Topic:Astronomy SEE ALL TOPICS
Our simple sun
An exploration of the qualities of the Sun and its innate simplicity. What can we learn from it?
What makes a scientist?
What part does education have to play in modern science and the way it is conducted? And why is this important?
The Twelve Labours of Hercules – a living mythology
The twelve labours of Hercules and the twelve Constellations of the Zodiac have much more in common than we might think. In fact, they are one and the same, and offer a profound teaching to all of mankind.
People and stars both constellate together. There is a power and a beauty in this that is well worth considering.
Stars and Astrology and Us
Astrology – does it really define what we are like? Is it our true relationship with the stars and constellations?
Science is beauty
Breaking down the barriers we hold between the Sciences and the Arts. Exploring the inner essence of science as a thing of great beauty.
The lost science of the stars
When Science threw Astrology out, we were left with the pointless, dry science of Astronomy. Can we save the day and bring these two together again within ourselves?
Ageless Wisdom, Astronomy, Constellations, Evolution, God, Planets
Gravity – making waves
Gravitational waves, predicted by Albert Einstein over 100 years ago, have recently been confirmed to exist. What does their detection mean for us in a practical sense? What does it tell us about space, and about us?
Science Audio
Is science just knowledge or is it also a knowing that is within us all? These free audios reveal how science is more than what our minds think it is.
What is with the Equinox?
What is the significance of the Equinoxes, why do we acknowledge them, and what comes of them in our lives as Human Beings living on Earth?