Topic:Medicine SEE ALL TOPICS
When you’ve gotta go…. you’ve just got to go
Can self-care be as simple as taking a toilet break?
A look at evidence and energy
What would happen if we were to accept the basic scientific truth that energy is the supreme causal influence upon every aspect of our lives?
What is Medicine?
Is there more to Medicine than how we currently perceive it?
Medicine, Health conditions, Livingness, Lifestyle, Body awareness, Healing
Conventional medicine & healthcare systems in a state of crisis
Health systems are in crisis, unable to sustain the costs of care. Conventional medicine’s focus on end-stage symptom management isn’t working, hence why we must understand the root cause of all ill so it can be prevented and/or truly healed.
Good medicine and universal medicine
What is the relationship between swearing, good medicine and superannuation? You can find the answer and more in our November 2016 audio of the month.
The placebo effect – evidence the body heals itself
People often report improvement in symptoms despite being prescribed a medication that is not real. Is this evidence that the body can heal itself?
Is the answer to our health right under our nose?
Could the way we live be our medicine? This article explores the possibility that this could be true, and shows us a way forward, a way to live.
Everything I ever need to know is just there
A testimonial about The Way It Is, the first of Serge Benhayon’s books.
Good medicine starts with you breathing you
Learn about how good medicine starts with your breath, and living you every day.
Medicine, Lifestyle, Harmony, Breath, Body awareness, Gentle breath
We use medicine but don’t live it
We rely on the medical system to fix us, but what is our role in our own health? Are there ways to take more care for ourselves to support our own healing?
Your best medicine?
Love is something that we all crave; we all want to be loved and to love back in return. Could love be our best medicine?
What is good medicine?
Good medicine is about living in a way that supports you as a whole.
Despite the billions spent in pharmaceuticals, technology and healthcare, illness and disease continues to rise – so what is going on and what does that mean for all of us?
A willingness to heal – what is it to have a willingness to heal?
A willingness to heal can come from a moment where you recognise that you have to ask for help, to admit that something is wrong and that you require some care and support
Therapies, Soul, Medicine, Sickness, Human body, Healing, Evolution
Work is medicine
We often describe the benefits of work as money, or staff perks, but what if work itself was a beneficial part of our well-being?
Burnout, Career, Empowerment, Health, Medicine, Returning to work
Esoteric Teachings and Revelations – An oracle for life
A testimonial on Book 7, Esoteric Teachings and Revelations by Shevon Simon.
Sleep is part of our daily medicine
What if how we sleep, which then affects how we live, is part of our daily medicine?
There is no such thing as an ‘alternative’ to medicine
‘Alternative medicine’ is a term that is often associated with many practices of variable efficacy, questionable ethics and sensibility. Many doctors do not recommend that people seek assistance for their health care only in ‘alternative medicine’, as the results are variable.
Flaws in the system are killing young doctors
The media has reported a high incidence of stress and burnout amongst our young doctors, resulting in some taking their own lives. Could the demands of the current medical system be contributing to this tragedy?
What if you hold the key to your own wellbeing in your own hands?
Are we more in control and in charge of our health and wellbeing than we realise?
Healing: should I be suspicious?
Is ‘Healing’ something that is not real or should we be suspicious? Is there a true form of healing to be embraced by all?
What is living medicine?
We often consider that medicine is something that is outside of us, that we take or do to make ourselves feel better. Did you know that the way that you live is your greatest form of medicine?
Medicine, Livingness, Health, Lifestyle diseases, Lifestyle, Vitality
Medicine is life
Make the connection that life is medicine and can be good or bad.
Living Medicine – alternative, complementary or universal medicine and what’s the difference?
What’s the difference between alternative and complementary medicine? Is there an even grander form of medicine that is universal?
‘Serge's Books’ are a form of medicine
They are a form of medicine that can be lived, reflected on and pondered on.
Connection, Soul, Wisdom, Medicine, Ageless Wisdom, Testimonials
Combining sacred esoteric healing with medicine
To truly heal illness and disease do we need more than conventional medicine alone?
Why can’t we say ‘healing’ in conventional medicine?
Healing is something natural and innate, so why don’t doctors like or trust the word healing? Has the word ‘healing’ been bastardised?
The Study Of Esoteric Medicine
Esoteric Medicine - the perfect partner for Conventional Medicine
Championing the myth of living longer
People are living longer. Do we consider how they are living and what quality of life they have in their final decades? Is it truly living if we are medicated, drugged and artificially sustaining life in a body that is carrying so much illness and disease?
Medicine, Health, Well-being, Ageing, Vitality, Healthy living
The five essential ingredients of human beings
A car mechanic cannot fix a car if he does not know what the different parts of the car are and how they work together – likewise we cannot have a healthy body if we do not know the component parts; the ingredients of a human being.
Living your own medicine
Exploring the possibility that the way we live is a form of medicine.
How do we know everything is energy?
Ancient philosophers knew everything is energy, we know it in our bodies; how did modern science come to it?
Restoring balance in the body does not work: Supporting its healing does work
To revolutionise our failing health care system we need practitioners to assist clients to heal, not to ‘cure’ them, and for both practitioners and clients to take more responsibility with living in a more gentle and self-caring way.
The spirit and the Soul – what's their relevance to health?
Plato said, “This is the great error of our day that in the treatment of the human being, the physicians separate the soul from the body.” Is this as relevant today as it was then?
Gluten-free grudge
Some 15 years plus, when catering for gluten-free choice was merely a desirable noun, I sat at my breakfast table in one of Lisbon’s finest hotels. Today I owe an apology to the gentleman who sat at a table next to mine …
Coeliac/celiac, Nutrition, Medicine, Lifestyle, Livingness, Gluten free, Healthy diet
Serge Benhayon on medicine
Is there a Universal form of medicine that is available to us all?
What would happen if we became CEOs of our own health?
What would happen if we stopped seeing doctors as “Gods” and the answer to all our prayers?
About Serge Benhayon
After suffering from depression and giving up on the idea that life could ever be different or ‘better, Gabriele Conrad met Serge Benhayon. “Nothing and nobody had delivered, not even psychoanalysis and homoeopathy, and no bodywork modality or new age therapy had done the trick either.”
Healing, Depression, Ageless Wisdom, Medicine, Universal Medicine
Why are doctors killing themselves?
Our code of ethics asks us to, “First, do no harm.” So why are doctors killing themselves?
Bullying, Depression, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Health, Medicine, Mental health, Overwhelm, Stress, Well-being, Burnout
Millions of dollars and still no cure for cancer
Millions of dollars and many decades of research have gone into finding a cure for cancer and yet we still have no answers, no solutions and no way of preventing this dreadful disease.
Living Medicine Audio
This priceless collection of free Living Medicine audio and quotes offers us a great understanding and healing about our amazing bodies and the wisdom they carry.
Free downloads, Body awareness, Cancer, Healing, Human body, Medicine, Universal Medicine, Ill health
A student of our own body
The audio excerpt describes what it means to be a student of your own body: the best medicine is to create a way of being that lives the true you. You then become your own master at knowing and understanding your own body.
Living medicine starts with the body
Medicine starts with the body and tuning in to how it feels so we can learn who we are from the inside and what we need to be ourself in life.
Suicide in Healthcare – a personal problem or systemic failure?
One look at the suicide statistics for doctors reveals that something is seriously amiss in the state of being of our healthcare providers.
Medicine, Stress, Self-worth, Ill health, Sickness, Exhaustion, Burnout
Universal Medicine Therapies
Universal Medicine Therapies are popular healing modalities that are being practised all over the world, not only by complementary to medicine practitioners but professionals from all walks of life.
Counseling, Education, Healing, Lifestyle diseases, Medicine, Therapies
Psychotherapist Jean Gamble speaks about the treatment of mental health conditions
In this short video, Jean explains some of the problems in the treatments used in the mental illness industry.
Confidence, Empowerment, Evidence-based, Medicine, Practitioner, Lifestyle diseases
Evidence based medicine: what is the evidence?
Medicine today prides itself on being evidence based. What is the evidence for this form of evidence, and is there another form of evidence that we are ignoring?
Living medicine by understanding cancer
It’s time to understand cancer and stop losing the battle to fight it.
What is the difference between care and cure?
What is the difference between care and cure? Both words originally came from the same word – isn’t that curious?
Disease, Health conditions, Lifestyle diseases, Medical treatment, Medicine
We have to live medicine
If medicine means to heal in full, what does that signify and how does that apply to us? Everything we do every day has an impact on our body – medicine is made up of the choices of how we live.
Educated food choices – become your own physician!
When it comes to nutrition, our medical professionals are largely uneducated. Most in the health industry know little about food, food choices and energetic responsibility.
Food industry, Medicine, Healthy diet, Nutrition, Sugar, Gluten free
Has genetics failed us?
We think we inherit our health issues from our parents, so we say things run in the family, that it’s genetic. Do our genes set us up for a predetermined destiny, or are we overlooking something?
The marriage of Modern-day Medicine and Esoteric Medicine
With the striking reality of a global health catastrophe imminent, is modern day Medicine alone the salvation that 7.7 billion people need if we are to sustain a healthy, joyful, loving global community? What is medicine that is ‘Universal’, and how can it bring greater wisdom to our growing dilemma?
Sleep – our daily medicine
Sleep is something that many of us struggle with, and this struggle can affect our whole day, indeed our whole life. But which comes first – the struggle, or the way we treat our sleep?
Love, the greatest medicine of all
Could love be the missing piece at the heart of all the pain and suffering and illness in the world? And could reconnecting to that love be the greatest medicine of all?
Pain – is it all bad news?
Pain is not a failure, it is actually one of the body’s great success stories. It is a sign that our bodies are bringing attention to something that needs addressing in the way we are living.
Let food be thy medicine – outdated quote or ageless wisdom?
How powerful are our food choices in influencing the health of our bodies?
Healthy diet, Medicine, Nutrition, Lifestyle diseases, Healthy living
Who invented medicine anyway?
We have diminished our natural awareness of our bodies and our health and given our power away to the modern medical systems.
Evidence-based medicine – what is evidence anyway?
The modern trend of an increasing reliance on outside information, rather than learning to listen to the wisdom of our own bodies needs to be thoroughly questioned and explored.
The body’s intelligence
Why do we not place as much importance on the intelligence of the body as we do on the intelligence that comes from the brain?
Health conditions, Disease, Ill health, Medicine, Human body, Intelligence
The multi-symptomatic man
We live in a world where human ills are increasingly complex, where multiple chronic diseases, symptoms and disorders are the norm. How have we created the multi-symptomatic man, and what is the ‘antidote’?
Medical treatment, Mental health, Responsibility, Disease, Health conditions, Human body, Lifestyle diseases, Medicine
Suicides, the health profession and dentistry
We look to the health profession and dentists for wellbeing leadership and we get – very high rates of suicide!
Addiction to pain killers, the rise of opioids
There is a world-wide epidemic that started under the guise of medicine. Prescription pain relievers – synthetic opioids such as fentanyl – play a big part in a serious international crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare.
Why not swearing is good medicine
Have you ever considered that swearing could be bad for you? In our Audio of the Month for November 2021 Serge Benhayon presents how there is good medicine in lots of things including not swearing.
The lie and the truth of the One Life
We are living a collective lie – that we have only one life, that we are born, we live in a linear way as we age and then we die, leaving it all behind and never coming back, so we had better make the most of it while we are here.
The Body: Our Temple
What if we were to consider the body more as a sacred temple to honour than a convenient vehicle to carry us around?
How harmless is our practice as a mental health professional?
As a mental health professional we have a responsibility to ensure that in our practice we do no harm to our clients. But what does this mean beyond the obvious basics?
Medicine, Mental health, Practitioner, Responsibility, Self-worth
Mental health and the medicine of love
Mental ill health continues to be a global issue despite all the resources invested in prevention and treatment. What else is going on when good intentions and so much effort is directed to this area, but still the problems continue?
Connection, Health conditions, Love, Medicine, Mental health
The state of our health
Worldwide, people tend to rely on medical systems and science to explain and treat illness and disease. But what’s our part at the individual level?
The relationship between our health and our health systems
We expect that health services and those who work within them will be able to provide the answers and cures to our ill health. But what is the part we play when it comes to health and wellbeing?