Road Gloria – a collection of testimonials
A collection of testimonials about a book of deep wisdom, crafted by a true master of the parable.
Essential words about words
This fun, fascinating and wide ranging conversation explores the hidden harm behind the misuse of words and how it affects us all in every conceivable aspect of life.
Abuse, Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Alchemy, Corruption, Energy, Essence, Expression, Humanity, Livingness, Love, Raising children, Relationships, Religion, Responsibility, Soul, Spirit, Truth
A ‘chance’ meeting – Serge Benhayon
A ‘chance’ meeting at a family event and a conversation that struck a chord with me led to an authentic friendship that opened up life and inspired me for years to come.
Soul, Truth, Wisdom, Role models, Constellations, Testimonials
The question of evolution
How evolved are we?
Evolution, Genetic, God, Humanity, Illusion, Livingness, Soul, Truth
In search of a new evidence base
We seem to be fixated on evidence -based medicine but are missing the one set of criteria that matter the most when testing for efficacy.
Religion, Evidence-based, Harmony, Love, Joy, Truth, Stillness
Same sex relationships part 1 – first realisations
In this first of a series of interviews, three same sex couples discuss growing up gay and other insights into their formative years and experiences in relationships.
Being a super hero in the war zone we call relationships
Is being a Super Hero a wishful dream or could we be the heroes of our everyday lives through living true relationship? And what is our real foe?
A living inspiration
What does inspiration look and feel like? Peggy Verheijen explores this question, and how knowing Serge Benhayon has inspired and transformed her life.
A love of the books by Serge Benhayon
The books by Serge Benhayon invite us to go beyond the limitations of the thinking mind. Truth and wisdom are revealed through the energetic quality that comes with every single word.
Must abuse only happen in war for it to be classified as a crime against humanity?
What if crimes against humanity were a daily occurrence in our own lives, not just something we can neatly classify as a distant conflict.
The five principles of God
Our April 2018 Audio of the Month shares the five practical principles of God and their application in our daily life – what could be more gorgeous than that!
The Truth about Truth and how it applies to all equally.
Body awareness, Energy, God, Harmony, Healing, Human body, Humanity, Inner-heart, Joy, Livingness, Love, Responsibility, Soul, Stillness, Truth, Universe, Intelligence
When truth comes along…
Truth comes with a livingness, with a lived way. If it is just talk and not lived it only holds a potential of truth that has to yet prove if it can persevere.
Livingness, Truth, Philosophy, Responsibility, Corruption, Relationships
The simplicity of the esoteric
In our August 2019 Audio of the Month Serge Benhayon presents the simplicity of the esoteric and how we want to avoid facing the choices we have made.
WARNING – Words could be damaging your health!
What if good is not good and better was bad? Suppose normal is harmful? What is truly good and what is truly healthy?
Ill health, Abuse, Corruption, Energy, Expression, Sickness, Livingness, Love, Reductionism, Soul, Spirit, Truth, Unimedpedia, Healthy living
Let the body do the talking
In our Audio of the Month for March 2019, Serge Benhayon presents how our body is the marker of all truth and the power of what that means and reveals in everyday life.
Serge Benhayon: The truth of who we are
We are born from truth – so why do we as humans resist it so much?
Truth in expression
Imagine if what you thought was true turned out to not be true. Would you want to know the truth? Find out more in our very practical and revealing September 2018 Audio of the Month.
Life is more than what it appears to be
In this Audio of the Month for January 2021 Serge Benhayon presents the truth of how we evolve when we access a greater level of truth through energy.
Serge Benhayon, relationships and marriage
I was never into the idea of ‘marriage’; my attitude was – I’m independent, what is the point? Then, listening to a presentation by Serge Benhayon, I heard him talk about marriage in a way that I had never heard anyone talk about marriage before.
Evolution, Relationships, Joy, Truth, Weddings, Body awareness
How to truly express yourself
If every movement is part of our expression, how we move is key. This short October 2018 audio of the month reveals how we express our truth through our movements or not!
Holding onto judgement
Serge Benhayon presents an example of how and why we hold onto judgment in our December 2018 Audio of the Month.
The joy of rediscovering the true meaning of the word ‘Joy’
Unimedpedia, Stillness, Soul, Love, Essence, Harmony, Joy, Truth
Krishna and the Bhagavad Gita
The eternal message of Krishna is one of true love; there is a truth to love that is far greater than the ideal we have been conditioned by the institution of family to think it is. Would the way we live life be totally transformed if we were to apply this living truth to our own daily lives?
What’s in a cycle; the power of a woman’s body
What is it about the woman’s menstrual cycle that has made it a sensitive or even taboo topic of conversation for centuries? Could it be there is much more to this cycle than we care to know?
Popularity versus Truth
From very young we sense there is a choice – to be ‘popular’, be rewarded, accepted and be part of human life, or to hold the truth of who we are and the love that we come from.
If humanity is intelligent
How intelligent are we really? Our Audio of the Month for April 2019 questions why we use our intelligence not so intelligently.
Unicorns, Hummus and One Unified Truth
Of all the beliefs in the world about god, could there be a one unified truth?
The new conversation and the dangers of circulation energy
What if the expansive future of education lay in our hands and voices, free from the imposition of past thought and expression?
Truth, Expression, Joy, Soul, Raising children, Education, School
Science Audio
Is science just knowledge or is it also a knowing that is within us all? These free audios reveal how science is more than what our minds think it is.
The Essence of Yoga
Yoga in essence, is about union with our Soul, the sacredness within. Serge Benhayon speaks on the true teachers who have delivered the essence of yoga to humanity throughout our history.
Ageless Wisdom, Esoteric, Lineage, Philosophy, Sacredness, Soul, Teachers, Yoga, Truth
Honesty and truth
Our November 2018 Audio of the Month invites us all to explore the relationship between honesty and truth.
Books that are timeless and divine
Serge Benhayon’s writings are alive; the language wakes us up and teaches us something with every single sentence. Reading these books is very much a feeling experience.
Yoga and the five ingredients of heaven
Yoga simply means union with God. Our Audio of the Month for May 2020 reveals the five ingredients of heaven that we can live in our everyday life to experience the joy of that union.
Making sense of life
What was the purpose behind life in general? . . I just knew that there had to be more. A much bigger picture, which really made sense, was now beginning to unfold for me.
The Joy and Power of Obedience
Do we reject obedience because we have come to understand it as subservient and weak?
The deepest form of intimacy
Our Audio of the Month for June 2019 reveals how the key to experiencing true intimacy has nothing to do with taking off our clothes and everything to do with understanding ourselves.
The quality of how we live affects our sleep
Many people suffer from sleep issues these days. In our September 2019 Audio of the Month Serge Benhayon offers a wonderful key as to what is going on and how to deal with it.
Have you ever tried to be good?
In our Audio of the Month for December, we differ from Santa and don’t ask if you have been good, but rather is being good truly good?
How to live from your soul – thank you Serge Benhayon
How does one show their appreciation to the man who shows you how to live in divine connection to all equally? ‘Thank you Serge Benhayon!’ doesn’t begin to cover it.
Truth, Universal Medicine, Son of God, Appreciation, Livingness, Role models
If the word Occult is sacred and all about God and His Ways, how come we changed the meaning to something spooky and sinister?
Esoteric, Essence, God, Illusion, Livingness, Love, Religion, Son of God, Truth, Universe
Shakespeare’s Othello: How does a hero fall?
How does the hero fall? Packed with turbulence, intrigue, prejudice, deception, devoted and unrequited love, Shakespeare’s Othello lays bare the tragedy of our ignorance of our own true divine nature and the false forces that nudge us into mayhem and misery.
Questioning your choices
Our Audio of the Month for January 2020 provides a great way to empower ourselves for the year.
Esoteric Teachings & Revelations volume II
A book to have and keep. Truth straight from heaven, simple and profound answers for humanity’s problems.
Man up for Saturday football!
Football is a man’s game, so they say, but what does it mean to be a real man; is there within every man something much more meaningful than a love of football?
Understanding human nature
Serge Benhayon has opened up my eyes and my heart to a profound and all-encompassing understanding of human nature – why we think and behave the way we do. Since meeting Serge Benhayon I have gradually reconciled this inner anguish and now embrace life in full.
Well-being, Truth, Universal Medicine, Reductionism, Overwhelm, Mental health
Serge Benhayon & philosophy
In a world that did not make sense, a world I largely withdrew from, the philosophy presented by Serge Benhayon made complete sense of what I could see playing out with people, all the chaos and turmoil, and why we’re here and where we’re going.
Soul, Spirit, Joy, Truth, Philosophy
The Truth revealed
My whole life I had a strong knowing that there was something incredibly important missing. Understanding the truth of energetic integrity and responsibility completely turned my life around from living in a state of emotional highs and lows that had become my norm, to living with true vitality.
Responsibility, Truth, Wisdom, Well-being, Philosophy, Ageless Wisdom
Sensitivity – are men risking their health by dismissing their greatest strength?
A man living his true nature, what does that mean, and within this, is there room for the word sensitive. Time for a change in our approach to men’s health that embraces the underrated S word.
The sea of struggle
Is living within a lifestyle bubble inevitable – or can we live with true ease?
Time, Space and all of us, Book 3 – all of us
Humanity is not getting anywhere on its current trajectory. What is needed is the pull-up and reminder that we are more than human and that we can, as we have been for eons, be united in what divides us or truly and once for all unite in the one and only truth.
Socrates – The unrelenting pursuit of truth
Who was the real Socrates? Socrates is widely credited with being the father of modern day philosophy.
Our ability to heal unresolved hurts and blockages
Our ability to heal supports us to live the truth of who we are.
Communication is a big deal
We communicate all the time, but what are we communicating and how true is it? Find out more in our September 2021 Audio of the Month and why true communication is so important and liberating.
Full circle to the truth
The first time I was introduced to anything spiritual was when we visited my great aunt’s place when I was nine years old. She was renowned in the town where they lived for reading the cards and being very accurate in her foretelling.
The entrapment of circulation energy
How are we choosing to live? Are we searching for, absorbing and repeating information, or are we being guided by our own innate wisdom?
Connection, Energy, Soul, Truth, Wisdom
My leap out of spirituality and back to the truth
I reconnected to the Ageless Wisdom and there is indeed inside us all an 'infinite well of wisdom' that is awaiting re-ignition.
Nominating leads to wisdom
In this New Year Audio of the Month for January 2022, Serge Benhayon presents on our ability to take stock and the power of nomination.
How do we know if our choice around food is a true one?
Do we choose food based on what our body says, or based on what we have been told is good for us?
The lie and the truth of the One Life
We are living a collective lie – that we have only one life, that we are born, we live in a linear way as we age and then we die, leaving it all behind and never coming back, so we had better make the most of it while we are here.
Shakespeare and The Ageless Wisdom
Shakespeare’s works have been examined and re-examined ad infinitum but never have they been placed within the context of the Ageless Wisdom, where they belong, until now.
Body image – inside out
Body image - Why and when did dissatisfaction with our outer appearance arise?
Not your typical man
Men find themselves under pressure to be the ‘typical man’ in today’s society, but what is a ‘typical man’? This article explores the premise that the ’typical man’ is an illusion.
Breathing my own breath
How do yoga, a healthy lifestyle and being an earnest seeker of truth fit with a diagnosis of breast cancer? How does this make sense?
Shakespeare anyone?
A new understanding of Shakespeare’s plays in the light of The Ageless Wisdom, their true and only source as opposed to the fluff and attention-seeking hyperbole that abound and vigorously vie for our attention.
Longing for retirement
Retirement is viewed as a well deserved right by most people. But are we all missing out when we place so much emphasis on reaching retirement and what is the quality of our relationship with work in the meantime?
Teachings & Revelations Volume IV – review
An indispensable compendium of conveyed wisdom for us all, in a world plagued by lies and untruths, where abuse in all its forms is normalised and general lovelessness dominates the model of life.
Consciousness; breaking the human paradigm
Ever wondered what consciousness is, how we interact with it and its purpose? Could we be seeking an explanation of consciousness in all the wrong places and if so, why? And what if human consciousness is not human at all?
Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Energy, Soul, Technology, Truth
Reading Serge Benhayon’s books
Reading Serge Benhayon’s books is an experience like no other; it is a surrender into what we already are. Moreover, it does not end on closing them, but continues in a different form.
Our Living Way: The Cycle of Life and Death and Reincarnation
Our existence is commonly narrowed down to being only about the human life cycle. What if that represents only a small fraction of what is going on within a much larger context?