Topic:Evolution SEE ALL TOPICS
Black Gold in Soho
When one eats what we know is not good for us, forget discipline – analyse what happened before that. The choices of food follow our behaviour – address the behaviour and food irregularities will disappear.
Alcohol, Sugar, Gluten free, Awareness, Connection, Evolution
The human form: an evolutionary dead-end?
Once upon a time in a land far, far away, a miracle of God was born. Some call ‘him’ Adam, or ‘her’ Eve, while others refer to ‘it’ as the first Homo sapiens. And that was the beginning of the end...
A true family model for the 21st century
Serge Benhayon the remarkable man showing us how family life can be of true harmony, integrity and joy.
The rising tide raises all vessels
The high tide might raise all vessels, but what tension does that put on the moorings? Sometimes it’s our own beliefs that hold us back.
Serge Benhayon TV – Business and Evolution
What does the economy of the future look like? When greed is no longer the driving force behind business, what will take its place? In this episode Serge Benhayon reveals why money is not the root of all evil and why ‘God is Business’.
Every time I connect with these books I am learning something more about me
These works are a truly inspiring and foundational blueprint for life.
The Way of Initiation The Development of Energetic Awareness
Numerous influential, old and modern day philosophers and scientists have been seeking to find answers to evolution of the human kind…It took One man to meticulously lay it ALL out for us in this stellar read.
The forever student
In our June 2016 Audio of the Month Serge presents how truly understanding that we are forever learning allows us to enjoy the process without seeking perfection.
Religion – a separative force or a healing power?
Is religion just a force that separates people and causes division, fighting and war or can it be a power that heals and unifies? What is it that makes the difference? Could the key factor have more to do with us than we realise?
Everything matters and true healing
Our September 2016 Audio of the Month shares why EVERYTHING matters and what that means to your health and everyday life.
The question of evolution
How evolved are we?
Evolution, Genetic, God, Humanity, Illusion, Livingness, Soul, Truth
Science and ‘plausibility’
When we consider that something is ‘plausible’, what does that mean?
Without awareness we cannot serve
In our May 2021 Audio of the Month Serge Benhayon presents how we can truly evolve through awareness.
Can technology contribute to evolution?
The technological revolution we are in brings a lot of comfort to our lives, but does it also offer true evolution?
Why we should not hide in comfort
For our November 2015 Audio of the month we have chosen an audio that reveals how we as human beings crave comfort and how that comfort keeps us from understanding the truth of what is going on in the world.
Evolution and creation, not an either/or, but true religion and true science
The debate over evolution (as per modern science) and creation (as per religion) keeps us distracted from the truth. The Ageless Wisdom Teachings need a good look in on this subject.
Space – where we all equally come from
Space is not emptiness; it is where we all come from, what is around and right through us. Is it then possible that space can come from deep within us and not just from without?
Knowing I was gay
From five years old I had a knowing that I was gay and I also knew it would be something I lived later in life. At the time I didn't know how, I just knew that it was there inside of me and that it was a natural part of who I was.
Intimacy, Same sex relationships, Love, Relationships, Clairsentience, Evolution
Love is all around us if we see, hear and feel it
When we are looking for others to love us back ‘our way’ we often actually miss the fact of love being expressed all around us.
Developing communication in your relationships
How can we bring understanding to each other and be true and authentic in how we communicate? In this short video Annette and Gabe beautifully share and demonstrate from their own relationship how important it is to ‘have each other's back’ and support one another to raise the level of how we can express clearly and lovingly.
When everyone wants to be loved and adored why do we settle for less than that?
Every interaction is a relationship that has the potential for learning and revitalising, so how do we bring the responsibility and invaluable truth of this into our most intimate relationships to keep them from stagnating?
What is the Science of Appreciation and how does it evolve all of our relationships?
What is the Science of Appreciation and how does it evolve all of our relationships? In this audio, Serge Benhayon takes us deeper in to the science.
Healing relationship issues: beginnings of intimacy
Have we settled for less in our relationships? How do we go further? This article explores what might be in the way and outlines simple steps to open the door to more intimacy between us
Building true relationships and positive parenting
Jean Gamble has a knack of making us laugh out loud whilst sharing profound and life changing observations. If you have children, a partner, family, friends or anyone else you would like to relate to then this is a must!
Communication, Evolution, Healthy relationships, Parenting, Love, Raising children
Gender equality: how far have we come?
There is a long history of debate about gender equality and how we can establish this as a way of living. But how far have we come with it, and what is it that keeps diverting us from this longed for way of being together?
Gender equality, Philosophy, Evolution, Feminism, Acceptance, Behaviour, Intelligence
The history of Sacred Esoteric Healing
A brief review of the history of Sacred Esoteric Healing, stating that true healing of an ill has always encompassed more than just the removal of symptoms but rather is the removal of the energy that causes the symptoms.
Lineage, Evolution, Awareness, Cycles, Healing, Ageless Wisdom, Intelligence
Knowing yourself by your quality first
In our August 2016 Audio of the Month Natalie Benhayon presents the importance of knowing yourself first by the quality you hold within and how moving with this quality allows you to know what to do.
What if our future is our past?
Testimonial about Serge Benhayon’s book ‘Time, Space and all of us, Book 1 – Time’
A willingness to heal – what is it to have a willingness to heal?
A willingness to heal can come from a moment where you recognise that you have to ask for help, to admit that something is wrong and that you require some care and support
Therapies, Soul, Medicine, Sickness, Human body, Healing, Evolution
Love the love you share
Loving the love that you share. How simple it is to appreciate what we have together so why not every single day? Don’t wait for one day of the year – start today!
Appreciation, Connection, Constellations, Evolution, Valentine's Day, Love
The gift that keeps on giving!
Christina Caplice shares how Serge Benhayon’s book The Way It Is became her own personal bestseller.
Where are we from, if not descended from the Animal Kingdom?
The human being is such a fascinating phenomenon, and at times a mass of contradictions, as we all can attest to. There are so many aspects to us, so many facets that defy much of what would seem to be logical and are inconsistent with what we observe in the Animal Kingdom, let alone all life as we know it.
Self-care: The bridge back to Universal Love
We think of self-care as something we need to do, so that our human body can function better. There is a basic truth to this, but what if self-care is just not an end in itself but a doorway, a bridge back to the magnificence of who we truly are, to Universal Love?
What if reincarnation is true?
How can we know what we know without prior experience or knowledge? Or do we…?
Meet Serge Benhayon – Love, life and our return to Universality
Return to Universality – with unparalleled clarity Serge Benhayon presents the truth of life, love and why we are here on earth.
Ageless Wisdom, Universe, Philosophy, Miracle, Humanity, God, Evolution, DNA
Acceptance is the gateway to evolution
In our July 2020 Audio of the Month Serge Benhayon presents the beauty and unfoldment of acceptance and evolution.
11th of November Remembrance Day, 100 years on, was their sacrifice worth it?
One hundred years on from the First World War ending, was the sacrifice of all those young men who died in the trenches in the most appalling conditions worth it? Is the world we currently have created a good testimony to their sacrifice? Do we have anything to feel proud of?
Conflict, Connection, Evolution, Harmony, Humanity, Healthy living
Returning to a religious way of life
Whether we wait until that life changing moment hits, or whether we decide to look at it sooner, there is the opportunity for us, at all stages in life, to connect to something deeper.
The symbol of a key
Our January 2017 Audio of the Month offers us a powerful key to dissolve stubbornness and open the door and year to greater knowledge.
What is the true meaning of the word evolution and why do we spend so much time avoiding it?
Cycles, Depression, Disease, Essence, Evolution, Exhaustion, Humanity, Illusion, Love, Soul, Over eating, Spirit, Time, Wisdom
The Universal Medicine New Year's Message for 2017
A new dawning has begun. Esoteric Numerology places the year 2017 as the energy or cycle of the number 1. The energy or cycle of 1 is well known to mean a new beginning. We are all in such cycles; no one is free of them.
Humanity, Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Appreciation, Evolution
It is never about food!
Food is not the culprit for a plethora of disorders. It is all about our behaviour, awareness, responsibility and choices. We give our power away and then mask our weaknesses with poor food choices.
Top 5 tips for internet dating – fresh off the keyboard
Internet dating is a great insight and snapshot of where we are at and how we are relating to each other. Find out why shopping for a potential partner requires some stamina and heaps of understanding.
On karma and re-incarnation
“Karma is not by Divine nature bad. It is in fact about love. And, even when it feels it is not love, it still is, for that is what karma is bringing you back to.” ~Serge Benhayon
Evolution, God, Philosophy, Religion, Wisdom, Ageless Wisdom
Every single one of us has the answer
Our April 2017 Audio of the Month explores just how much we know, which is far, far more than we admit, and the consequences of that.
A Treatise on Consciousness – evolution, what is it really about?
It was like a click... an aha! moment that with it brought so many more realisations and questions.
The Four Pillars of Evolution
When one is looking to evolve, stop and pause, consider the teachings summarised in this article. Here is a simple prompt that will expose the ways of keeping us small and centric whilst offering a way of living that will be universal and serving.
Is it only food that we are eating?
Read more on the food bomb revelation of what is truly going on in the body when you choose to eat the foods you do.
Vitality, Evolution, Diets, Calories, Emotions, Food science
Zoochosis – a very human condition
Zoochosis doesn’t just affect captive animals. What if this man-made disease stemmed from our own captive distress?
Loneliness and love
Loneliness is by its very nature a separation. The obvious end of the spectrum is the quintessential ‘loner’, but what of the inherent loneliness in the expression of love held back or hindered?
Revelation Audio
A revelatory and liberating collection of audio revealing life as it truly is.
Living true authority
The meaning of authority is often that we are to be subservient to another, however true authority is using our innate intelligence to live with love and truth.
Food facts and rules – what fits you?
Finding a way of eating that suits you and is a fit for your body and wellbeing can go against established food facts and rules.
The new genetics and Science of Divine Religion
Why is one person so uniquely different from another? Whatever has originated the extra-human that separates one person from another, it is cunningly intelligent.
Evolution – a revolution in the way we see it
We have been raised to think of evolution as a straight line... we are born, we grow up, we live and die... but is this the truth? Or is it a process in which growth and development is unfolded out, from within, in a gradual way.
What is evolution and what does it mean?
Our Audio of the Month for January 2018 presents how evolution is a choice in every moment to either indulge in or strip away all that we know that is not true.
Gluten, dairy, corn ......... are the root of all evil
Sugar, gluten and dairy are combining with devastating effect on humanity.
Coeliac/celiac, Sugar, Gluten free, Obesity, Dementia, Evolution, Diabetes
Who or what is God and what does He mean to each of us?
Ageless Wisdom, Energy, Essence, Evolution, God, Livingness, Sanat Kumara, Son of God, Soul, Unimedpedia
Spending money and the evolution of supply and demand
Spending money influences the law of supply and demand. Is it possible that it is also evolutionary and healing too?
Money, Evolution, Empowerment, Responsibility, Humanity, Community
In full flight
Mankind is passionate about understanding life and yet appears to avoid the one irrefutable fact – that life is energy
Life is more than what it appears to be
In this Audio of the Month for January 2021 Serge Benhayon presents the truth of how we evolve when we access a greater level of truth through energy.
The lost science of the stars
When Science threw Astrology out, we were left with the pointless, dry science of Astronomy. Can we save the day and bring these two together again within ourselves?
Ageless Wisdom, Astronomy, Constellations, Evolution, God, Planets
Serge Benhayon, relationships and marriage
I was never into the idea of ‘marriage’; my attitude was – I’m independent, what is the point? Then, listening to a presentation by Serge Benhayon, I heard him talk about marriage in a way that I had never heard anyone talk about marriage before.
Evolution, Relationships, Joy, Truth, Weddings, Body awareness
Serge Benhayon TV – Religion, Co-existence and the Science of Reflection
What is the true nature of religion and how can there ever be a relationship between religion and violence? How we can live together and how does this apply to life through the Science of Reflection.
Abuse, Ageless Wisdom, Religion, Harmony, Evolution, Brotherhood, Healthy relationships
What is prophecy? Have we been completely misled in relation to what prophecy means to us all? And how very simple it is to access the gift of prophecy?
A journey to the stars and beyond ...
What if that which mankind is looking for on the outside via space travel, mega dollars and rockets, will never satisfy the yearning and buried knowing that the true destination is within?
Teachings & Revelations for The Livingness – volume III
Only a lived way delivers the truth we so desperately need. For inspiration and insight, here are 717 pages of lived wisdom; keep on reading …
Where am I from? The myth of nationality
Humanity has been on an eternal quest to know its true origins. We often ask people “where are you from?” Yet, underneath this question is there a deeper longing to know who we truly are?
The time bomb has been delivered
Time is not what we have been led to believe it is; time is a measure of human evolution and not a lineal movement from the past to the future via the present.
Time, Space and all of us, Book 1 – Time
It is undeniable that there is no escaping time – but might there be something about time that we haven’t quite understood? And what then is time, according to Time?
The three great mistakes of humanity
Three great mistakes have kept humanity spinning around the same problems; maybe its time to admit we were wrong
The Merchant of Venice and the ancient grudge
Is The Merchant of Venice ‘the most scandalously problematic of Shakespeare’s plays’, or a powerful, comical, vivacious, colourful expose of the turbulent state of division in which humanity still chooses to live to this current day?
Brotherhood, Religion, Abuse, Persecution, Wisdom, Illusion, Evolution
Serge Benhayon on Brexit
The recent Brexit vote in the UK exposes some very deep ills in society. But Serge Benhayon invites us to look even deeper.
The reductionism of evidence-based science, and its restoration through prophecy
Science has never before faced such an intense barrage of criticism from within its own ranks, but still defenders of the faith of science cannot see problems as anything more than minor glitches that will be solved by the process of science itself.
Science, Evidence-based, Evolution, Reductionism, Intelligence
Most cancers are almost completely preventable
Seyfried is saying “You can’t get cancer if you are Mitochondria healthy, which points to a Ketogenic diet and to avoid the common high sugar, high carbohydrate diet that most people follow today. High drama ahead when the medical world catches up.”
Cancer, Sugar, Diets, Evolution, Genetic, Livingness, Inflammation, Ageless Wisdom
The Food Pyramid is collapsing and humanity will soon return to the tried, tested and proven ways of The Ageless Wisdom.
Time, Space and all of us – Space
What if space is not what we think it is? What if it is an all-embracing divine quality that is all around and equally accessible to all of us?
The scientific myth of randomness
What if every-thing that happens is a result of an energy that made it happen and has at its essence a most meaning-full and coordinated source?
Constellations, Evolution, Mathematics, Philosophy, Universe
3 Layers of healing
Healing is a term that gets thrown around, but do we really understand what it is all about?
Freedom of association in a world of free will: who and what do we choose to associate with?
The associational choice is a deep reflection of how we are and how do we want to be in our own body. Understanding what we say yes to is the key.
Astral – Maya, Glamour & Illusion
Find out why it is so essential to understand what Astral energy is and how to free yourself from its seductive and harmful grips.
Awareness, Bullying, Conflict, Corruption, Emotions, Energy, Essence, Evolution, Illusion, Livingness, Soul, Spirit
Francis Bacon
A high initiate, working in the upper echelons of the British government, Francis Bacon was a true Renaissance polymath – scientist, jurist, statesman, philosopher, essayist, and much more.
All of us – What we always wanted, but never cared to seek
The décor might have changed, but true evolution lays not in the material but how we treat ourselves, each other and from there, all we share this planet with and Earth itself.
It is never about alcohol
Most drinkers believe a little of alcohol is OK, but is it OK to not be who you truly are?
Alcohol, Inflammation, Sugar, Hurt, Evolution, Addiction, Anti-social behaviour, Awareness, Sex
Love and Relationship Audio
A life changing collection of free audio on Love and Relationship – two of our favourite subjects but how much do we really know about them?
Free downloads, Appreciation, Brotherhood, Communication, Dating, Essence, Evolution, Harmony, Intimacy, Love, Relationships, Sex, Valentine's Day, Friendship, Making love
The Rosicrucians
The true history of the Rosicrucians and how they fit into the lineage of the Ageless Wisdom
Religion, Lineage, Philosophy, Son of God, Ageless Wisdom, Evolution, God, Livingness, Spirit, Soul
Renunciation is part of healing
What is the relationship between renunciation and healing? And how do we do it?
Gautama Buddha
Demonstrating his dedication to truth, Siddhārtha Gautama, the Buddha, embarked upon discovering the nature of reality. His commitment and dedication to that path offer us much to consider in our daily life and offer a way to arise above the turmoil of everyday existence.
“FORCES” by Michael Benhayon
A spectacularly magnificent album that offers white hot truth and profound wisdom through its power packed lyrics and music. Multi-instrumentalist and producer Michael Benhayon and singer Miranda Benhayon deliver gold.
How many of us truly know and live the sacredness we all innately are? Find out more about sacredness and how to reconnect to and live it in our everyday lives.
Abuse, Cycles, Evolution, God, Role models, Sacredness, Soul, Spirit
A model based on lies
Many of the standards that make up the established wisdom of the fields of Science, Medicine, Law, etc. have been founded on a fixed point of reference that denies the natural evolution of the Universe.
Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Evolution, Human body, Humanity
Shakespeare and The Ageless Wisdom
Shakespeare’s works have been examined and re-examined ad infinitum but never have they been placed within the context of the Ageless Wisdom, where they belong, until now.
Our innate way
Learning to live from our innate essence, rather than all of our conditioned ways, can be simpler than we think and lead to more ease and settlement in life.
God invented business
Our September 2022 Audio of the Month reveals why the office cleaner is so important, how God created business and what that means to us in daily life.
Everyone is an authority on life
Find out how and why you are an expert and can present on any topic of life!
Don’t blow your top, blow the model
We are super universal human beings that know no harm, so how did we get to the situation where we demand the right to abuse? Find out in our October 2023 Audio of the Month.
What is the world teaching us?
It is March again and here is our Audio of the Month for March 2024. We go round and round in circles – find out what that means and what our responsibility is.