60% Complete

Everything is because of energy

If "everything" is energy and "everything" is because of energy then we need to know what energy is running us and how it is affecting our bodies and our choices.

60% Complete

Understanding ourselves as energy

Understanding everything is everything and everything is energy.

60% Complete

What is true science?

Sponsored science is not true science.

60% Complete

The key to understanding true science

Understanding the energetic truth of science is only accessible when you see the bigger picture with no defence or protection.

60% Complete

Owning knowledge

If we try to own knowledge we are imprisoned by it and unable to know the truth.

60% Complete

Matter is always evolving

How everything evolves and is forever expanding.

"We are a science, a captured moment of everything in the Universe. Never live less than this role with the all."

Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume I, ed 1, p 292

60% Complete

Relationships begin in the stars

Looking at the big picture and what every world teacher starting with Hermes has taught about relationships and what the stars reflect.

60% Complete

A brief introduction to space

Considering the true power of space within our universe.

60% Complete

The problems with randomisation

Presentation about how randomisation and the misuse of statistics are a manipulation of a greater whole.

60% Complete

The wonder that is the human egg

The science of ovulation and the wonder of the human egg.

60% Complete

Lack of wisdom in holding on to hurts

What starts as a philosophical conversation between the scientist Dianne Trussell and Serge Benhayon develops into revelations around the effect of our choices.

"In-between the most powerful microscope and the most powerful telescope exists the greatest science of all – life, and all of us who live in it. If one is not all-encompassing in their view their sight will not know all there is."

Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume II, p 341

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