax? Can and do we have access to more, to the ‘ALL’?
Loneliness, Harmony, Work life balance, Stress, Exhaustion, Connection
There is no such thing as a ‘probability’ in actual science
We are taught in science to measure and calculate the ‘probability’ of events, but is this the way that the universe actually works? Or is it how we try and see it….
Why can’t I lose weight?
Losing weight has more to do with a connection to ourselves, than to the best diet in the world.
I knew I had found truth again
Shelley Jones shares how The Way It Is – A Treatise on Energetic Truth showed her Truth.
Ageless Wisdom, Livingness, Connection, Inner-heart, Testimonials
Going sugar free and why we crave sugar
Discover how Jacqueline used sugar as an ‘artificial sweetener’ in her life and found her way back to her own natural sweetness. Are you using sugar as life’s artificial sweetener?
Let’s hear it from a student’s mouth
At the age of 22 I stumbled across emails from my former teachers. I cried as I read them and in those moments I had a major realisation and invaluable learning …
My relationship with music: it’s about connection not perfection
“Musical expression has a playful quality to it once again.” How Michelle freed herself to enjoy singing and playing music.
The dieting misery-go-round
How much is dieting like being on an endless merry go round? To take weight off with a diet and then put it back on ... and round and round it goes ...
What is surrender?
In our Audio of the Month for July 2018, find out how letting go of pictures and expectations completely changes all our relationships.
Yoga and the five ingredients from heaven
Discover the true beauty in the word yoga, knowing that this quality of being relates to our everyday lives. Beginning with the quality of Stillness, we discover in this audio how it supports the expression of the Soul in everything we do.
From denying smoking to giving up smoking without trying
As an adult, I came to learn the truth about smoking cigarettes and ended up giving up smoking without trying.
Returning to our essence
Guess what... YOU are the answer. You already are everything you have been looking for. Every human being has a true essence that is always there but not always connected to and rarely lived from.
My understanding of abuse
Could it be that by limiting our understanding of abuse we fail to see that we are all being abused constantly?
Books that are challenging, yet make so much sense
These books make a lot of sense even though they are challenging at times. They helped this reader understand that how she lives her life each and every moment makes a huge difference, not just for herself but also for everyone.
Modelling sex in the fashion industry to being truly sexy
This personal story of an experienced model in the haute couture fashion industry tells how the sexualisation of women of all ages by the media affected her own body image. Coaxed to portray a sexualized image from an early age she finally discovers her true sexiness.
Beauty myths, Body positive, Sexiness, Sex appeal, Fashion, Connection, Body image
A tender man – before and after competitive sport
I started to play competitive sport when I was very young. I played rugby union from when I was a thin, tender and delicate 9-year-old boy and in my second year my team lost every game.
Plastic surgery, designer vaginas & true beauty
Labiaplasty is on the rise with the most dramatic increase in procedures amongst young women. The insatiable quest to be beautiful is reaching new extremes. Where is the true Beauty?
Beauty myths, Body positive, Sex, Teenagers, Connection, Body image
Do you have a fear of singing? Me too.
It is possible to overcome a fear of singing. After a life of being scared to sing, holding back her voice a life changing singing lesson gave Gayle the confidence to find her true voice.
Music, Confidence, Performance anxiety, Connection, Brotherhood, Expression
The Gentle Breath Meditation®: it’s so simple
People share how the Gentle Breath Meditation® is so simple, easy to learn and can be done anywhere.
You don’t drink alcohol? You’re no fun!
Recently I was with a group of people and the comment was made that “you’re no fun” because I had not been heavily involved in smoking tobacco, taking illegal drugs or drinking alcohol.
Self-love vs self-loathing
Reconnecting to self-love is how to break the cycle of hating your body.
Valentine's dread - tips for liberation
This article talks about the pressures men experience when it comes to the one day of the year that calls for them to celebrate their relationships.
Love, Connection, Appreciation, Empowerment, Feelings, Valentine's Day
Food as a pacifier
Have we been using food as a pacifier since we were babies? Is this contributing to weight issues such as obesity and diabetes and our ability to live well and be vital?
Weight-loss, Diets, Connection, Obesity, Fat, Healthy diet, Emotions, Hurt
Living life fully and simply
A testimonial by Susan Lee on Serge Benhayon’s book The Living Sutras of the Hierarchy.
Did you know that singing together makes our hearts beat as one?
What is it about singing that can turn complete strangers into family? Researchers have found that singing together makes our hearts beat as one – literally. A microcosm of human life, a choir speaks volumes about how we are and can be with each other.
Community, Connection, Healthy relationships, Music, Healthy living
World teachers day – October 5th
What if as teachers there was a simple and profound way to change education for every child?
Sugar, exercise and obesity: Let’s get real
This article looks at the cause of being overweight and obese. Is sugar a factor? Is lack of exercise a factor?
Developing confidence from within
There is a link between confidence and conscious presence. Connection with the body supports us to bring an inner steadiness and ease to whatever comes our way in life.
Discover the joy of Harmony, the harm of disharmony and more!
11th of November Remembrance Day, 100 years on, was their sacrifice worth it?
One hundred years on from the First World War ending, was the sacrifice of all those young men who died in the trenches in the most appalling conditions worth it? Is the world we currently have created a good testimony to their sacrifice? Do we have anything to feel proud of?
Conflict, Connection, Evolution, Harmony, Humanity, Healthy living
Scientific Laws. Where do they come from?
We learn Scientific laws at school and university. We learn to apply them in daily life. But where do they come from? Are they man made and owned like our legal system, or are they actually pre-existing?
Looking for love (The Techno Connection)
We are all looking for love and connection… can we find it at techno parties?
Connection, Music, Love, Alcohol, Drugs, Relationships, Inner-heart
The inner-heart – your key to connecting with who you truly are
We are so much more than physical. Inside us all is a place of exquisite stillness and joy. The inner-heart contains the spark of who you truly are. It is possible to live this every day.
Social drinking – is there more to friendship than alcohol?
Do we need to alter ourselves with alcohol in order to connect to another? What if we could appreciate and enjoy a sober connection to others?
By connecting to our natural rhythms we improve our well-being
Let’s look at some natural rhythms and cycles that we have that, if followed, support our personal development and well-being.
Connection, Human body, Well-being, Sleep, Health, Depression, Moon, Vitality, Disease, Menstrual cycle
Taking a moment with the Gentle Breath Meditation®
Have you ever felt like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Discover how a few minutes with the Gentle Breath Meditation® created space and stillness in the busy lives of these people.
Meditation, Testimonials, Connection, Breath, Healthy living
Human nature and our schooling – examining the purpose of education
Is the purpose of education no longer about right living and more about acquiring skills for a successful life, with little regard for the impact of our choices? The effects of this shift on Education from classical views like Plato’s are concerning and profound.
Beauty and grace in academia: Where has it gone?
The state of play in the education system today ultimately reveals a disconnection and it is clear that vitality and inspiration have become largely absent from our classrooms. We must ask what is really going on?
The Gentle Breath Meditation® at work
A surgeon, air traffic controller, nurse, chef, teacher and others share how they enjoy, use and benefit from the Gentle Breath Meditation® at work.
What does being grounded mean?
Esoteric Healing supports us to remain grounded by connecting to our own inner anchor of steadiness.
Who said playing violin was hard?
Despite what you have heard learning to play the violin is easier than it seems. Violin player and tutor Brendan Mooney shows us just how easy and fun it actually can be.
Chakra-Puncture turned my life around
In this honest and powerful account of facing what is often a challenging time for many people, Heather Pope shares how with the support of Chakra-puncture she experienced a complete U-turn to living a joyful and purposeful life.
Fertility, Healing, Connection, Stillness, Anxiety, Practitioner
Music and parenting
Rosie shares how listening to music can affect us. In this case, how her young daughter’s mood changed, and how her ability to stay connected to herself and the family was affected.
Recording studio life – Finding the 'magic'
A place where ‘magic happens’, the recording studio is where artists or band's aspirations are fulfilled and distilled into ‘musical gold’. The truth in most cases is much less flattering.
Music, Drugs, Anti-social behaviour, Musicians, Energy in music, Connection, Harmony, Productivity
Seeing the whole from the heart
Understanding divinity is just the glory of the knowing that we are not the only part – but an equally important part all the same.
Quantum Mechanics – the science of absolute connection
Quantum Mechanics states that the Universe is made up of space filled with fields of vibration, interconnected, unified and in constant communication, where distance and time are of no consequence.
I can’t change that
If you think you can’t change your weight and shape, reading this may change your mind.
Religious education: resurrecting the lived application of religious teaching
Religion and the idea of religious education can often turn us off. But if we were to understand the truth of religious teaching, our relationship with the words and what is on offer might well be transformed.
Gentle Breath Meditation® tips for beginners
The Gentle Breath Meditation® is very easy to do as a technique but initially you may wonder if you are doing it right or not – to help support you here are 3 tips that have worked for others.
Gentle Breath Meditation® in daily life
"With over 20 years of meditation under my belt, I was nothing short of amazed ...." Read testimonials from people who have included these techniques into their daily life and are experiencing profound and lasting benefits.
Gentle Breath – a game changer
Connecting to the breath and choosing to make it gentle can enhance the quality of your day.
Body awareness, Connection, Conscious presence, Meditation, Gentle breath
‘Serge's Books’ are a form of medicine
They are a form of medicine that can be lived, reflected on and pondered on.
Connection, Soul, Wisdom, Medicine, Ageless Wisdom, Testimonials
Living with connection
If we only focus on the physical body we are missing a key ingredient in what it takes to be truly vital and well.
Why can’t we say ‘healing’ in conventional medicine?
Healing is something natural and innate, so why don’t doctors like or trust the word healing? Has the word ‘healing’ been bastardised?
Do wild animals have an obesity problem?
How is it that wild animals have no weight issues, yet human beings are suffering? Have we lost our connection to the true role food plays in our lives?
My relationship my religion
The true meaning of religion is to reconnect, to be in relationship, and for Beverley, this means that her whole life is religious, as she connects with herself and all others she meets.
Who am I
Low self esteem and low self worth can cripple our sense of who we are. Here we ask why we accept that as normal.
Personal development
What if personal development is not an activity, course or a book, but an exploration and unfoldment of self-realising and self-connection?
Leave the stuffing for the Christmas turkey
Do our overindulgent ways of celebrating really bring us closer together with family and friends, or keep us separated from each other under a cloud of foods and material objects?
Religion – We are all here together
Are our religious practices supportive of unity or separation? And how do these religious practices have us relating to one another?
Blogs about the Gentle Breath Meditation®
Bloggers reveal how it was for them to start out with the meditations, the benefits they experienced in their daily lives, the beauty of re-connecting to their inner stillness and much more.
The kingly body – building a connection with your Soul
There comes a time when the physical temptations of life no longer are enough for us --- we know that there is so much more. That more is the Soul – and it is so, so easy to connect to.
The love diet
What I like to eat and what my body likes are often different, but my body knows me best and tells me clearly and constantly what it needs and what it doesn’t.
Developing Conscious Presence Gentle Breath Meditation®
Meditation, Presence, Breath, Connection, Conscious presence
Conscious Presence Gentle Breath Meditation®
Meditation, Presence, Breath, Connection, Gentleness, Conscious presence
Restructuring With The Gentle Breath Meditation®
Meditation, Breath, Connection, Gentleness, Presence, Conscious presence
Religion is a living connection
Religion is a way of living a loving way of life with everyone, with humanity. It is about people . . . about connection
Paddling like the dickens in hospitality
The hot-headed chef is a well known icon, but how truly hospitable is the hospitality industry that prizes keeping up appearances over all else?
Self-empowerment, Self-love, Stress, Shift work, Anxiety, Connection
What is a miracle?
The simple fact is that miracles are actually an expression of our connection with ourselves or another person at our deepest level; of our connection with God or nature.
Reconnecting Gentle Breath Meditation®
Yummy Gentle Breath Meditation®
Your Essence Gentle Breath Meditation®
I have a disease – can I feel well?
When you have a disease, can you feel ‘well’ or do you have to feel ‘sick’?
Health conditions, Stillness, Inner-heart, Ill health, Sickness, Medical treatment, Connection, Cancer, Death
Miranda Benhayon
Singer, songwriter Miranda Benhayon brings fresh energy to music with an empowering universal message. She gives her all whether in a live performance or recording in the studio and regards her love of music as equal to any other aspect of her life.
Connection, Music, Musicians, Energy in music, Sacredness, Soul
Introductory Gentle Breath Meditation®
Quality Building Gentle Breath Meditation®
Beating Anxiety Gentle Breath Meditation®
Meditation, Breath, Connection, Anxiety, Stress, Conscious presence
We cannot be without God and Religion
This article explores the topic: losing God and losing my Religion, and asks the question whether that is even possible.
Riding the Breath Gentle Breath Meditation®
Meditation, Connection, Breath, Gentleness, Stress, Anxiety, Conscious presence
The Body Is The Marker Of Truth Gentle Breath Meditation®
Depression (a reframe)
This article presents the possibility that we might be depressed because we are seeing the truth of what is happening in the world. Perhaps others are not choosing to feel it and are therefore not depressed by it. Is it better to feel it or not?
Free Gentle Breath Meditations® download library
An introduction to the free Gentle Breath Meditation®.
Confidence in social situations
A former fitness instructor shares how she has learnt to be herself while with others, a natural way of being we are born with.
Before and after my anxiety
I have come a long way with my anxiety. It was such a part of my identity that I didn’t know if it was possible for me to let it go, I thought it was who I was. But I’m realising now that not only is it possible, but so much more than that is possible.
Smoking… hot? Not!
Smoking cigarettes is not smoking hot. Well it is in the sense that the end that is on fire will burn you if you touch it, but it is so not hot in the sense of it being sexy, or glamorous, or desirable.
Addiction, Anxiety, Confidence, Drugs, Connection, Hurt, Healing, Alcohol, Gentle breath
Road rage … can we regain control of our reactions?
This article looks at how we can lose our connection to our inner gentleness and begin the momentum of raging destructive actions.
In search of harmony – finding ‘the real thing’
Singers and performers often talk of the momentary high and come down after a performance. Is there a way of singing and performing that leaves us feeling whole: what is the ‘x-factor’ that makes all the difference?
Building intimacy
Have we been searching for love and intimacy in our relationships in all the wrong ways?
Food Porn
Food Porn manipulates consumers on levels we’d be shocked at.
Am I in the right job?
We can spend years searching or yearning for the ‘perfect’ job, or even something with more meaning, more purpose. What if the job we’re in is that job?
Gentle exercise for cancer support
A gentle exercise program that is adapted to the individual can offer many health benefits as a cancer support for people going through chemotherapy treatment and/or radiation therapy.
Cancer, Connection, Fitness, Ill health, Sickness, Well-being
Esoteric yoga - everyday life is the yoga class
Isn’t it a bold claim to make – that we are all one? So, what does Yoga / Union / Oneness mean?
Elongate your posture: simple connective tissue exercises to support your body
Take a few precious moments and feel wonderful – breathing exercises for posture and some simple connective tissue exercises to deeply support the body’s fascia.
Connective tissue, Well-being, Body awareness, Connection, Stretching
Self-care and people: how connection transforms the way you work
Ray Graham, an Apple Computer Support Technician, shares his experience of how connecting with people and making that his first priority before ‘fixing problems’ has completely transformed the way he works.
Is it normal to be bored in a relationship?
How do we keep love alive? Getting bored in a relationship is something many people experience. So why do we find ourselves empty and needing to ‘re-fill’ so regularly?
Communication, Intimacy, Love, Marriage, Connection, Romance, Self-love, Tension, Healthy relationships
My choice to slow down at work: Pure gold
Can slowing down at work actually make you more productive? This true story shares a very different experience of the results of slowing down.
Connection, Productivity, Stillness, Time management, Work stress
Rat parks, obesity, food, behaviour and connection
The stunning trends of obesity expose the way we live and our lack of purpose and community connection.
Ageless Wisdom, Obesity, Behaviour, Connection, Food industry, Clairsentience, Intelligence
The mother baby bonding process – is it always automatic?
All mothers want to be ‘good mothers who love their babies’, but it doesn’t always go to plan. What happens when baby bonding doesn’t happen?
How do you know what is right for your body?
This article outlines simple steps to make the connection between what and how we eat and how our bodies feel afterwards, so we can start to eat what is right for our bodies.
Co-incidence and Synchronicity: is life a matter of luck or chance? Or are we not seeing the forest for the trees?
A look at the reality and significance of coincidence and synchronicity in our day to day lives. How many interconnected events take place that we ignore or dismiss a “just a coincidence” or luck or chance?
In full flight
Mankind is passionate about understanding life and yet appears to avoid the one irrefutable fact – that life is energy
Putting the ‘Super’ in Superwoman…
What is the point of being ‘superwoman’ if at the end of the day you feel isolated and lacking connection? Viktoria shares how the beauty of inspiration can truly transform lives.
Why do people meditate?
Are we getting the true point of meditating and what meditation is designed to actually offer us?
New Year’s resolutions to lose weight all too often end up on the scrap heap of broken promises
We need to change EVERYTHING and make a truly new start.
Dieting? Why willpower fails us
Dieting by willpower alone does not work. We need to address how our body informs our thinking – our state of physical well-being affects the way we think – a body that is tended and cared for, supports us to make better choices.
Connection, Body awareness, Gentleness, Gentle breath, Diets, Chocolate
Healthy lifestyle
We think of healthy lifestyle in order to lose weight as food and exercise choices – what if a truly healthy lifestyle is more about the quality of energy that we use to do things, rather than the things we do?
Changing your life
Changing your life usually means trying to achieve an ideal however if we stop and connect with who we truly are, we may find that instead of changing or striving, we can simply BE who we already are from within.
Self-worth, Self-esteem, Connection, Losing weight, Tenderness, Body image
Procrastination with food: just a small snack first … ?
How often do you reach for a snack rather than getting on with something? Do you snack to procrastinate? Have you ever asked, what are you really avoiding?
Weight-loss, Diets, Connection, Appreciation, Awareness, Tension
Captain of our Titanic – A deeper look at what is killing men
Men have been the so-called 'dominant' gender for a long time, and yet at the same time suicide and heart disease are the leading causes of death. What is going on that leads so many men to take their own lives or die of a broken heart?
Can’t lose weight? Take a fresh look with new ideas
Have you tried every diet ... and failed ... and then you are faced with the idea that you can’t lose weight? What if we could find true motivation to lose weight – through connecting, not dieting.
Serge Benhayon – the practitioner
Serge Benhayon dedicates his life to serving humanity delivering ground breaking complementary health-care and a way of life that serves all equally. His wisdom encompasses human existence in its entirety.
Practitioner, Healing, Presence, Ageless Wisdom, Connection, Role models, Philosophy, Therapies
Jenny James
Jenny James writes music that asks us to look deeper, beyond life that we accept or ‘know it to be’. Her songs are Universal, her voice has a purity that brings clarity, beauty and depth to any style and supports the sacredness that is within us all.
Harmony, Musicians, Music, Presence, Expression, Connection, Performance anxiety
Deborah Savran
Minneapolis singer/songwriter Deborah brings a commitment to music that is about expressing from an inner connection with her heart, body and soul. She offers the listener the reflection of our interconnectedness and the magnificence of ‘amazing’ we all equally are.
Heaven’s Joy
The band ‘Heaven’s Joy’ began to play together a few years ago after years of experience in the music industry playing with various artists. Their amazing new album ‘Love Is Who We Are ’ is available through
Music, Relationships, Musicians, Harmony, Connection, Livingness
Gentle Breath Meditation®: it’s life changing
Sleeping better, reduced stress and anxiety, becoming more vital and productive - yes please! The simplest of breathing techniques has changed these people’s lives.
Who stole God from science: Part 4 – Leonardo’s legacy part 1
Leonardo’s legacy of truth in science, religion and philosophy
Ageless Wisdom, Alchemy, Lineage, Clairsentience, Connection
Conscious presence, whole-body-mindedness and the fallacy of the observer
Do you find your mind being either ahead of or trailing behind the physical body; being in the anticipated future or in the already lived past? Enter movement and conscious presence…
Serge Benhayon – a real example of walking the talk
Discover how Serge, once a professional athlete, further developed his relationship with fitness, exercise and an inner-most connection.
Connection with myself is pure gold
Do we push through our aches and pains, or is there another way to bring the body back to ease and enjoyment?
Drinking alcohol was not ‘normal’ for me at all
When I started going to nightclubs and having my own parties, introducing alcohol into my life all seemed ‘normal’. Everyone else was doing it, so why not me?
What’s in a cycle; the power of a woman’s body
What is it about the woman’s menstrual cycle that has made it a sensitive or even taboo topic of conversation for centuries? Could it be there is much more to this cycle than we care to know?
Religion: What it means to me
Do we know religion innately? What is God to a child, before we are sold society’s various images of Him? One woman on God and Religion.
Religion, Connection, God, Essence, Breath, Presence, Livingness
Sun Shining Through
Looking outside for the ‘fix’ in life, to relieve the tension between her and the world, only to find it through connecting to the stillness within.
From feeling a victim to living a joyful life
Regina shares that when she was growing up, she felt totally misunderstood and a victim of life. So, she learnt to shut down; to shut herself away from a world that she found way too hard to live in.
What is Esoteric Yoga?
Esoteric Yoga develops the quality that becomes the movement that you will magnify throughout your body.
Making loving choices: the intelligence of the heart
A video clip of Psychotherapist Jean Gamble presenting on how anxiety restricts access to the heartspace at the 2013 Psychological Wellbeing Conference.
Embracing the hug
When it comes to hugging, do you embrace it or does it scare you to your inner core? A hug can tell us more in three seconds than half an hour of dialogue could ever accomplish.
Awareness, Brotherhood, Communication, Connection, Expression, Relationships, Tenderness
Two years in The Livingness
How does a social butterfly reconnect to a depth of beauty and richness that no amount of socialising can bring? Read Kyveli’s story for inspiration of how simple it can be.
The Gentle Breath Meditation® in 5 simple steps
The Gentle Breath Meditation® – founded and developed by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine in 1999 – is a simple and practical tool for re-connection back into one’s inner-presence.
Who do you move for?
Slumped in grumpy posture or standing bursting with joy… what comes first – how we feel or how we move?
Let's talk about porn
We have made porn normal but is it really? Max asks some rather pressing questions about an industry that is now as accessible as home delivered pizza – and is probably unhealthier for our being.
Connection, Feelings, Intimacy, Making love, Pornography, Relationships
Living yoga rather than doing yoga
From India to inside, it is possible to connect to the quality of stillness within. A personal account of coming to Union/Yoga without any difficult yoga postures
From running to walking as exercise for my body
Ray was running to escape his problems; read how he instead began to walk and exercise for true health and wellbeing, and what a profound effect this approach to exercise had on his everyday life.
Teenage aggressive bullying, breaking the cycle of abuse.
There are many parents who are living with aggressive, angry and abusive teenagers. However, this is not who they actually are. Many teenage boys don’t know how to be themselves as they try to fit in with everything around them.
Bullying, Love, Abuse, Connection, Role models, Anxiety, Hurt, Depression
Heaven’s Joy – ‘Under the Stars’ album review
The Album ‘Under the Stars’ from Heaven’s Joy brings to sound the grace of true love as a divine expression in brother and sisterhood, reflecting the power of togetherness.
Unicorns, Hummus and One Unified Truth
Of all the beliefs in the world about god, could there be a one unified truth?
Being a woman is more than being a mother
All this influenced the way I saw myself as a woman, and I identified with being a mother as an intrinsic part of what it meant to be a woman.
Acceptance, Appreciation, Connection, Essence, Sacredness, Self-worth
What is Yoga?
What does Yoga mean in today’s world?
Yoga, Soul, Awareness, Anxiety, Connection, Presence, Exhaustion
Sacred movement
Are we willing to consider that how we live and move can pollute our body in a way equally as huge as the impact of fossil fuels, chemicals or urban build up?
Union within
How can exploring the union between your body and mind deepen the quality of your everyday life?
Depression is a message
Depression can be debilitating and could also be a message from our body that there is another way to live. The writer shares some tips on how she was able to overcome feelings of depression.
Depression, Exhaustion, Overwhelm, Connection, Essence, Confidence, Inner-heart, Soul
Men share on their first experience with porn
Five men share their first experience with pornography, and how it affected their lives
The Ageless Wisdom Teaching on relationship and the Science of Reflection
We are in relationship with everything and everyone all of the time and through this we are offered myriad reflections. This article reveals the challenging yet divinely powerful Science of Reflection.
Tension, Stillness, Sacredness, Relationships, Harmony, Ageless Wisdom, Connection
The joy of watching a child teach her mother
How often do we see teaching strategies which come from love and equality, and how this approach works in real teaching situations? Teacher, Michael Keppler shares this touching personal account.
Mindfulness is not the way back to who you are
The current fad for mindfulness meditation exposed for what it is: a dulling down of the tension we feel in life so that we can function with less feeling of the hurts we are carrying.
Mindfulness, Tension, Stress, Meditation, Connection, Conscious presence
‘Out of the mouths of babes’ – the wisdom inherent in all children
What is our responsibility in a child’s education? In this illuminating article, Liane Mandalis shares the beauty inherent in all children when we allow our children’s innate wisdom to shine through.
Children, Connection, Education, Nurturing, Raising children, Intelligence
Competition or connection: What are students really learning?
We often use the phrase ‘healthy competition’ but how ‘healthy’ is it? What if children are receiving another message from the pressure of ‘winning and striving to be the best’, that has a significant impact on their wellbeing?
Anxiety, Connection, Relationships, Self-esteem, Teamwork, Teachers
Appreciating the simple gift of music as a musician
In an age where the joy of music has been largely replaced by a showcase performance or a competition, musician Daniel Bennier rediscovers the absolute joy of simply sharing music.
Community, Connection, Healthy relationships, Music, Musicians
A blog about sugar, misery and love
Most people know that sugar is a poison. Sugar controls us because we are lacking awareness and understanding
Awareness, Connection, Conscious presence, Exhaustion, Gentleness, Healing, Self-love, Sugar, Tenderness
How hard is it to change?
Everyone wants to change, this article looks at the impulse and motivation to change and how to engage with change.
Acceptance, Awareness, Connection, Well-being, Gentle breath, Healthy living
Exercising to lose weight – a personal story
Anne discovered that she could keep her weight down with excessive exercise, but at what cost to her body?
Body awareness, Weight-loss, Connection, Healthy living, Body image
We are not our hurts
We are not the hurts we have experienced but are whole and healthy beings who can live with joy. Read Jean’s article on letting go of our hurts.
Confidence, Relationships, Love, Anxiety, Rejection, Abuse, Connection, Hurt
Saying I love you – what does that mean?
In our February 2020 Audio of the Month, Natalie Benhayon looks at just how deeply (or not) we express using an example with the three words “I love you”.
Confidence is natural
What if confidence is something we are naturally born with and not to be ‘acquired’? Serge Benhayon turns around a debilitating belief about ‘finding’ confidence and presents how we already have what we are searching for.
For most of my life I have never thought I was good enough. I am pretty sure I didn’t feel this as a really young child, but as I grew I can see now how the idea ballooned one breath at a time . . .
Acceptance, Appreciation, Awareness, Breath, Confidence, Connection
Using The Gentle Breath Meditation® to connect
Find out why so many people swear by these ten minute techniques as a powerful tool for simply coming back to themselves.
Every movement matters
How do our movements affect the quality of energy flowing through our bodies?
Talking about suicide is a great start. Let's explore further.
Suicide is no longer the taboo topic it once was, and the problem of suicide, particularly amongst men, is now widely acknowledged, with a public campaign in full swing to encourage men to speak up. This is a great start, but what is really going on?
Awareness, Connection, Depression, Relationships, Self-worth, Tension
The hidden harm in self-care
The hidden harm in ‘self-care’ may sound like a parody, but it is not an attempt to be either witty or clever, I am in fact being very serious.
Alcohol, Bloating, Connection, Exhaustion, Fitness, Hardness
Meeting Natalie Benhayon
Meeting Natalie Benhayon added a whole new dimension to my understanding of what it truly means to be a woman and what it means to self-nurture. This was a true turning point for me.
Before and after love
I have a powerful memory of love. I was about 2 years old and sitting on my grandfather’s lap with the sun streaming through the nearby window.
What’s for Brexit?
We sit on the edge of a dark abyss – are we reading the signs? Here is the signpost out of the darkness….
My sister, the wardrobe and the loaded gun
The loaded gun was innocuous, loaded and with a story that casts centuries of the legacy of institutionalised religion.
Crying out for connection: technology and us
Will our obsession with technology lead to us living a ‘virtual’ life? With the advent of the mobile phone what has happened to dinner-table and face to face conversation? Are we more connected than ever, or are we drifting apart?
Connection, Communication, Anti-social behaviour, Technology, Addiction, Presence, Culture
Purposeful fitness training
Practical tips to create a supportive gym workout plan that supports health and vitality. With the simple purpose to move our body and muscles and have the opportunity to feel the entire body working.
Using the Gentle Breath Meditation® to develop conscious presence
With the Gentle Breath Meditation® it is possible to develop a deeper connection to and understanding of our body and how we live, whilst asking our mind and body to be together in the process.
Self-care the path to awareness and the true self
The benefits of self-care are numerous and significant, however, the personal benefits are not an 'end point' but a path to deeper awareness and connection to self.
Self-love, Body awareness, Connection, Livingness, Well-being
Choose you, not food
Emotional eating is a drive to eat to feel better – often emotional eating makes us feel guilt and this drives us to eat more. We can eat to feel better, to feel full, to not feel our feelings. But with a true connection with ourselves we can feel a fullness that does not need feeding. Is it possible to choose you, not food?
Eating patterns and comfort eating
Why do we eat? How does our drive to eat affect our relationship with food and our eating patterns? See how to change patterns of comfort eating by using a simple connection tool.
Connection, Addiction, Gentle breath, Gentleness, Eating disorder
Dieting. Are you a weekday angel and weekend devil?
When it comes to dieting and eating for wellbeing, find out why you are stuck oscillating from being an Angel Monday to Friday and a Devil on the weekend.
The Diet Solution
There is no diet solution but to stop dieting. Believe it or not, dieting does not help us lose weight. The diet solution is to stop dieting and start connecting to you.
Weight loss from the inside out
Losing weight by dieting and exercise alone can’t be sustained. We can attain a true weight through connecting to who we are and this can bring lasting change from the inside out.
What is intimacy?
Intimacy can be much easier than we think. This article introduces a new understanding of intimacy and how we can develop it in all our relationships.
Self-worth, Appreciation, Connection, Essence, Healthy relationships
Just wait ‘til your father gets home!
"Just wait ‘til your father gets home", a perfect illustration of the model of man we have created, but in being a father is there more of our tenderness we can let out?
Family, Children, Connection, Healthy relationships, Intimacy, Parenting
How To Lose Weight
What if how to lose weight stopped being the goal and it was replaced with a focus on the quality of energy that you are living every day? Is it possible there is a way to lose weight that is very different to what you think?
Connection, Conscious presence, Weight-loss, Weight, Healthy living
Movement, the motion of life
We all move, and we all move in different ways, but have you ever considered what movement actually is and represents? For many of us this is a simple, mechanical, almost automatic activity that is part of our everyday lives requiring no further consideration.
Love, the greatest medicine of all
Could love be the missing piece at the heart of all the pain and suffering and illness in the world? And could reconnecting to that love be the greatest medicine of all?
Esoteric Connective Tissue – a powerful healing modality for my body and me
Having lived with constant tension and pain in her body, Donna’s testimonial describes how Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy supported her to develop a more loving connection and relationship with her body.
An Introduction to Esoteric Yoga – simple everyday movements
Explore Esoteric Yoga with this experiential video. Discover how to bring focus to our body and our movements – and with that, bring ourselves to a deeper inward focus and sense of ease.
Body awareness, Connection, Conscious presence, Stillness, Gentleness
An introduction to body connection and body awareness
Habitual posture can lead to pain or discomfort, and not surprisingly has a direct affect on our vitality. In this experiential 2-part video we bring attention to how simply we can connect to our bodies, bringing awareness to how we stand and sit and the quality we move with through our day.
True movement – let your body guide the way
When we are born, we are already everything – we feel everything, we know everything, we are everything. We allow ourselves to be moved, letting our body guide the way.
Body awareness, Connection, Conscious presence, Soul, Spirit
An Esoteric Yoga session: simplicity and union
With no strenuous postures, asanas or movements, an Esoteric Yoga class or session presents the simplicity of union – body and being as one – for the living of our everyday lives.
Body awareness, Connection, Conscious presence, Livingness, Stillness, Therapies
Esoteric Yoga – the cycle of return
True connection with our inner essence brings an awareness of possibly the most significant cycle we have encountered – the cycle of return to who we are.
Our breath as a tool of connection
The way we breathe, affects us on all levels; physiologically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. The opportunity to develop a relationship with our breath is there with every breath, in every minute.
What is the Gentle Breath Meditation®?
The Gentle Breath Meditation® can be done anywhere and is simple to introduce into the rhythm of daily life as a point of re-connecting, restoring inner harmony and as a balance for the external pressures of life.
Meditation, Connection, Breath, Gentleness, Stress, Anxiety, Healthy living
Why is gentleness important?
Being gentle is the first and a very important step that takes us from a way of life that has conditioned us to be hard and tough, to re-connecting us back to who we are, our natural way of being and knowing that we are by nature, gentle, loving and very delicate.
The Gentle Breath Meditation®: a tool for life
Re-connect to the deeply restful and rejuvenating stillness within and feel the fact that all of the stuff that goes on in life is not actually who you are. Remind yourself that you can simply BE and bring that to your everyday!
Self-care through the power of reflection
Could the quality of self-care change the quality of your life? One woman realised that life can be full and enriching if you are willing to say yes to all that it can be.
Holding my breath
Looking back over my life I am convinced that I was in anxiousness the moment I was born, but in truth it probably began before the day I arrived in this world.
The science of group work
Have you ever noticed that when you get together with a group of people, interesting ideas can come through that no one would have thought of when alone?
Music in harmony
Popular music and songs are designed to have ‘good’ harmony and clever, pleasing combinations of sounds, but what is that sound offering?
Turning poor student behaviour around may be easier than you think
There is a way overturning “bad behaviour” in the classroom… read more to find out how.
Give me my treats!
Do you find yourself hanging out for your treat to eat or drink and react when someone or something gets in your way?
The entrapment of circulation energy
How are we choosing to live? Are we searching for, absorbing and repeating information, or are we being guided by our own innate wisdom?
Connection, Energy, Soul, Truth, Wisdom
Inner wisdom – the power of re-connection
Your body is always ready and very willing to communicate with you… But how can I hear what it has to share?
Is it really self-care?
Self-care is usually viewed as an opportunity to pamper or console ourselves every now and then, but why aren’t the effects lasting?
Body awareness, Connection, Self-love, Self-worth, Well-being
My leap out of spirituality and back to the truth
I reconnected to the Ageless Wisdom and there is indeed inside us all an 'infinite well of wisdom' that is awaiting re-ignition.
Self Care – it isn’t what you think
Could self-care be as simple as connecting with and feeling what your body needs in any given moment?
Our struggle with body image
What is it that drives us to feel compelled to remodel and even disfigure our bodies?
Abuse, Appreciation, Body image, Connection, Family, Joy, Soul, Tattoos
Overindulging – is it all about the food?
Why do we overindulge at Christmas, Thanksgiving and other special occasions? What are we really craving – food or connection?
‘Mirror mirror on the wall’….
The impact of comparison on body image is not given the consideration it warrants. Let’s go there with this article.
Body image – inside out
Body image - Why and when did dissatisfaction with our outer appearance arise?
There’s no reality in reality TV
Does television steer more of your life than you’d care to admit? And is there really any such thing as reality in TV?
Is your yoga practice leaving you empty?
How is it that we can keep our body active in a yoga practice yet find our focus drawn to ‘what is wrong’ rather than enjoy a nurturing enrichment from our movements?
Connection, Essence, God, Soul, Yoga
The first visit to the gym – working with our body, not against it
Why breathe gently when working out at the gym, is that even possible?
The World of Relationships
We find ourselves in all sorts of relationships, some amazing and others tricky to navigate. What if there is something bigger being asked of us when it comes to the world of relationships?
Mental health and the medicine of love
Mental ill health continues to be a global issue despite all the resources invested in prevention and treatment. What else is going on when good intentions and so much effort is directed to this area, but still the problems continue?
Connection, Health conditions, Love, Medicine, Mental health
The perfectionism monster
The common depiction of a woman is someone who can meet the wants and needs of everyone around her with perfection. But do such superwomen actually exist – or are we missing a key part of what makes up the whole woman?
Three steps to exercising in connection
Exercising in connection and in tune with ourself, our feelings and our body can result in a completely different experience of exercise. What is exercising in connection and how do you get started?
Parenting from beyond the usual boundaries
Parents often feel overwhelmed with the endless array of parenting information available, yet the answers provided never seem to fully fill the gaps. So, what is missing?